All mixed!!!
I’m a big fan lately of grouping all my sculpts by unit type rather than individually by nation/color. This seems to work particularly well for keeping ships and aircraft organized. I do this to facilitate faster gameplay, hotseat style! With less time spent unit fishing, and less time putting away pieces as we go. It’s purely functional for me at this point. I want to make it as easy as possible for players to grab and go, and to know what each unit looks like for each nation.
Right now for example, instead of separately bagging each nation, and each sculpt type for that nation (which used to take tons of small dime bags, or compartmentalized pill/tackle boxes), I will put all units of the same type together in one larger container!
E.g. All battleships together, destroyers together, all fighters together, all bombers, all infantry, all tanks etc. regardless of color or edition. Each generic unit type gets its own box, and you put all the units of this type inside of it mixing Russians, Brits, Americans, Japanese and Germans all together, but keeping each unit type distinct in its own box.
See image below for an idea of what I mean… that snap was Mid Game when Germany had already bought a ton of artillery, but you can see how easy they are to distinguish by color, when the shapes are already organized into separate “grouped by unit type” containers…
The idea here is that it’s a lot easier to fish by color than by shape. This makes it really easy to grab pieces quickly or to toss them back, without cluttering things up. And requires less boxes/bags to manage. For a game like 1942.2, I have dozen clear container boxes, again, one big box for each unit type, but mixed together with all national colors.
I also like to have a single box/bag for the chips too, and one for things like factory markers (in 42.2 I use pieces from another game for ICs, Red for Axis factories, Blue for Allies, which is fun for prestige when you capture the factory for your side, since it changes color! haha). I still bag the roundels separately by nation, but if the rondels were double sided (instead of blank on the back) that would eliminate the need, and allow me to box the roundels just like I do the units, altogether. Wishes for future editions.
I can say that since I went with the method of mixing the colors together, but keeping the sculpts separate by basic unit type, the purchase phase seems to go much faster with my players. Returning casualties to their boxes is simpler too. You just throw them in the box with all the other units of that type (regardless of nation.) Just pull and toss, since they all end up in the same box with other units of that type.
It seems counter intuitive to mix the nations like this, but I think its actually a lot more efficient. It also helps players to learn what the enemy’s sculpts look like relative to their own, since they will all fish from the same box. The color combination looks very “Thanksgiving camouflage” when you box like that, which is somehow inspiring to me, since I always game A&A on Thanksgiving haha ;)
To expand to the G40 roster, you really only need 2 more boxes, one for TacB’s and one for Mech, but it works the same basic way.
Fishing by color out of a collective/grouped unit box, is way faster than fishing by shape out of a separate box for every single nation. Better to break them up by type I think just for ease of gameflow.

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