Hi Garg,
After playing with your group I have come to realize that this version of Axis and Allies far exceeds previous versions, even though it has some minor bugs. I now own it for myself.
I would like these rules clarified please:
France and Vichy France:
1. How do Vichy France rules work for FIC and Saigon and the Islands in the Pacific? If Saigon is rolled as Vichy, then Japan cannot capture it for itself right?
2. If Paris falls and there are still German land attacks to be completed against French land units, but these units are rolled as Vichy, no combat occurs I assume, and Germany automatically “captures” said territory? What about naval combat?
3. Vichy ships, like land units, only sit and defend and are not controlled or moved, correct?
4. Free French territories are considered to be “UK” owned in the same way Vichy territories are “German” owned? Can the US “capture” Free French territories in Africa for example, if Paris is under Axis control? On that note, if an Ally liberates a Vichy territory, does ownership go to the liberating power or does it become “Free” French?
5. When rolling for Free French and Vichy territories, are all territories rolled for and control markers placed, and THEN movement of Legionnaires to friendly territories assigned?
6. The 5IPCs for the 2 German Inf and 1 Tank in Marseilles must be saved PRIOR to attacking France and is to be spent the MOMENT Paris falls to Germany?
7. Which territory is the French naval base in SZ53 allocated to?
8. Lend Lease.
Can US send money to more than one country per turn? Like, send $10 to London and $10 to Moscow, and $5 to ANZAC all in the same turn? When does Lend Lease occur, during the US Purchase Units phase, or during the receiving Ally’s purchase units phase?
The rule says the US may only make ONE attempt to EACH country per turn.
Does one Axis power (says “player” in rule book) roll for ALL lend lease attempts, or can different Axis powers roll for each attempt separately? ie. Germany rolls to try to intercept money going to Russia and Japan tries to intercept money going to London in the same turn?
Can US send money to Nationalist China and/or Communist China?
9. Russian Partisans.
When a partisan token appears on the board, does Russia take control of that territory or is it still in Axis control until it becomes an infantry? Since the Partisan token has a defense value, I assume combat must occur to “regain” the territory for the Axis? Can planes land in this territory if the Axis eliminate the Partisans?
10. Do SS Panzers and Heavy Tanks get +1 bonuses when combined with Tac bombers?
11. Is the Nationalist Chinese fighter limited to land territories same as Nationalist China? Can it land in Communist Chinese territories?
12. Can Naval Fighters/Tac bombers (US and Japan) target transports?
13. Can Germany move units into or through Italy when Italy is NOT at war?
14. Infantry conducting banzai attacks do NOT get the +1 bonus for being paired with an artillery, correct? That’s how I read the rule.
15. Call to Arms.
If Germany attacks Great Britain (home territories) on multiple separate turns with land units, do Infantry cost $2 for EACH of those turns, or is it once per GAME the first time Great Britain is attacked?
16. UK NO 1. +5 IPC for no German subs in the Atlantic Ocean. Which territories EXACTLY encompass the Atlantic Ocean?
17. Can Germany invade Eastern Poland AFTER turn 1 and not cause a state of war with Russia?
18. Can Kamikazes target transports?
19. If you activate a Pro-neutral country’s capital territory, does that mean that all the other territories under that country’s flag go to the activating player’s power, or must they be activated separately one at a time?
20. Can a transport carry 1 Inf and 1 AA gun, attack in an amphibious assault with the Inf, and then unload the AA gun if the territory is captured? Or does the AA gun stay on board? Can the AA gun be offloaded to a friendly territory in the same SZ if the attack fails?
21. Pg 35 of the rule book. Example 1.
“5 submarines attack 3 destroyers and 1 cruiser. 3 of the subs are detected by the 3 destroyers automatically. The other 2 subs can either stay in the battle and get first strike or may retreat to the nearest friendly sea zone….”
So, unlike G40, the subs can “retreat” to a friendly territory that is beyond their movement range? They do NOT have to retreat to a friendly SZ from which they came?
22. If 4 subs attack a destroyer which borders an airbase, the defender can scramble up to 3 planes? If so, ALL 3 planes can only roll against 1 detected sub, right?
23. Argentina is listed as an Axis Minor on the board and in the rules, but in the setup charts it is listed as a Pro Axis Neutral. How exactly is Argentina “activated”? Do German troops need to land in the capital territory to “activate” all of the territories?
If someone could clear these up it would be appreciated. Sorry if some of this is redundant.
Having played with Gargantua and his group I do like the house rules they’ve implemented. I would personally add air transports to the game instead of using bombers as airborne carriers, especially as HBG makes these sculpts. Also considering adding SP artillery.