• Some of the ads are normal, like amazon.  But what is with the rest of em?  Polls on gay marriage, anti-bush bumper stickers, pro Che merchandice?  Is this place turning into democraticunderground.com  or something?

  • I think the site makes loot for each click. This loot is used to maintain the site. We should probably all take a few minutes and click on a few now and then if this is the case. Is this the case?

  • @frimmel:

    I think the site makes loot for each click. This loot is used to maintain the site. We should probably all take a few minutes and click on a few now and then if this is the case. Is this the case?

    Yes, this is how ads generate money for the site.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I don’t think the moderators get to pick what ads show up.  Maybe they do.  But I think it might be more of a switch that’s either on or off.

    BTW, I click on all the ads.  I immediately close the windows afterwards, but what the hey.  Sometimes the democrats on this board are right and I have to change my opinion. :) (Usually not, but once or twice they’ve convinced me of an error in my own logic.)

  • The ad system is pretty sophisticated actually.

    Google takes a look at the information on the webpage (the text of your posts) that you are viewing. It then decides which ad that someone reading this thread would be interested in. Amazon does the same thing.

    So if we are talking about board games, you’ll see ads for board games. If there is a thread about President Bush, you’ll see someone selling an anti-Bush pin. I’ve seen ads for polling agencies, video games, and other things.

    It’s all automatic. Pretty cool if you ask me.

  • Obviously this thread is about the difficult decisions in life.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    If by loot you mean pennies, then yes, loot. I will admit, pennies to ad up and the ad clickage does cover most of the costs.

    Thank you to those who click on the ads.

    For the curious, clicking on the Amazon ads doesn’t generate “loot.” That will only generate loot if you actually end up buying something from Amazon as a result of clicking on the link. It doesn’t have to be that thing but a purchase has to be made.

  • I’ve seen ads for “both sides” if you want to see it that way, but knew it was entirely dependent on the text of the forums.  No one is deliberately choosing one ad or another for display.

    If you didn’t know by now, Google is an advertising company…

    Next bit of killjoy:  Why the “I’m feeling lucky” button brings up humorous website selections based on specific phrases.

  • The only thing that kind of gets to me is that Amazon for some reason thinks that I am interested in Yanni’s new book.

  • we should link to Avalon hill and they should be paying us for doing that… after all we promote their games

  • @Imperious:

    we should link to Avalon hill and they should be paying us for doing that… after all we promote their games

    I suggest that the folks who visit and use this site are keeping them in business especially the minis guys. They are getting the better part of 50 of my dollars later this year. Buying some ads would be good PR.

  • what does it mean if all of the ads on the bottom are for Indian marriage services?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    what does it mean if all of the ads on the bottom are for Indian marriage services?

    Nothing, I get a lot of those too….last I checked I wasn’t interested in getting a wife.

  • Either cyber psche, or bad programming… am I closet che supporter?  They should fix their way of advertising.  Although I have to say it worked.  I did do a poll from this board.  Let the junk mail begin!

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