I don’t think it says either way, which is why I have all these questions.
adding an oil resource to Iran or Iraq for UK on the 1939 map may pose a conflict with existing rules. Both have oil wells on them already. Unless you are going to change them from neutral to UK territory UK can not be the aggressor and take them by force (per your rules stating the US and UK are non-aggressive. If you are going to give UK control at the start, I suggest Iraq which borders Trans-Jorden which is already UK controlled.
Yes, exactly
I think the map is just fine then…. the UK player derives his oil from Iraq ( no kidding) and if Iraq falls into Axis hands the Uk player will face oil shortage as per rules…
Historically England controlled Iraq so that it can continue to get oil, and when a pro German tribal leader Rachid Ali took over:
In May 1941, in the midst of a World War, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill ordered his reluctant Commander-in-Chief Middle East, General Sir Archibald Wavell, to march on Baghdad to effect a “regime change.” The British Prime Minister’s arguments reflected many of those same concerns expressed today by members of the George W. Bush administration: British intervention would “pre-empt” Axis support for Rachid Ali, a violently anti-British Arab nationalist whose government threatened Britain’s strategic position in the Mediterranean and the Middle East. It would strike a blow at a terrorist challenge orchestrated by a charismatic Islamic cleric. British intervention also would protect oil reserves vital to the British war effort. Furthermore, Churchill was willing to wave aside offers of third-party mediation in favor of a “unilateralist” approach. Conversely, Wavell’s arguments against an invasion of Iraq mirrored contemporary objections—he simply lacked the resources to add Iraq to an impossibly extensive list of military commitments. A military attack, Wavell believed, would make Britain’s position in the Middle East less, not more, secure. Better let sleeping dogs lie and take care of pressing business elsewhere.
So your idea is the perfect solution, if UK feels the Axis are getting too close to Iraq, they may invade it in order to protect their oil imports…. Thats the official word on UK… if they lose Iraq or it turns diplomatically axis, they need to secure its oil or face oil crunch. BTW Iran was also INVADED by both Soviets and UK, so they had backup in case Iraq did fall.
Just goes to show you IL…the more things change (70+ years) the more things stay the same.
Anyway, I like the proposed ruling alot so let me see if I have it straight. 1939. UK gets its oil from Iraq. UK is able to protect its oil reserve by military force if necessary. They can occupy Iraq if political diplomacy goes to the axis at a -3, where I assume UK’s oil flow would stop. If occupied by Axis or Russia, UK can liberate Iraq which would automatically make it a +5 ally. I think our group may include Iran as an oil producer as well as that will give UK a fighting chance and Germany/Italy/and Russia something to consider strategically.
We will let you know how this plays out. Many thanks.
Anyway, I like the proposed ruling alot so let me see if I have it straight. 1939. UK gets its oil from Iraq. UK is able to protect its oil reserve by military force if necessary. They can occupy Iraq if political diplomacy goes to the axis at a -3, where I assume UK’s oil flow would stop.
yes indeed, they would have to secure another source…invade Iraq or Iran or even Arabia or face oil effects.
If occupied by Axis or Russia, UK can liberate Iraq which would automatically make it a +5 ally. I think our group may include Iran as an oil producer as well as that will give UK a fighting chance and Germany/Italy/and Russia something to consider strategically.
Yes right thats it. Iran or Arabia because alternate oil source for UK. However, we could make allow coexist rules for Iran for UK and Russians due to the actual collaborating invasion. it would be an exception to the rule about Soviet Xenophobia.
I’m envious… I’m going to have to build me a 1939 map and try and get someone to play it!
Bierwagan, have you seen the 1939 map IL has created? Not sure if anyone else was involved in that project or not as it has several obvious changes from AARHE’s 1941-42 map.
Our group actually likes the 1939 map better as many of the territories have been divided up to reflect the time and added play. To our group, it offers much greater strategic play options as several countries now have to occupy the territories given to them in the 1942 version. We just started using it and first look we thought it may be somewhat allied sided. This promted the discussion above re: oil reserves. Plus, Japan, Germany and Italy start at a much lower IPC total than US, UK, France and China.
However, US doesn’t enter the war until turn 5 unless attacked. There are other restrictions limiting the initial starting IPCs for the allies. If you haven’t seen the links to the map and 1939 suppliment rules to AARHE Rules version 4.0 go here: This is IL’s link
1939 map is our supreme effort…the final stage of three levels of play.
I have a thread that contains pictures of the map with pieces…
heres that link
IL. Awesome set up. I need to ask three questions re: your map pics:
1. Where did you get the “buttons” your pieces are glued to? I can’t find anything thats close. I even thought about painting pennies or nickels (US 1 cent or 5 cent pieces) to glue my pieces on. Would be cheaper than buying anything i’ve seen.
2. Where did you get your pieces from. And what size are they? They look like 1/72 or 15 mm. Having trouble finding good quality but inexpensive artillery, tanks, planes and ships.
3. What size did you blow your map to?
1. Where did you get the “buttons” your pieces are glued to? I can’t find anything thats close. I even thought about painting pennies or nickels (US 1 cent or 5 cent pieces) to glue my pieces on. Would be cheaper than buying anything i’ve seen.
Washers bought from “do-it center” Hillman fender washers– 1/8x3/4— item # 290001— box of 100 for $5 bucks…you can find them on internet and order
2. Where did you get your pieces from. And what size are they? They look like 1/72 or 15 mm. Having trouble finding good quality but inexpensive artillery, tanks, planes and ships.
Its all stuff 15mm infantry, 1/285 miroarmor, 1/2400 scale naval… about a buck each piece and if you place a large order shipping is free
3. What size did you blow your map to?
60x36 from AAA flag and banner for about $155 bucks printed on 1/4 thick plastic sheets with vinyl decal applied. you send the link and money they print and ship.