Mongolia and Neutrals - rules summarized here

  • @simon33:


    No. I need specific breakdown of the rule as if you haven’t notice, there is A LOT of loopholes in the rules.

    Did my post above fail to clear things up for you?

    It cleared it up, I am just trying to see how abusive one can take with the rules in AnA. As said, loopholes exist in AnA and I wish to exploit them as much as I can however I also want to make sure my enemy can fairly do it. I understood the Mongolia rule before I asked the question but never quested if it works for Germany or Italy. Which is why I wanted to know if Japan could non-combat its way pass Mongolia if it would still trigger it. It may seem strange to ask as if the odds are the western Axis are near Mongolia, the allies are clearly losing, but I still wanted to know encase I ever encounter the Pacific Lion. (or whatever it is called when Germany ignores Moscow to attack India).

  • Good summary for a new player. Thanks!

  • Glad to hear it!  Thanks for the feedback.

  • Axis invaded neutral Territories and is at war with them.
    However; when the US joins the Allies they can’t Blitz through any neutral and friendly neutral Territories, correct?

    South America needs to be taken Territory by Territory.
    Or invaded simultaniously.
    A Tank can’t  Blitz through Colombia from Central America.

  • Correct!  The only neutral that can be blitzed is an unfriendly neutral (that is empty, of course)

  • Thanks for clarification Gamerman01.
    Allways appreciated.
    Thank you.

  • @aequitas:

    Axis invaded neutral Territories and is at war with them.
    However; when the US joins the Allies they can’t Blitz through any neutral and friendly neutral Territories, correct?

    South America needs to be taken Territory by Territory.
    Or invaded simultaniously.
    A Tank can’t  Blitz through Colombia from Ventral America.

    Let me guess, U play against Amon?


  • Where is that voice coming from?? :lol: :lol:

  • @aequitas:

    Where is that voice coming from?? :lol: :lol:

    Nobody invades true neutrals with Axis but Amon`s Wehrmacht  8-)

  • '19 '17 '16

    I’m also wondering what amon’s plan is!

  • He must have some Aces in his sleeve. 8-)

  • I have sent my apprentice to crush the true neutrals :D


  • Can ANZAC turn 1 during non-combat, land in Java with an infantry and aa gun?

  • @Nexsy:

    Can ANZAC turn 1 during non-combat, land in Java with an infantry and aa gun?


  • '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16


    Can ANZAC turn 1 during non-combat, land in Java with an infantry and aa gun?

    That is true for any of the Dutch East Indies territories (Java, Sumatra, Celebes) if the ANZAC forces can reach. Not only that, both UK Pacific and ANZAC can also land planes on those territories.


  • @Marshmallow:


    Can ANZAC turn 1 during non-combat, land in Java with an infantry and aa gun?

    That is true for any of the Dutch East Indies territories (Java, Sumatra, Celebes) if the ANZAC forces can reach. Not only that, both UK Pacific and ANZAC can also land planes on those territories.


    Concerning UK it is not limited to UK Pacific, but applies to UK as a whole, as “All combat moves, combat, and noncombat moves are made or conducted as any other power’s single, united force.” (Rulebook Pacific 1940.2, page 35)

    And to complete it: Every allied power (when not neutral) is allowed to bring units there as those territories are friendly territories (if not captured before).
    It’s only UK and Anzac that can “take control of Dutch territories (gaining their IPC income) by moving land units into them as a
    noncombat movement, as long as they have not yet been captured by an Axis power.” (Rulebook Pacific 1940.2, page  38, 39).

  • To be clear with regards to Mongolia…

    Whether Russia DOW on Japan or Japan DOW on Russia is irrelevant.
    Japanese forces attacking a Chinese controlled territory bordering Mongolia (on the south side) reinforced with Russian troops will not trigger Mongolia in either direction.
    Russian forces attacking Japan in any territory not bordering Mongolia (and not Korea) won’t trigger Mongolia in either direction.


  • '19 '17 '16


  • '19

    @Panther and @gamerman01 If USA controls Korea, and USSR moves the troops there to reinforce it, Russia doesn’t have DOW on Japan to do so? Mongolia would not be affected right?

  • @Sovietishcat It looks like USSR is not at war - at least on the Pacific side of the map. That means it is still under the restrictions of being a neutral power - at least on the Pacific side of the map. So to be able to reinforce US controlled Korea USSR must leave its neutral status there by DOW on Japan. Reinforcing US controlled Korea would not affect Mongolia, as Russia would not attack Korea.

    Europe 1940.2, page 37
    “As a result, if the Soviet Union is at war with Axis powers on only one map, it is still under the restrictions
    of being a neutral power (see “Powers Not at War with One Another,” page 15) on the other map …”

    Europe 1940.2, page 15:
    “While a power remains neutral, it operates under even tighter restrictions. A neutral power
    can’t move land or air units into or through neutral territories. It can’t move units into or through
    territories or onto ships belonging to another power or use another power’s naval bases, nor can another
    power move land or air units into or through its territories or onto its ships or use its naval bases.”

    Europe 1940.2 page 40:
    “If the Soviet Union has attacked Korea or any Japanese-controlled territory bordering these Mongolian territories while Mongolia was still a strict neutral, Mongolia will remain neutral and not ally itself with the Soviet Union.”

    (‘attacked’ bolded by me)

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