Can you give me the link of your game? I have seen the video in your post, it’s quite good
bubble shooter
Global War - Neuschwabenland, The New Berlin-1936 Expansion Set
Problem solved, topic can be deleted.
Do you believe that something is missing? If so, I would recommend contacting HBG. Mr. Friend is very good about fixing messed up orders and missing pieces - excellent customer service. According to the website, the set is supposed to include (unless you ordered extra raktenjaegers):
Set Contents
Secret Base Marker (x1)
Base 211 marker (x1)
Hs-117 Marker (x1)
Militia Marker (x1)
SS Marker (x2)
Raktenjaeger Marker (x1)
German Infantry (x2)
Do-16 Seaplane (x1) 3d printed
Swabenland Transport (x1) 3d printed
Type XI Submarine (x1) 3d printed
Type XXVI Submarine (x1) 3d printed
Raktenjaeger Soldier (x1) 3d printed -