Axis in Iceland
I attempted to use Iceland as an “unsinkable” aircraft carrier for Germany, I controlled the island with ease. However I was not able to keep the island as I raided Greenland forgot about the Naval Base on the Eastern US. The battle turned into a Guadalcanal for Germany and the Allies. It kept the Allies from anywhere else in the Atlantic, but was not as successful as I thought.
Your thoughts?
Iceland would be rather easy for the Germans to get early in the game, but nearly impossible to keep long term. If you stage ftrs at Iceland to scramble to protect your navy, you would also need ground units placed in Iceland to protect your air units. The UK and US are able to double hit you (turn order) possibly having the USA overpowering your navy/air, then UK invading Iceland by sea to clean up. The US could even SBR your air base from London (using a carrier to bring in ftrs as escorts) and allow the UK to kill off any naval units you have there w/o air cover. Plus you would be dedicating a lot of resources at a fixed location for very little gain that would be better spent elsewhere giving you a dual threat.
Utilizing the W German air/naval base allows you to keep fleet in the North Sea (sz112) and buying a carrier would give you much more flexibility IMO. From there you can threaten Iceland, Gibraltar, England and Russia directly and you can also seek refuge in the Baltic if things get out of hand.
Well said, thanks for the comment.
I like to take Iceland as Germany to deny UK Europe the original territories bonus. But holding it is something of an impossible dream.
Shin Ji said it as I see it. It is only a way to slow down the UK. Not to be depended on for a strategy. The war is won and lost in Russia. Do not be diverted .
I only like to take Iceland if I have already taken London. Then it makes a good forward base for operations against Canada and maybe even the US.
Of course, this only occurs if things on the Eastern front are kind of stagnating. This occasionally happens if Russia has all defensive units protecting Moscow and I only have enough force to keep Russia from attacking but not enough to actually take Moscow.
If I have already taken Moscow, then I think the game is over.
If I am doing good in Russia and getting close to taking Moscow, I probably won’t be going after Iceland. It will probably be hard enough to keep hold of London from the Americans.
If Russia is coming on strong, of course I won’t be playing around in Iceland. Have to beat back those Red Hoards. -
You should be taking Iceland as a stepping stone for your American invasion with both Germany and Japan.
You should be taking Iceland as a stepping stone for your American invasion with both Germany and Japan.
As depicted here in one of Frank Capra’s Why We Fight films:
But Iceland represents an awesome base for a US invasion of Norway. I’ve never thought of that before. If the Kreigsmarine attack they need to either abandon convoying SZ109 or divide their forces. The surrounding sea zone is reachable by strategic bombers but not land based fighters. I’ll have to try this move next time as allies.
Perhaps this is the move the OP was thinking of blocking?
Regarding attacking Greenland, if you can get that far why not attack Quebec? Stops a turn of production from the facility there, presumably slowing down efforts to regain SZ109. Attacking Greenland only robs US of a landing field they don’t need, unless I’m missing something?
Regarding attacking Greenland, if you can get that far why not attack Quebec? Stops a turn of production from the facility there, presumably slowing down efforts to regain SZ109. Attacking Greenland only robs US of a landing field they don’t need, unless I’m missing something?
That was the plan, force the Allies to place some focus on otherwise “safe” territories. My U-boats controlled the Atlantic and I was using original units for this ploy.
I like to take Iceland as Germany to deny UK Europe the original territories bonus. But holding it is something of an impossible dream.
I like to take Cypress for that same reason. Depending on the situation it could take the UK a couple turns to get it back. Might even cost them a transport or some fleet.
I like to take Iceland as Germany to deny UK Europe the original territories bonus. But holding it is something of an impossible dream.
I like to take Cypress for that same reason. Depending on the situation it could take the UK a couple turns to get it back. Might even cost them a transport or some fleet.
I like it, the two games I have played Cypress hasn’t played any role.
Regarding attacking Greenland, if you can get that far why not attack Quebec? Stops a turn of production from the facility there, presumably slowing down efforts to regain SZ109. Attacking Greenland only robs US of a landing field they don’t need, unless I’m missing something?
That was the plan, force the Allies to place some focus on otherwise “safe” territories. My U-boats controlled the Atlantic and I was using original units for this ploy.
The problem there is that they are “safe” territories because they are easy to defend. Attacking your opponent’s strong points in preference to attacking weak points is generally not a sound strategy.
How about Scotland as an unsinkable aircraft carrier for the Axis? At least it’s two turns away from the US Navy’s production. With Strategic bombing on London it’s difficult for the UK to produce too many units there.
I guess once you’re able to consolidate in Scotland, London is in a lot of danger anyway.
YES! Liberate Scotland from the English jackboot.Re-enforce with Italian fighters,build MIC and march down the M1 to London town.