Putting everything in perspective, +1 Move Bonus from Naval Base create a smaller Pacific Ocean and offer occasion to go faster against the main targets.
This will make for less Island Hopping than with actual set-up combined to only Air Base-like bonus for Islands.
It is already possible to cross the Pacific in 2 moves/rounds along the northern route. Along the southern route in 3. We can’t change this basic fact of the map, unless you want to start removing Naval Bases from places like Japan, W. USA, and Hawaii. TRUE.
Adding additional naval bases on worthless islands would not allow players to cross the ocean any faster than they already can, along the normal routes to the major targets. All adding additional Naval Bases would do, is to make it more worthwhile to go out of your way (not along one of the normal routes) since you would be less likely to strand your fleet. I think it would encourage more island hopping, because the bonus to movement out of new sea zone locations would put you on more/different target territories.
You convinced me on this specific point.
Say for example, that there was a Naval Base on a place like Johnston Island. Rather than going from sz 10 to Hawaii, the US player might drop down to Johnston instead. From this position they would still be on target for Iwo and Marianas, but also to Palau and Dutch New Guinea, as well as Queensland. Instead of 1 possible route (through Hawaii) now you have two routes. No one ever wants to move from sz 10 to Johnston island OOB, because you would then be trapped the following round with no movement bonus, stuck at a range of 2. The same thing could be considered from the reverse direction at a place like Marianas. OOB Japan has little incentive to put a fleet here, because once they do, they are trapped the following round. So what players usually do, is try to go from Naval base to Naval base to maximize the range on the following round. This is why there are specific routes along which fleets are always moving OOB with little or no deviation. Without the extra Naval Bases, and with no actual money at stake, I think it would be irregular to see players doing a whole lot of island hopping. Wake is like this OOB, often its airbase is just ignored by both sides.
I think its worth remembering that the game in no way restricts where you can purchase and drop a Naval Base (beyond the requirement that it border a sea zone.) So even if the island was in no way suitable, for example with no natural harbor or sheer cliffs dropping straight into the sea, right now the game doesn’t prohibit it at all. Agree.
I suppose we could try to do one better than OOB, by including starting naval bases in all suitable locations. And then any locations that aren’t suitable or with no historical analog, then those are islands where you have to actually buy a Naval Base. The logic here would be that the huge cost, is associated with creating artificial harbors.
Again though, I think the addition of NBs would do more to draw fleets and encourage island conquests than air bases. Even if air bases make much more sense from a historical and geographical point of view. I think the problem is, what to do with an airbase once you have it, if the island is totally out of the way and not in a position to see much scramble action? I guess bomber launching is always an option, but then most sz are already covered out of places like Philippines, Hawaii, or Queensland, so would players go out of there way to park bombers in other spots? Spots they’d have to conquer anyway? I still think the simplest way to change the dynamic is to up the IPC value of the islands, though this discussion of bases is interesting. The thing about a base, is that it has to serve some strategic role in your gameplan enough to draw you off the main routes and main targets, otherwise they are just bypassed. But IPCs are different, they are always a draw, and players will go out of position if there is money to be had from the move. The best option is probably a combination.
So, Naval Base are much more interesting to maximize mobility and gives an incentive. But it is at the cost of historical accuracy and if all or most of all Pacific Islands get a Naval Base it is almost like giving a 3 moves to all ships and makes Pacific a smaller area.
The northern route is the direct way for Japan against San Francisco via Aleutians, Alaska, Canada.
It is possible to launch Strategic Bombing Raid from Aleutians, since it is 3 spaces range via continental road.
But, there is no way, even by putting a regular Air Base on Aleutians, to reach San Francisco with Fighters or TacBs.
It is even harder from Hawaii, since it is not possible to launch SBR from it.
So, from Japan perspective, with a high number of aircrafts, there is no strategic or tactical advantage to win these islands.
Aircraft Carriers become mandatory.
For USA, Iwo Jima can be a parking lot of Fighters and TacBs wanting to make a full blown attack on the Japan SZ6, but not against Tokyo itself.
USA must rely on Carrier to provide an escort to any SBR and TacBR against AB or NB.
It can only be a small incentive to conquer Iwo Jima.
So, Islands cannot be used as a Carrier, even when it is only one SZ away.
Their main tactical function remains only to provide a safe landing territory for grounds units instead of staying vulnerable on transports, as ShadowHawk put it.
If the nearest Islands don’t work for Japan neither for USA, why bother about them?
Besides giving the IPCs incentive, I say that it should be try to play them as immobile Carrier when an Air Base is present.
Hence, giving the best advantage to rivalize with Carrier:
For any Pacific Islands Air Base, up to 3 ALL Fighters or Tactical Bombers on the Island are considered in the SZ, like if they were on a Carrier, for movement allowance.
If Aleutians can be a place to launch, at least, Fighters and TacBs to support an attack by IJN fleet against San Francisco SZ10,
then you get a strategic incentive to use these Islands.
On the reverse, letting USA put an AirBase on Aleutians will not be a good idea for Japan because US Fighters and Tactical Bombers will be in range to reach Japan SZ6.
For USA, an Air Base being used, as depicted above, on Iwo Jima can provide a way to SBR Tokyo with bombers escorted by Fighters.
And Iwo Air Base can lauch any number of TcBs and Fgs toward Tokyo.
That way, it becomes clear for IJN that Iwo should’nt be an easy target for USA.
Providing a tactical benefits for aircrafts support without using Carrier, seems to me an important incentive.
Of course IPC is universal ones but a revised Pacific Air Base should be try.
Revised edition rulebook page 38
“When moving your air units, you may treat island groups as part of the seazone containing them”
-An optional rule for a USA national advantage
In essence, a plane on the island is considered in the seazone for movement purposes (not combat).
So an airbase would still be required for scrambling.
Just decide which islands will fall under this rule on the gameboard
Another option is to just make airbases cheaper on islands than on mainland.
Again just decide which islands would fall in this category as certain islands such as Japan shouldn’t be considered.
To play-test maybe this kind of gambit should be tried again with this modified Pacific Air Base:
Japan into Alaska on J1