@Slip-Capone If you need a player I’ve been dying to get back into axis and allies. If you have triple a I’m available.
Amazon US
It’s almost as if they have to pay rent on a physical space, stock it with product, advertise their existence, and have it staffed with people who can help customers who wander into the store. And how come they can’t get a quantity discount for pre-ordering a couple of copies from WOTC?
Because that is what would make sense. WOTC would make more money if they offered pre-order.
I get why they have to charge more- or they wouldn’t be in business, but I would think they would need to find other ways to make money. Hold tournaments, sell beverages, something. I’m not sure I’ll ever buy from a brick & mortar place again (as long as I can find stuff online for cheap).
Speaking of pre-orders… why don’t they offer two versions of the same game… like a basic and ‘deluxe’ version? The ‘deluxe’ version they could charge, say, $20 more and include better quality components, sculpts, etc. I’d pay for that.
It’s almost as if they have to pay rent on a physical space, stock it with product, advertise their existence, and have it staffed with people who can help customers who wander into the store. And how come they can’t get a quantity discount for pre-ordering a couple of copies from WOTC? :-D
Well said, as the husband of someone who once ran a boutique. Online sellers are killing jobs at ma and pa shops like crazy.
R. -
Speaking of pre-orders… why don’t they offer two versions of the same game… like a basic and ‘deluxe’ version? The ‘deluxe’ version they could charge, say, $20 more and include better quality components, sculpts, etc. I’d pay for that.
In a way, you could say that WotC does indeed produce standard and deluxe versions of some of its A&A games. The problem is that it produces them sequentially rather than simulateously, and that it uses the phrase “second edition” rather than “deluxe version” to distingish them, and that they interpret “deluxe” to mean “more sculpt variety”. Europe 1940 and Pacific 1940 are good examples, especially as regards the ANZAC and Italian sculpt sets.
Well, it’s nice to know that Pet Shop Comics is a lot different than those other stores! ^_^
Amazon UK have cut the price already.
No wonder they sent out teh preorders so quickly…
Maddison Games are doing it even cheaper:
http://www.maddisongames.co.uk/games/AxisAllies1914WWIBoardGame.php?lpp=search&q=axis & allies&qc=0
Still waiting on CSI…
Worth buying a 2nd copy for extra pieces?
Personally, I think I’ll wait for the Second Edition.
Maddison Games are doing it even cheaper:
http://www.maddisongames.co.uk/games/AxisAllies1914WWIBoardGame.php?lpp=search&q=axis & allies&qc=0