do you have any of the hbg custom pieces? anyways games will b here tomorrow
Latest posts made by MeinFuhrer
RE: 1942 2nd edition grey chips available?($ or peices trade)
RE: CSI shipping
You people have time for wives?
Actually, no. She might have to go.
See… this is why I only date gamer girls!! Makes everything soo much easier. Good thing all my current GFs find geeks sexy… :)
At least I have a Man Room in my house for all my gaming stuff, where I can do whatever I want…
It used to be my life, now it’s just a room. :|
ha I don’t even get a room now that we have a child. enjoy it while it lasts. my man room is the trunk of my car lol. On a happier note my games will b here tomorrow.
RE: First Impressions of Axis & Allies 1914
We played until my wife went into labor, so I only have five and a half rounds done. Things looked even. Without the option to knock out Russia, though, CP are in dire straits. We like it.
Now wish me luck. My wife is glaring at me for typing on my phone. 10 hours and counting…
Man, I feel your pain; I’m in the same boat. It’s hard having a baby and Axis & Allies 1914 on the way…I’ve gotten plenty of, “If you only cared about this or that as much as you care about that stupid game…”
Just ignore it. :evil:
lol My wife is just happy that I have a friend to play with and that its not her playing.
RE: 1942 2nd edition grey chips available?($ or peices trade)
Will do, I won’t get the 2nd edition until they send me 1914 as it was all placed in the same order. Expecting late March- maybe a couple more weeks.
RE: Countering KJF as Japan in 1942SE
I’ve found that my normal strategy works just as well in reverse. I play rescue Germany with Japan, but have played against a KJF strategy a couple times and have found without the much needed UK and US offensive in Europe, Germany could smash Russian resistence and help out Japan. Just turtle with Japan for awhile.
RE: RR House Rules
Rails are going to get too messy.
The simple version is (roll a die, that many land units this turn can move 4 spaces amongst territories friendly to your faction)This I like. Maximum of four spaces. Perhaps not having to roll a dice for number of units transported. Make it five units maximum a turn to one or more spaces along the route.
RE: House Rules
Cavalry units from Risk could be used. Maybe 1 att 2 def 2 move 4 cost.
While we’re at it, let’s cannibalize Monopoly for armored cars and chess for attack clergy, eh?
LOL, I’m just set on having cavalry units. Perhaps there are some that you can purchase on FMG or HBG, don’t know, but I do know I have a Risk game that hasn’t been played since I started playing A&A.
RE: House Rules
Cavalry units from Risk could be used. Maybe 1 att 2 def 2 move 4 cost.
RE: Need Help, new to 2nd edition
Yeah, all he buys is infantry. Normally it is a pretty even battle on the eastern front, and often I am forced to turtle with Germany as America and Britain begin to attack Western Europe and Norway as well as SBR. I typically end up with only WE/Germany/SE/EE as Germany before Japan can get in and relieve pressure. He feels he has to do something in India with Britain or Japan will invade Russia way too fast. He has also tried an IC in eastern Russia to help keep Japan at bay. I buy an IC for Japan and use tanks to blitz across Asia and buy enough naval units to ward off an American invasion. This strategy has worked every time. Losing the Karelia stack is probably his biggest mistake, but I don’t think Russia would last long only receiving 8 IPCS a turn.
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