Panzerpenguin on utube has a digital 36 game. This may provide you with an alternative. I’ve never tried it I’m more into the table top variety
Global War, 2nd edition - due 1\. November 2015
Wild Bill is right, the play aids and map are really cool. If I get a chance, I will post pictures, sometime, as well. :-D
Maybe I missed it, but is there a 39 setup ? Or do you use the 36 setup but just jump to 39 ?
All they have ready right now is the 36 set-up, Coach (HGB) said they’ll have the 39 set-up out in a couple weeks (which hopefully means by the end of the month). Still waiting on the Anz Nation Ref Sheet BTW.
I have started to setup the units on my map (bought the 4’ x 8’), and it looks awesome. You get two, 2 sided battle boards (attack/def on opposite sides) and they are much bigger then I expected (6.5" x 20"), so there won’t be any problem fitting units on it. The tech, production, and build boards are also large and top notch too. All the player aids are made of vinyl so they won’t peel or crack like the card board ones.
I have the main powers set-up, and once I get some of the neutrals done (scavenging for units) l will try to post some pics.
I sent a link with all the downloads, if you did not receive it, email me at doug@historicalboardgaming dot com and I will send you the link.
Thanks -
John, as HBG has not updated their European store with GW2.0 yet, your pictures are the only chance us Europeans has of seeing this marvelous game. Please post asap :-P
John, as HBG has not updated their European store with GW2.0 yet, your pictures are the only chance us Europeans has of seeing this marvelous game. Please post asap :-P
Munck, I will try by this weekend, if possible. I’ve very busy this time of year, but I will do my best. :-)
For now.
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Thanks SS, for posting the map. :-)
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Also if you put the Production chart and Tech chart against a metal board, the magnets stick to the stryene charts. Saves me time by not having to make a metal board with stripes and numbers .
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Crusaderiv, This map I think would be better for me to use with your game. Got the low territory values and starting money is close to yours.
SS, thanks for sharing.
I assume you have the large version - it looks huge (awesome!)
If the new game mechanics are what they seem from reading the rules, it will be difficult to go back to A&A global!
Yes 4’ x 8’ map. I’ve only played G40 once. Otherwise yes no going back. All G39’s games for me.
Maybe I missed it, but is there a 39 setup ? Or do you use the 36 setup but just jump to 39 ?
All they have ready right now is the 36 set-up, Coach (HGB) said they’ll have the 39 set-up out in a couple weeks (which hopefully means by the end of the month). Still waiting on the Anz Nation Ref Sheet BTW.
I have started to setup the units on my map (bought the 4’ x 8’), and it looks awesome. You get two, 2 sided battle boards (attack/def on opposite sides) and they are much bigger then I expected (6.5" x 20"), so there won’t be any problem fitting units on it. The tech, production, and build boards are also large and top notch too. All the player aids are made of vinyl so they won’t peel or crack like the card board ones.
I have the main powers set-up, and once I get some of the neutrals done (scavenging for units) l will try to post some pics.
I sent a link with all the downloads, if you did not receive it, email me at doug@historicalboardgaming dot com and I will send you the link.
ThanksDoes that mean the 1939 setup is out, or are you referring to the ANZAC reference sheet?
Where’s Sophiedog2 ? NO. the 39 setups are not out. The Anzac is for the 36 setup which is out only if you buy the game.
Where’s Sophiedog2 ? NO. the 39 setups are not out. The Anzac is for the 36 setup which is out only if you buy the game.
I forgot my password and my computer went down.
Can the Soviets use their rail factory ability on any turn? I could not find a restriction. I would think it should be triggered by war with a major power and enemies inside Russia, however it seems like the Soviets can move factories in July 1936.
On the French and Great Britain reference sheet the following peacetime income modifiers exist.
France - “2D12 Axis initiates war with any country.”
Britain - “2D12 IPP Axis declares war on ANY OTHER country.”Japan declares war on China. I am sure it is not the intention of the rules for WWII to breakout at the start of Japan-Chinese conflict, however what constituents “any country” for these powers? Or should Axis be changed to Germany?
Britain has this modifier “D12 IPP Axis declares war on USSR.” If Germany, Japan, and Italy declare on USSR does this result in 1d12 or 3d12? -
What happens when lend lease passes enemy ships, the rules don’t say?
pics at bottom of the 36 set-up
I used different color chips under inf to show the different types
Yellow- mountain inf
white - mobile inf
green - marines (once I can place them)
black- power special forcesgray/blue - more of the same unit
Swapped around some of the power colors from a typical g40 game to keep similar colors away from each other (also the turn order).
Germany - black/some units gray
Russia- maroon/some red
Com China -red (base of china inf painted red)Japan - orange/some yellow
UK -tan
FEC- brown
Anz - lime greenItaly - grey (Anz’s color)
France- blue
USA - green
China - limeUsed mostly grey or white (painted UK) for the nurtals or minor powers.
Used risk pieces for militia and cavalry. Seems to work well color wise and the risk inf are much smaller then AA units so they are easy to tell that they are militia. Plus most militia can’t move (only def) so you can use the same color for multiple powers.
Used units from revised to fill what I needed for neutrals etc…
Used the revised lime green for Anz (and Poland). Was going to use them for India, but didn’t want to mix them up with China (too close)
I used units from my orig 1980’s AA game for the following because they are similar in color, but different enough to use for the new units I just don’t have (yet) for the major powers, neutrals or minor powers to play the game.
inf - � for some of the minor/neutrals
tanks- light arm � (colors close enough)
bmr - med bmr
subs- coastal sub
transports -coastal torpedo boats (looks like they have a bunch of guns on deck lol)
battleships- for cruisers (about the same size, and wrote cruiser on the bottom just in case)
carriers - for light carriers (or just wrote a 1 or 2 on normal carriers for air craft allowed)
ftrs- for air transport**noticed I had an extra tank (med tank) on Berlin at set-up. I removed it from my map (but it’s still in the picture). There is only supposed to be a light tank in the 36 set-up.
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What happens when lend lease passes enemy ships, the rules don’t say?
If you look on page 30 under interdiction it states that if Submarine is on the path it gets an interdiction roll. Since lend lease routes are not escorted this would be a 1d6+2 (+4 if Advanced Sub) versus a d6 for the lender. If it is a unit any damage kills the unit. If it is money then IPP value reduced by damage.
Surface ships do not damage lend lease but may blockade. If 3 ships in a zone that zone is blockaded and lend lease would have to find an other way. If not alternate path exist then the lend lease is held until next turn and delivery is tried again.
Munck, and others, I finally got my Global Setup done. I hope you enjoy the pictures.
First picture is North America and the second picture is South America.
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Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
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Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
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Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
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Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
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Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
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Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
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Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
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Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
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Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
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Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
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Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
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Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
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Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
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Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
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Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
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Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
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Global 1936 Setup 002.JPG_thumb
Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
Global 1936 Setup 002.JPG_thumb
Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
Global 1936 Setup 002.JPG_thumb
Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
Global 1936 Setup 002.JPG_thumb
Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
Global 1936 Setup 002.JPG_thumb
Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb
Global 1936 Setup 001.JPG_thumb