subs only fire preemtive when a ship other than a DD or CA ( and sub) is not present as they have no ASW capability. this has not changed. In this case if you have a CA or DD then they fire back.
Thats not my interpertation of the OOB.
I think SS always fire in opening-fire. Presence of DD only allows your casualties to stay and be removed later rather than in opening-fire.
Secondly, I was talking about realism not how it works in the proposed rule. Surely the defending destroyers have more to worry about than the attacking destroyers and can’t fight as well.
+++ what would be better?
My quick solution, pulled out of thin air, is a -1 modifer for DDs wishing to perform ASW rolls. Screening, a relative passive job, however does not cause -1 modifier.
FTR and BMB could also say get -1 modifier for wishing to perform ASW rolls.
Its already generous when you think about it.
If not then when 1 DD + 1 SS attacks 1 DD….the defending DD would basically get to shoot twice while the attacking ships shoot once each. A bit strange.
1 DD provides early warning against submarine attack for whole fleet so casualties are not removed in opening-fire.
Is that realistic?
Air supremacy
When only one side has air units, those air units fire preemptively.
     Land Combat          Naval Combat
FTR  opening-fire, selective?  opening-fire, selective?
BMR  opening-fire?          opening-fire?
What about hit allocations?