Merry CHRISTMAS and your New Years resolutions…

  • Achtung!

    I wish you all get what you deserve in the end… Merry Christmas!

    I would like each forum member to list at least one resolution for their conduct in these forums so that 2006 will be a year without stupid bikering about nonsense. WE can chat about politics but the reality is nothing is changed from our perspectives. We do sharpen our debating skills, while the level of hostility level at times tests the furthest limits of reasoning and can be exacerbating to those who are even level thinkers. The “Axe” simply must be left to dull and the battle sabres should be left at the door for we all share a fellowship of similar values in playing with toy soldiers and rolling dice while we should have moved on the better things long ago, we find ourselves fixated with conflict with ourselves and others. I for one affirm to these values and endeavor to stimulate thought rather than foolish contempt.

    my resolution:

    1. Don’t try to start a thread about giant crabs and insert any ideas that may be extrapolated against me. (e.g. state something along the lines " Giant Crabs are real big aren’t they?" Leave gravity out of the sentence  or that sets up a Pandora’s box of death.

    2. Publish links to support points at all times. (e.g. “The weather is cold” post the entire catalog of historical weather patterns since records began.)

    3. Don’t make any grammatical errors. ( e.g. “I read that boook” - or somebody will think your illiterate or never passed the first grade)

    4. Don’t sway from the original topic too much. (e.g. “the weather is cold”… yes i think the weather is cold, boy is it cold, it has changed from hot to cold gee wiz)

    5. Don’t post topics that are over peoples heads or make them too long… Some of us can post volumes, but the message is lost if it contains more than 2 paragraphs of information… If you write a 10 pager then … nobody will reply unless they hold a doctorate in that topic.

  • I like my ten page replies. You should see what I write on baseball message boards. I think I’ve written 500 word posts before.

    I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas or just a nice little relaxation period this upcoming weekend.

    For the Jewish, I wish you a Merry Chinese Takeout Food Day.

  • Sorry, I did half a decade on a list called Witch Wars.  You want to talk about some LONG posts?  And HIGH volume… one month we averaged a post every 6 minutes, for the entire month (do the math…)

    I am sometimes long winded, sometimes very brief; depends on the complexity of the subject matter.

    My resolution:  I will not be constrained to “sound bite” posts.  If something requires a few more words to fully explain, I’ll use those words.  I’ll repeat myself if folks missed the point the first 9 times :-P

    If you do not care to read my posts, scan down (I do that to some folks, so you can do it to me too) :-)

    And I will TRY to post some strategies that are not dependent upon the actions of Japan :-)

    Beyond that, don;t ever expect me to go against individual liberty, individual responsibility, and adherence to the Rule of Law, most notably the Constitution.  THAT particular law is NOT up for negotiation, debate, or being set aside for “convenience”

  • I’m going to ignore “resolutions” that are basically posted in order to comment on other posters’ behaviour.

  • Oh, and forgot the holiday message…

    Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanza, Blessed Solstice, Cool Yule, Happy New Year (secular), Happy Holidays, Season’s Greetings, Happy Boxing Day, Maritime Day, Forefather’s Day…

    And perhaps most important for this board… the 59th Anniversary of the official end of WWII (Dec 31, 1946)

  • 59th Anniversary of the official end of WWII (Dec 31, 1946)

    HUH? it was over in Sept 45 right?

    Please explain this difference…

  • I resolve to drink less. It’s becoming a problem. I’m half in the bag right now. Going through a rough time, psychologically (depersonalization, if anyone cares, lol). I propose a new saint: Saint Peter Vella! (for those not in the know, Peter Vella makes farily decent boxed wine).

    Edit: I like IL’s resolutions. Good luck with them!
    Further Edit: Sheesh, what a sad resolution.

  • @Mary:

    I resolve to drink less. It’s becoming a problem. I’m half in the bag right now. Going through a rough time, psychologically (depersonalization, if anyone cares, lol). I propose a new saint: Saint Peter Vella! (for those not in the know, Peter Vella makes farily decent boxed wine).

    Edit: I like IL’s resolutions. Good luck with them!
    Further Edit: Sheesh, what a sad resolution.

    Well…I was going to make a joke about not drinking anymore when I read & reply to excuse my posts, but… (obviously a faux pas - sorry about your situation, Mary)

    I guess I’ll just have to layoff the crack instead!  :roll:    <— looks like a crackhead, right?

    P.S.  Will have to try the Peter Vella, although I’m mostly a beer & bourbon kind of guy.

  • @Imperious:

    59th Anniversary of the official end of WWII (Dec 31, 1946)

    HUH? it was over in Sept 45 right?

    Please explain this difference…

    Just going by a listing of December Holidays that I found on the web.  Somehow the “official” end was Dec 31, 1946.  Probably had something to do with the initial agreements regarding the occupation forces and the division of Germany.  Would ahve to do research to know for sure.

  • I’m sure its sept 1st 1945, because i flew to Hawaii as a VIP to commerate the 60th anniversary of the end of WW2. I even chatted with Admiral Roughead, commander of the pacific fleet and Linda Lingle who is the Governor of Hawaii. At our time it was Sept 2nd, but in Tokyo bay it was Sept 1st. They even had 3 jets fly over, played taps and played MacArthur’s original broadcast ending with “these proceedings are over.” Perhaps their was some Japanese army still fighing on one of the bypassed islands. A lot of stories of soldiers still fighting the war many years latter.

  • OK, I did a quick search, here is the answer regarding 12-31-46

    Truman Declares Hostilities Ended, Terminating Many Wartime Laws; Republican Chiefs Commend Action
    51 Statutes to Die Government’s Power to Seize Plants and 1 1/2 Billion Taxes to Go 18 of Laws End at Once States of Emergency and War Continue-Sudden Action a Surprise to Washington
    Special to The New York Times

    Washington, Dec. 31–President Truman in a surprise proclamation terminated formally the period of hostilities in World War II as of noon today.

    The action was announced by the President personally at a suddenly called news conference this forenoon at which he said:

    “The time has come when such a declaration can properly be made, and it is in the public interest to make it.”

    At the same time he emphasized that the states of emergency that were proclaimed by the late President Roosevelt in 1939 and 1941 and the state of war itself, which presumably will run until peace treatise have been terminated. They would require action by Congress, he pointed out.

    The state of hostilities, a term covering the period of actual fighting and one used in defining the duration of many war-time statues, alone was involved in the President’s proclamation, but this served to terminate immediately eighteen emergency laws and scheduled for expiration six months from now or later provisions of thirty-three other statutes.

  • actually the end of WWII was when the Berlin wall came down and germany was reunited. that was the last thing left over from WWII. but some people say that since Israel went to the Jews as a result of WWII, the war isn’t really over. but for me the war ended when the Japanese gave up and my grandpas came home

    merry Christmas
    new years resolution
        i was thinking of joining the minute men, i think thats what i will do. that and i always donate my time at the local animal shelter.

  • you were in hawaii, on sept 2nd, and you claim that it was sept 1st in Tokyo?  :-o

  • you were in hawaii, on sept 2nd, and you claim that it was sept 1st in Tokyo?

    Tokyo time is (before) Hawaii time. example if its 5pm in Tokyo it may be 12am in Hawaii (next day) i am not sure how many hours difference it is only that i was sitting not more than 30 feet from the rear main turret on Sept 2nd 2005.

  • Actually, that is Back Assward :-P

    The new day begins at the International Date Line (approx 180 degrees East or West Longitude) and the new day proceeds around the world to the west.  If you are in Hawaii it is tomorrow in Tokyo.

    That is why the first New Years celebrations are in the Pacific islands, then we see Australia’s celebrations, then moving west into Europe, and finally to the US.

  • the west coast of USA is 3 hours before the east coast, so why is japan and Hawaii any different?

  • You are thinking backward, and forgetting that between Hawaii and Tokyo is the International Date Line.

    Here, go to this link, and compare Honolulu to Tokyo (as I look at this, it is 1:00 this afternoon (Friday) in Honolulu, and 8:00 a.m SATURDAY morning in Tokyo)

  • Well that seems correct, but i wonder at which point on the globe from an area more west than tokyo makes the tokyo time count after?
    for example Kuwait city is 6 hours before tokyo time so it can be friday in Kuwait, while in tokyo its Saturday. Where is the break even point if you get my drift?

  • @Imperious:

    Well that seems correct, but i wonder at which pointon the globe from an area more west than tokyo makes the tokyo time count after?

    Vladivostok, Sydney, Suva (capital of Fiji), New Zealand, etc.

    If I am reading your post correctly.

  • ok got it thanks! WOW

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