G40 Enhanced begins. All are welcome.

  • '17 '16


    It was also a pretty uniform agreement that 7,8,10,16,18 is best for gameplay purposes.
    The method was really the only thing even debated other than carriers (15 or 16).

    To, at least, add another argument to prove that a 10 IPCs cruiser is at the right cost vs DD:

    35 cruisers A3 (D3) vs 43 Destroyers D2 (A2) = 50% vs 50% on the battlecalc.

    35/43 = 0.814 CA/DD    43/35 = 1.228 DD/CA

    0.814 * 10 IPCs/CA = 8.14 IPCs/DDs, rounding down: 8 IPCs

    1.228 * 8 IPCs/DD = 9.824 IPCs/CAs rounding up: 10 IPCs

  • To prove that the maths balance cost of Battleship unit should be 18 IPCs vs Destroyers:

    20 Battleships A4 (D4) vs 46 Destroyers D2 (A2) = 50% vs 50% on the battlecalc.

    20/46 = 0.435 BB/DD    46/20 = 2.3 DD/BB

    **0.435 * 18 IPCs/BB = 7.83 IPCs/DD, rounding up: 8 IPCs

    2.3 * 8 IPCs/DD = 18.4 IPCs/BB rounding down: 18 IPCs**

  • '17 '16


    It was also a pretty uniform agreement that 7,8,10,16,18 is best for gameplay purposes.

    To prove that the maths balance cost of Battleship unit should be 18 IPCs vs Cruiser at 10 IPCs:

    22 Battleships A4 (D4) vs 41 Cruisers D3 (A3) = 50% vs 50% on the battlecalc.

    22/41 = 0.537 BB/CA    41/22 = 1.864 CA/BB

    **0.537 * 18 IPCs/BB = 9.67 IPCs/CA, rounding up: 10 IPCs

    1.864 * 10 IPCs/CA = 18.6 IPCs/BB rounding down: 18 IPCs…**

    but surprise!!!, it could be rounding up to 19 IPCS!!!

    So if someone want a less efficient but more historically accurate over expensive BB unit:
    Battleship should be at 19 IPCs.  :-o  :-P  :roll:

    That’s the cold math.

    And it doesn’t change the balance cost of Cruiser:
    0.537 * 19 IPCs/BB = 10.2 IPCs/CA, rounding down: 10 IPCs

    Nor it changes the balance cost of Destroyers:
    0.435 * 19 IPCs/BB = 8.265 IPCs/DD, rounding down: 8 IPCs

    For my part, I prefer even numbers: 8, 10, 16, 18.

    And that the most expensive unit can be at an economic match with the more versatile DD+CA.

    And, from an historical accuracy view, Battleship have the big guns and the big armor and no smaller warship was a real match against one.
    So the combat stats can give her a little humph against smaller warships for the massive IPCs investment it takes in a game.

    And maybe vs 16 IPCs Carrier, the maths could say that it is balance at 18 IPCs (I won’t do again what KionAAA did on the other thread).

    So, it could be only against Cruiser that Battleship is under price from 1 IPCs (in fact .6 IPC)

    Sorry if it appears as numerous boring maths posts but once I catch how do the KionAAA trick, I was curious to know the results.

    Hope, this mathematical “demonstration” can also convince any skeptical about the due place of all warships units for a wargame simulation of WWII.

    So it can gain a large consensus amongst member to endorse the G40e units price change from OOB.

  • 12 DDs A2 = 17 SS D1, 50% vs 50% it is a fair and even fight.

    .71 DD A2 = 1SS D1
    (.71 DD/SS * 8 IPCs/DD) = 5.68 IPCs/Sub, it means that 7 IPCs Subs are too high cost, it should be 6 IPCs.

    Let’s try 6 IPCs Subs: 1.42 x 6 IPCs = 8.52 IPCs, that should be the balance cost of DD on offence (near a 8, so it is OK).

    1 SS A2 = 1 DD D2, 50% vs 50%
    7 IPCs better than 8 IPCs.
    Subs are better on offence but only against warship, cannot hit air units. Seems OK.
    But the A2 of Subs is less powerful than A2 of DD against warships with DDs.
    But it is difficult to ponder how less powerful?

    Yes its a conundrum because subs have a different attack on offense and defense.
    Maybe with the other cost changes subs will be less powerful anyhow, and leaving them at 6 is the best option

    35 cruisers A3 (D3) vs 43 Destroyers D2 (A2) = 50% vs 50% on the battlecalc.

    35/43 = 0.814 CA/DD    43/35 = 1.228 DD/CA

    0.814 * 10 IPCs/CA = 8.14 IPCs/DDs, rounding down: 8 IPCs

    1.228 * 8 IPCs/DD = 9.824 IPCs/CAs rounding up: 10 IPCs

    To prove that the maths balance cost of Battleship unit should be 18 IPCs vs Destroyers:

    20 Battleships A4 (D4) vs 46 Destroyers D2 (A2) = 50% vs 50% on the battlecalc.

    20/46 = 0.435 BB/DD    46/20 = 2.3 DD/BB

    0.435 * 18 IPCs/BB = 7.83 IPCs/DD, rounding up: 8 IPCs

    2.3 * 8 IPCs/DD = 18.4 IPCs/BB rounding down: 18 IPCs
    Posted on: December 12, 2013, 11:43:40 pm Posted by: Baron Munchhausen

    To prove that the maths balance cost of Battleship unit should be 18 IPCs vs Cruiser at 10 IPCs:

    22 Battleships A4 (D4) vs 41 Cruisers D3 (A3) = 50% vs 50% on the battlecalc.

    22/41 = 0.537 BB/CA    41/22 = 1.864 CA/BB

    0.537 * 18 IPCs/BB = 9.67 IPCs/CA, rounding up: 10 IPCs

    1.864 * 10 IPCs/CA = 18.6 IPCs/BB rounding down: 18 IPCs…

    but surprise!!!, it could be rounding up to 19 IPCS!!!

    So if someone want a less efficient but more historically accurate over expensive BB unit:
    Battleship should be at 19 IPCs.  shocked  tongue  rolleyes

    That’s the cold math.

    Great post.
    I wish more people could understand this.

  • Thanks!  :-D

  • @Uncrustable:

    Yes its a conundrum because subs have a different attack on offense and defense.
    Maybe with the other cost changes subs will be less powerful anyhow, and leaving them at 6 is the best option.
    Great post.
    I wish more people could understand this. Me too.

    Maybe it need to be playtested because the other warships units will be a bit more attractive for various other stategies.

    However, the 6 IPCs and Subs OOB rules still open the case of Subs acting as cheap cannon fodder.
    And there is still the case of numerous planes and 1 or 2 DDs destroying a whole bunch of Subs but loosing only DD and other “hit” from the defending Subs being lost because of the no hit vs air.

    Subs rules bother me as I posted much earlier in my own thread of newSub HR Naval Warefare.
    It goes too far for most people.

    But OOB Subs still need a real revision and Enhancement.

  • @Uncrustable:

    If the sub doesn’t submerge: it becomes a normal unit A1D1

    If the sub submerges and there is no enemy DD: it is OOB A2D1 that can retreat the battle without leaving the SZ and also retains it’s first strike ability. Can’t hit or be hit by planes.

    If the sub submerges and there is atleast 1 enemy DD: it is a A2D1 unit that cannot hit planes

    A sub can stiller never block, a destroyer is required to block a sub (OOB)

    Well this is where im at right now as far as subs, if they cost 7 that is…

    Maybe could give subs a 3rd convoy dice aswell to further boost them…

  • Sorry for this long post everybody.

    You can only read the first part to know my conclusion and past over the calculation.
    Second part is to give proof of my assumptions.

    I made it because I was pretty amazed by all the results.
    I thought everyone interested in G40e cost calculation/structure should know.



    It was also a pretty uniform agreement that 7,8,10,16,18 is best for gameplay purposes.

    To prove that the maths balance cost of Battleship unit should be 18 IPCs vs Cruiser at 10 IPCs:

    22 Battleships A4 (D4) vs 41 Cruisers D3 (A3) = 50% vs 50% on the battlecalc.

    22/41 = 0.537 BB/CA    41/22 = 1.864 CA/BB

    **0.537 * 18 IPCs/BB = 9.67 IPCs/CA, rounding up: 10 IPCs

    1.864 * 10 IPCs/CA = 18.6 IPCs/BB rounding down: 18 IPCs…**

    but surprise!!!, it could be rounding up to 19 IPCS!!!

    So if someone want a less efficient but more historically accurate over expensive BB unit:
    Battleship should be at 19 IPCs.  :-o  :-P  :roll:

    And it doesn’t change the balance cost of Cruiser:
    0.537 * 19 IPCs/BB = 10.2 IPCs/CA, rounding down: 10 IPCs

    Nor it changes the balance cost of Destroyers:
    0.435 * 19 IPCs/BB = 8.265 IPCs/DD, rounding down: 8 IPCs

    I have done other calculation of Battleships vs Carrier with 2 Fgs and 1 Fg+ 1 TcB.
    At my own surprise, the results give something different than KionAAA maths.
    And it shows that my intuition was right when I said, to keep overall balance between warships:
    lowering by 2 IPCs cruiser & BB cost imply a -1 IPC to carrier also.

    In summary, to get a statistical balance sea combat (assuming TcB is at 10 IPCs):
    if BB cost 18, then Carrier must cost 35-20 (2 Fgs) = 15 IPCs,
    if BB cost 19, then Carrier must cost 37-20 (2 Fgs) = 17 IPCs.

    The maths follow below:

    13 Cvs+26 Fgs vs 28 BBs = 50% vs 50%
    13/28= 0.464 Cv/BB  28/13= 2.154 BB/Cv

    2.154x18= 38.77 IPCs/Cv on offence
    0.464x36= 16.7 IPCs/BB on defense

    19 BBs vs 11 Cvs+22 Fgs = 50% vs 50%
    19/11= 1.727 BB/Cv  11/19= 0.579 Cv/BB

    0.579x36=20.84 IPC/BB on offence
    1.727x18=31.09 IPC/Cv on defense

    Average cost of Cv+2Fgs= (38.77+31.09)/2= 34.93 IPCs

    Average cost of BB= (16.7+20.84)/2 = 18.77 IPCs

    Same units different costs:

    13 Cvs+26 Fgs vs 28 BBs = 50% vs 50%
    13/28= 0.464 Cv/BB  28/13= 2.154 BB/Cv

    2.154x19= 40.93 IPCs/Cv on offence
    0.464x37= 17.17 IPCs/BB on defense

    19 BBs vs 11 Cvs+22 Fgs = 50% vs 50%
    19/11= 1.727 BB/Cv  11/19= 0.579 Cv/BB

    0.579x37=21.42 IPC/BB on offence
    1.727x19=32.81 IPC/Cv on defense

    Average cost of Cv+2Fgs= (40.93+32.81)/2= 36.87 IPCs

    Average cost of BB= (17.17+21.42)/2 = 19.3 IPCs

    Vs Cv+ 1 Fg & 1 TcB

    14 Cvs+14 Fg&TcBs vs 26 BBs = 50% vs 50%
    14/26= 0.538 Cv/BB  26/14= 1.857 BB/Cv

    1.857x18= 33.43 IPCs/Cv on offence
    0.538x36= 19.37 IPCs/BB on defense

    39 BBs vs 19 Cvs+19 Fg&TcBs = 50% vs 50%
    39/19= 2.053 BB/Cv  19/39= 0.487 Cv/BB

    0.487x36=17.54 IPC/BB on offence
    2.053x18=36.95 IPC/Cv on defense

    Average cost of Cv+1Fg&TcB= (33.43+36.95)/2= 35.2 IPCs

    Average cost of BB= (19.37+17.54)/2 = 18.46 IPCs

    Same units different costs:

    14 Cvs+14 Fg&TcBs vs 26 BBs = 50% vs 50%
    14/26= 0.538 Cv/BB  26/14= 1.857 BB/Cv

    1.857x19= 35.28 IPCs/Cv on offence
    0.538x37= 19.91 IPCs/BB on defense

    39 BBs vs 19 Cvs+19 Fg&TcBs = 50% vs 50%
    39/19= 2.053 BB/Cv  19/39= 0.487 Cv/BB

    0.487x37=18.02 IPC/BB on offence
    2.053x19=39.01 IPC/Cv on defense

    Average cost of Cv+1Fg&TcB= (35.28+39.01)/2= 37.14 IPCs

    Average cost of BB= (19.91+18.02)/2 = 18.97 IPCs

  • '17 '16



    **0.537 * 18 IPCs/BB = 9.67 IPCs/CA, rounding up: 10 IPCs

    1.864 * 10 IPCs/CA = 18.6 IPCs/BB rounding down: 18 IPCs…**

    but surprise!!!, it could be rounding up to 19 IPCS!!!

    So if someone want a less efficient but more historically accurate over expensive BB unit:
    Battleship should be at 19 IPCs.  :-o  :-P  :roll:

    And it doesn’t change the balance cost of Cruiser:
    0.537 * 19 IPCs/BB = 10.2 IPCs/CA, rounding down: 10 IPCs

    Nor it changes the balance cost of Destroyers:
    0.435 * 19 IPCs/BB = 8.265 IPCs/DD, rounding down: 8 IPCs

    In summary, to get a statistical balance sea combat (assuming TcB is at 10 IPCs):
    if BB cost 18, then Carrier must cost 35-20 (2 Fgs) = 15 IPCs,
    if BB cost 19, then Carrier must cost 37-20 (2 Fgs) = 17 IPCs.

    From a game statistic, it seems to me now that a 18 IPCs Battleship is clearly favoured in combat vs 10 IPCs Cruiser and a 16 IPCs Carrier. I think, base on the math, is real balance place should be at 19 IPCs.

    Cruiser keep very good balance rank at 10 IPCs.
    A Carrier at 16 IPCs will still have a statistical advantage over BB with TcB reduced at 10 IPCs.
    There can be many reasons (game and historical accuracy) for this little “humph”.

    I think now that the “go around the garden” of pure math and battle calc is done for these warships.

    Only subs remains…

  • Why I think the best costs are:

    Just change cruiser to 10, leave the rest OOB
    Also much easier to implement.
    BB would be slightly weaker, but not much when you consider they are purchased for their 2 hits with OOB prices, only unit to go down is the cruiser.

  • May I suggest something?

    There weren’t a lot of battleships produced in WWII they were quickly outmoded by the carrier. Germany, Japan and the US built some new ones and perhaps some other examples exist. Without going into a largely historical debate. How about eliminating new BBs altogether?  What I mean is all original BBs would remain but no further BBs could be built.

    You could even place some more of them in the OOB set up to compensate if a group really wanted them. You guys have put a huge amount of work into what you’ve already accomplished.

    I dunno just a suggestion.

  • I’ve had similar thoughts while playing even earlier versions of A&A, toblerone
    Good thought

  • At 20 vs 10 IPCs this relative cost will give you virtually this result. CA will be too much interesting at all level.
    What about TcB?
    Is it back to 11 IPCs?

    Actually, I think Uncrustable you should open a philosophic discussion about the intent of G40e.
    The meaning of this enormous work may help to see about cost and the rest.
    Looking for wide agreement?
    More stats balance?
    More historical accuracy?
    Simply more fun at home according  to your preferences?
    More options and more complexity?
    Forum endorsment?

  • I forgot the simple pleasure of exchanging about various HR and throwing spagghetti on the wall?
    Your answer can help finding a direction for argumentation on what should be the  best cost.

  • @toblerone77:

    There weren’t a lot of battleships produced in WWII they were quickly outmoded by the carrier. Germany, Japan and the US built some new ones and perhaps some other examples exist. Without going into a largely historical debate. How about eliminating new BBs altogether?  What I mean is all original BBs would remain but no further BBs could be built.

    There were basically three groups of battleships n WWII: those that already existed when the war started; those whose planning and construction had started prior to the war and which were completed during the war; and those which were left uncompleted on the shipyard stocks (or which remained on the drawing boards) when it became clear that the BB had had its day.  Most of WWII’s modern fast BBs fell into the second group.  Very few new BBs got started during the war, but quite a few already-started ones got completed during the war.  Missouri and Wisconsin, for example, were quite late arrivals; I think they first went on active duty in 1944.  Fast battleships which could keep up with carrier task forces, by the way, did get put to good use by the US Navy as anti-aircraft escorts for the carriers, while older BBs did valuable work as shore-bombardment vessels in support of amphibious landings.  This still meant that they would have little place in the carrier-dominated postwar navy, but they were nevertheless able to earn their keep during WWII (even while playing second fiddle to the carriers).

  • I think you’re spot on Marc in your post. I suggested the no new BB idea with that in mind given the scale of forces represented in the game. I also thought it might provide simplicity in resolving some of the cost structure issues involved with naval units in this house rule project.

    On a side note the fact that the Missouri was used in the Gulf War shows that it never hurts to have a ship with big a** guns in your arsenal!

  • @rjpeters70:

    In short, I’m for Battleships sailing the seas, because I like the size of the platforms, but I think their munitions are useless.  Hence, change the weapons packages, put modern C4 systems on board, and put the New Jersey, Missouri, Iowa and Wisconsin back into service.

    I think that in the late 40s or early 50s the USN considered completing the unfinished USS Kentucky as a missile ship. The four completed Iowas were brought back into service by Ronald Reagan as part of his drive to create a 600-ship Navy.  They were given new electronics suites, Tomahawk cruise missiles, Harpoon anti-ship missiles and CIWS point-defense systems.  They each served about ten years in this revised configuration, but one of their big drawbacks is that each ship’s complement was very large; from memory, I think each full BB crew equalled something like 5% of the US Navy’s entire 1980s-era personnel roster, or some such outrageous figure. Big carriers have even larger crews, of course, but they have different capabilities.

    I love battleships and I have a particular soft spot for the four Iowas, but unfortunately the kind of conversion you mention would probably be prohibitively expensive.  Even the relatively conservative refit they underwent in the 1980s to give them Tomahawks and Harpoons proved to be costly, despite the fact that the most drastic thing they had to do was removing four of the 5-inch gun turrets as weight compensation for the missiles and (I think) cutting into the armour plating at a few points to accommodate the power and control cables for the missile launchers.  Any retrofitting that would involve cracking the armoured citadel on a substantial scale would take a lot of time and a lot of dollars.

    Interestingly enough, one of the arguments that was made back in the 80s in favour of their reactivation was the fact that their very obsolescence worked in their favour.  Because there were virtually no armoured ships left in the world, armour-piercing naval weapons had likewise become rarities, which meant that contemporary anti-ship missiles designed to kill soft-skinned vessels would have a much tougher time dealing with a heavily-armoured battleship.  (Weapons intended to destroy heavy fortifications on land might perhaps be a solution in such a case.)

  • G40e in my mind is first a balance adjustment.
    There are flaws in the current OOB ruleset.
    Cruisers are a flaw, the 6VC system for Japan is considered by many a flaw.
    G40e should enhance the overall experience.

    Cruisers at 10 is an enhancement, it is more balanced with the other units.
    It adds more strategic depth, giving nations another viable option.
    It also is by nature more historically accurate relative to its current OOB price of 12.
    At the same time it has a very minimal effect on overall game balance.
    No setup changes required, no other changes required.

    The same can be said of 10 IPC tacbombers.

    I’m not sure about 12 IPC bases as far as overall balance implications.
    At 12 IPCs it is simpler, as now bases and minor ICs all cost the same. (12)
    It also is very clear I think that 15 is too much.

    AAA are another problem in current OOB rules. They are never worth purchasing and are confusing to new players.
    I would be in favor of returning to classic AA, but this would require setup changes.
    Making AAA a normal unit (A1D1) is both simpler and gives them a little more strength.
    They maintain current OOB AA shots. (Defense only)

    Current neutral block rules are very stale, they severely punish any neutral play.
    Adding neutral blocks is definitely an enhancement. It would add some depth without adding too much complexity.
    I think YGs version is simplest: South America, Mongolia and the rest. 3 blocks.

    As far as BBs are concerned i think the solution is to leave them at 20 with cruisers at 10.
    Let them be overpriced as they were in reality. They still would serve a unique role (staying power) and would be purchased however sparingly.
    This game should be more a ‘do over’ rather than a reenactment. BB should be an option, but cruisers should always be the better buy. (They are not OOB)

    Technology is very stale OOB and rarely used.
    All the major powers pursued technological advances during the war.
    Rolling for tech based on income, without worrying about cost, is a quick and simple method of ensuring technology will play a part in every game.
    Breaking the existing techs into 4 categories (OOB has 2) also gives the player a little more choice while maintaining some luck factor.

    Adding rail and keeping it simple would both speed up the game and add more importance to VCs.
    Each home allied VC gives +1 movement to friendly units during noncombat move. Same for axis. This is neither OP or over complex, requires no additional playing pieces and makes sense. VCs would have the most extensive transport systems anyhow, and you would never rail from a captured territory.

    Il add thoughts on scorched earth later…

  • '17 '16

    G40e in my mind is first a balance adjustment.
    There are flaws in the current OOB ruleset.
    Cruisers are a flaw, the 6VC system for Japan is considered by many a flaw.
    G40e should enhance the overall experience.

    From these twos criterias, and if there is no historical accuracy goal,
    I would add that
    1- like having more buying options and
    2- being able to put more variety of units on the board.

    The main buying dilemma, IMO, is about choosing grounds vs naval units.
    Naval in itself will not give you any land territory.
    Winning the game is about conquering the most territories to get the higher incomes and get the VC. It is a sacrifice to buy (and to loose) costly ships (vs a lot of ground units), let it be the less painful.

    As I see it, the winning strategy is the one which is able to optimize the ratio ground/naval units because once a debarkment is done all ships in the water are frozen IPCs (which explain why planes are so useful) and cannot add their A/D punch to ground units going further mainland (unless still attacking another coastal territory or, there is some convoy raiding within range).

    Since transport is need to supply the lines of ground units and is defenseless. You need also to optimize the ratio of TP/naval units which can protect them.
    Too much warships can mean not enough grounds or not enough ships to transports them: the few TPs can be overly protected but it would be against your territory expansion capacity.
    On the contrary, too few warships and you can loose all your stack of TPs and all the mobility to achieve your strategy goals.

    This is the idea, it could be more develop, but I’m sure you get it.

    All this line of thinking to defend the perspective that warships should go as lower as a balance game allowed it.
    And let all warships have a competitive interests for all strategies possible.
    It will allow more ships on the board while keeping the same flow of ground units.
    Of course, it could also mean that naval powers can buy the same navy but have more ground units. (The real impact would be a matter to discuss, if anyone whish to explore in this direction.)

    So, based on all the preceding criterias and goals, it means:
    SS 6, TP 7, DD 8, CA 10, Cv 15, BB 18, Fg & TcB 10, StB 12.

    I’m not sure where you stand for SS and TP, so I kept OOB.
    The OP cost is probably not up-to-date:

    4. Enhance naval units
    Submarines 7 IPCs
    Destroyers 8 IPCs
    Cruisers 10 IPCs
    Battleships 18 IPCs
    Aircraft carriers 16 IPCs
    Transports 6 IPCs

  • Ok so we have 2 different conversations going on, and one I believe is definitely off topic.

    Baron: Im not sure how many games of global you play, or how competitive they are, but G40 has no problems with warship buys. Many are purchased. I believe ship to plane to land costs are near perfect right now, any deviations could have balance implications.

    You point out that you must build land to actually get money, transports to move your land and warships to protect said transports and/or destroy them.
    What are you saying?
    This is how it is meant to be yes?
    This best illustrates some form of realism yes?

    From these twos criterias, and if there is no historical accuracy goal,
    I would add that
    1- like having more buying options and
    2- being able to put more variety of units on the board.

    More units is most of the time not a good thing.
    It can water down the game, and would increase time required if anything.
    Cruiser v BB is a great example of too many units.
    However if there is a niche to be filled then …

    I do not wish to abandon historical realism, only that gameplay should be more important.

15 / 17

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