US is too weak!
Theoretically you can:
Get 4 Mech from Calcutta to Turkey for UK3 to attack.
UK can easily take Iraq on UK2 if you wish, but you relocate resources that quell Italian advances in Africa as well as relocate aircraft from Calcutta to the Middle East.Turkey is not impossible to sack as early as UK3, but I think you give up a lot of resources to do it.
Thinking long term, UK3 purchasing and placing a Minor IC in Iraq/Persia may become a strategic requirement to help reclaim a potentially lost Cairo to Italy, reinforcing or reclaiming Calcutta if it is lost to Japan, and funneling units through Turkey into Greece.
I do think the intent of Persia and Greece (plus starting UK units) was to support dealing with a pro-axis Turkey. Problem is that Greek units are generally eliminated before the Allies can activate and put them to good use. I’ve yet to see an Axis on Round 1/Round 2 that does not address the Greek territory. Allies activating Greece on the UK’s turn almost always leads to Italy sending the house there on I1, or if Italy lost the SZ, Germany handling it on G2.
Personally I don’t like the idea of 9 Axis INF so close to Egypt, so there has to be good communication between UK/US controllers to coordinate a response to that risk. Which includes some significant opportunity costs in Africa and Asia for the UK.
It is true UK can load and unload units from london every other round if I park naval there, but I can dump units in Spain with USA every other round with the same transports and less naval to defend it. I like that better.
Thats the opportunity cost. Save US IPC in Europe (to be spent in Pacific) at the cost of the UK having to play through the Middle East by sending starting resources there.
I honestly don’t think Italy would be happy to have Cairo seeing minor IC in Persia, Iraq and South Africa and honestly I don’t think Italy could keep up with 6+ units / round being placed within 3 spaces of Cairo. Additionally, you may temporarily lose Calcutta, but having a Minor in Persia puts a wrench in Japanese plans to keep it.
Italy? Man you got to shove your 14 ipc bid against that. I have never lost a game when Italy was making bank.
So UK usually does not have naval in the Atlantic. It has minors in persia and egypt and sometimes Iraq (if you hit too many times so Russia cannot get his NO there).
So you got minors there anyway and units… Italy situation handled… so you help out India / defending Russia… USA wants in on Europe but germany has 12 air units… so going to spain makes sense UK can go through turkey, USA can go through Spain, Russia can do what it does.
That is how I win with the allies on Europe without the Pacific half. That is the only way I know how to win with the allies. Everything I tried sucked. Dumping 12 guys a round on Spain kicked butt.
Otherwise it is like… I got 12 guys to drop… then I got nothin after that… It is true UK can load and unload units from london every other round if I park naval there, but I can dump units in Spain with USA every other round with the same transports and less naval to defend it. I like that better.
How are you doing this in Europe stand alone? Germany takes Russia 100% turn 6. UK might be able to take out Turkey on turn 5, but that is only if Italy is neutered in the med. Sweeden is a problem because she is 6 free guys and 3 free dollars… Taking Norway is one is your key objectives, and with him having all those extra free guys to counter you with makes it much harder.
US can attack Spain with 23 total units on turn 5. These are my buys
1. Carrier, fighter, DD =34
2. BB, 2 DD’s =36
3. 4 transports, 2 infantry =34
4. 4 transports, 3 infantry, 2 arty, tank, bomber = 63Turn 4 take Brazil with 2 transports and 1 mech. 3 transports go to Gibraltar and offload guys.
Turn 5 attack Spain with 10 infantry, 3 arty, 3 mech, 2 Tanks, 2 fighters, 2 bombers, and 2 bombards.
This looks interesting on paper because of the 1 turn shuck ability that it gives the US. What I’d like to see is how the axis would respond to this. Taking Turkey is going to cost UK a lot of guys.
My solution to the thread’s topic would be to give America a $10 “War Economy” bonus, each collect income phase that the US are at war.
Agreed. The US should have 80 income a turn, not 70.
In europe alone. I full scramble round 1 with UK. You still have enough to sink Italy. Especially if you have a sub for your bid.
UK goes full middle east. A bunch of air comes to Russia. I am not too worried about sea lion since UK 1 is 9 inf or 6 inf 1 fighter.
Chances are you will cut into Germany’s air units scrambling from UK. So it is not too bad. Even if you are playing low luck you generally get your moneys worth. 3 fighters = 2 hits then 2 more hits (2x cruiser 2x bb, germany is sending 4 hits usually sometimes sub hits so it is 5, in which case your fighters go even). SZ 111 Germany can score 2-4 hits so you expect a 2nd roll with the fighter scrambling. You get a roll @ 1 then a roll @ 4 when germany gets good dice, Germany gets bad dice you get a 3rd roll. Okay dice you get 2 rolls @ 1 (on the bright side you are not rolling @3 which you can miss and be sad).
In dice games, you may as well try to luck out early game.
I think US income is fine. I would have prefer more starting inf in central usa or east USA. A mexico inf. Anything would be welcomed.
My solution to the thread’s topic would be to give America a $10 “War Economy” bonus, each collect income phase that the US are at war.
Agreed. The US should have 80 income a turn, not 70.
Okay guys, excuse me if I’m getting this wrong, but it sounds to me like you have come up with a certain plan for the US (perhaps taking Spain to stage an offensive against the Axis) but the US can’t do it because they are not making quite enough money. Then it sounds to me like you want to add income to the US so they can use the plan.
That doesn’t exactly seem fair to me. I mean, any of the countries, Allied or Axis, could work out some sort of winning plan if you increase their income enough to make it work.
So am I missing something? -
hehheh, I like knp’s reasoning here. Evil sense of humor too :evil:.
Compared to history its income is way too low, ofc. Gamewise it is a rather fragile balance.
I was thinking the other day, why not let the USA have a slowly increasing wartime ‘NO’. For example, first turn it is at war USA gets +10 only but this increases by +5 every turn. So, +10, +15, +20, +25, +30 (on the fourth turn USA is in the war), etc. Numbers need to be worked out ofc., this is only an example.That way the average US income stays the same for the first 7 to 10 turns (depending on when Japan DOWs) but after that it becomes really large. One more reason for Japan to think twice about when to DOW exactly and such a system would hopefully erase the need to play a dragging-on game for like 12 to 20 turns. The consensus with an increasing US income should easily be that if the allies are still alive after turn 7-10 the axis will have lost because the US income becomes a real problem. It should not affect early gameplay too much, if only giving the axis a slightly better position if they wait pulling the USA into the war. Which is only fair because they will now have real low chance of winning the game after ~turn 10 or so, when the US income starts to become a real problem.
Hi guys.
Have been following, but not commenting.
For me, it goes back to the old games and the US always seeming poor compared to the, soon to be all conquering, Axis. I just think the US would have stomped up its production more, if it had needed to, if the war had gone worse for the Allies.
I was very happy when in 1940, it seemed the US had, at last, a reasonable seeming income. But it was not to be. The Germans and more especially the Japanese, can easily run up 70 IPCs and their money is there to be spent on land, without the need to cross an ocean.
Italy’s reaching 30-45 is also ridiculous. It all comes down to far too generous Axis NOs.
I only want to see a competitive US. -
Yeah I need a bid for the allies against experienced players and my opponents need a big bid against me when I am the axis.
Like a non bid solution could be +10 usa and +1 russia bomber in archangel. Otherwise it seems like +12-15 allies is the way to go.
(…)I just think the US would have stomped up its production more, if it had needed to, if the war had gone worse for the Allies.(…)
That is exactly what the US did.
All Major Powers actually. The thing with production is that a Major Power has a basic production capacity. Some of it is reserved for war production, some of it must remain for production of civil goods (food, clothes, whatever).During the course of WW2 the production of all Major Powers did not increase that much because of the conquest of new lands, but much more so because war production was geared up at the cost of civil production!
An exeption is of course the acquisition of a strategic material that lifts a certain production/utilisation inability. Oil for example. a MP can build carriers but why would it if it hasn’t got any oil to fuel it… -
Why is there no factory in Ural for Russia?
During the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941–1942, the mountains became a key element in Nazi planning for the territories which they expected to conquer in the USSR. Faced with the threat of having a significant part of the Soviet territories occupied by the enemy, the government evacuated many of the industrial enterprises of European Russia and Ukraine to the eastern foothills of the Urals, considered a safe place out of reach of the German bombers and troops. Three giant tank factories were established at the Uralmash in Sverdlovsk (as Yekaterinburg used to be known), Uralvagonzavod in Nizhny Tagil, and Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant in Chelyabinsk.
Here is Russia’s bomber Cow… Looks pretty cool, actually.
Yeah I need a bid for the allies against experienced players and my opponents need a big bid against me when I am the axis.
Like a non bid solution could be +10 usa and +1 russia bomber in archangel. Otherwise it seems like +12-15 allies is the way to go.
I’m not really a fan of bids and have never used them is any game I’ve played. I guess the reason is that it alters opening strategies, and I truly believe that opening strategies in a regular rules game should remain pure for players who plan a lot pre-game.
In europe alone. I full scramble round 1 with UK. You still have enough to sink Italy. Especially if you have a sub for your bid.
UK goes full middle east. A bunch of air comes to Russia. I am not too worried about sea lion since UK 1 is 9 inf or 6 inf 1 fighter.
Chances are you will cut into Germany’s air units scrambling from UK. So it is not too bad. Even if you are playing low luck you generally get your moneys worth. 3 fighters = 2 hits then 2 more hits (2x cruiser 2x bb, germany is sending 4 hits usually sometimes sub hits so it is 5, in which case your fighters go even). SZ 111 Germany can score 2-4 hits so you expect a 2nd roll with the fighter scrambling. You get a roll @ 1 then a roll @ 4 when germany gets good dice, Germany gets bad dice you get a 3rd roll. Okay dice you get 2 rolls @ 1 (on the bright side you are not rolling @3 which you can miss and be sad).
In dice games, you may as well try to luck out early game.
I have yet to play a Europe game with a bid. I see your logic in scrambling, and I used to see it that way too. The problem is that you really don’t have enough to take out the Italy fleet after a full scramble. Here is my Germany attacks against 110 and 111.
110: 2 subs, BB, 2 figs, 2 tacs, bomber
111: 2 subs, 2 figs, 2 tacs, bomberSea zone 110 attacker is averaging 3-5 hits in low luck. If you scramble you will average 4-5 first round. Lets say you each get 4 hits. attacker chooses 2 subs and 2 hits on the bb. Defender chooses 2 cruisers BB and french fig. Next round attacker gets 3 hits and that kills you while you kill 2 fighters. This is a net gain in terms of TUV vs. not scrambling (which would be 1-2 hits vs 5-8, but now you have a lot less that can hit Italy.
Sea zone 111 attacker is averaging 3-4 hits and defender with scramble is 2-3. Let’s say 3 hits for attack and 2 for defense. That means attacker looses 2 subs and defender looses cruiser, dd, and 1 hit on BB. Next round attacker kills you and you get 1-2 hits. Let’s say 1 hit. That means you killed an extra fighter that you wouldn’t have and had a better chance at killing both subs. Sounds like a TUV gain again, but what about Italy?
I might like scrambling 110 just to try and get lucky since you’d have to take that BB out on your turn anyways with your fighters, but you’d have to not scramble 111, so you can have that extra fighter for Italy’s fleet.
Sorry 110 should have both bombers in it. In that case you scramble 111 and leave 110 alone.
With Germany I like to preserve my aircraft especially in the early rounds. .
110: 2 subs, BB, 3 figs, 3 tacs
Defender should get 4 hits if they scramble 3 fighters and this will protect your planes from being destroyed since you can apply them to the subs and BB. If you take the ships out on the first wave then retreat the second to save the BB and your planes.111: 2 subs, 1figs, 1tacs, 2bomber
Defender should get 2 hits thus again saving your planes. -
^ Thats my standard G1 move.
I generally retreat once I’ve sunk all the ships in those two SZ. I’m not interested in trading a Ftr for Ftr with the UK, but I’ll happily wipe them out when rolling to sink all the ships.