This reminds me of the Axis strategy of buying heavy on bombers to achieve a critical mass where you can 1-shot many sectors by simply overwhelming them with too many die rolls @4.
I’ve actually used bombers in this fashion with Japan with great success in my playtests. Allied fleets don’t get big enough in the Pacific to deal with 6-8 bombers (or 10!) swooping in.
I’ve also used it to great success with Germany by sending in SS and Bombers to sink Allied fleets in the Channel or Gib.
We’ve hashed out the TT issue on another thread. Much thanks to Baron M for the math done here:
From my personal messages with Baron C, his battlecalc shows that one viable option is to make TT worth 8 IPC, and collectively all TT in combat are represented by rolling 1 die @1 on the assumption that TT are taken last as casualties and they continue to roll @1 (no insta death) until you eliminate all of them.
If you allow the defender to determine when you take casualties (IE letting you use TT as “fodder”) you need to bump their value to 10 IPC.
Either option offers a way to “balance” the TT issue you are talking about. Problem is, the amount of TT required to stage an effective landing in Europe makes 10 IPC TT very cost prohibitive.
I’d also pose that if the price goes up to 10 IPC, that TT can carry 3 units instead of two (to allow the same amount of units to arrive for the same price per unit)