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WAR ROOM II - The Sequel
Very nice indeed. I see your using the sub pen markers from HBG too. I was going to go for the 3-D markers but I got cheap. Maybe if I printed my map a little larger I would have gotten them.
Yeah I may get the 3-D ones later…so far nobody uses them that much.
Do you play Bolt Action DK? Those models look great.
Do you play Bolt Action DK? Those models look great.
No - never heard of it - can you send me a link?
How did I miss this! Wow! That is one incredible game room. Love the Enola Gay and other models.
Yes indeed sir.
Yes indeed sir.
Thanks - looks like some pretty cool looking stuff over there…
I recently added a strip across our Production chart that shows Victory Levels. A magnetic “clock” symbol keeps track of which round it is. The number of rounds it takes your side to win determines your Victory Level.
Levels of victory are Glorious Victory, Major Victory, Standard Victory, Minor Victory, and Dubious Victory.
Dubious victory means that it has taken you so long to win, your country has lost excessive blood and suffers from war exhaustion. It is debatable whether you can even say you “won” the war.
The purpose of the Victory Levels is to encourage players that know they are going to lose to press on hoping for a better result. Then you can have new challenges, such as how long can you hold out vs. superior forces, or how do you manage a large income in order to bring about quick defeat.
I also added Gunther Prien’s U-47 for display in the War Room…
It is always great to see your new editions to your war room. I like idea of different victory levels. It adds more fun to the game.
I love it, I wish I had the room :( When I lived in WA a few years ago I had an extra room… I moved to the OC here in CA, too expensive here to have an extra room lol.
I few of my favorite things about your room:
1- Love the hats!
2- “Enemy ears are listening”
3- Snack station!Your dioramas look nice as well, thanks for the pics!
I never had an extra room until after I turned 50 - I’m thankful I was able to do this after 30 years of wishing! I tell my wife it’s a much cheaper hobby than buying a bass boat or something.
Wait wait wait here. I have a extra room and a boat ! 🎣 And yes I’m over 50 too ! And yes fish fries are cheaper ! Lol. Very nice Der !
New youtube channel where I give a tour of the war room here….
Awesome job on the video DK.
I encourage everyone to watch this and dream that you could have as sweet a room as this. -
Thanks GHG - I really enjoy watching yours and others’ videos - hopefully I can contribute some good things…
nice video DK
maybe you could do one explaining the game. You’ve got a lot of cool rules. Let us know who wins. :-D
Thanks barney! I hope you and others here subscribe by clicking my youtube link above because explaining our house rules is definitely in the plans!
For those unaware - nothing bad happens if you subscribe - you just get an occasional notice to your email when a new video is made.