thanks for the clarification thought you were a cow fan
sorry that was bad
Nice Malachi.
What a joke.
I suppose pates sounds better!
And is pizza a French word now?
As an Italian restaurateur I know how I would have reacted and it would have been by uttering a sentence using these 9 words:
whore, is, you, mother, a, and, your, off, fuck.
But then I have always had a way with words!
I need to clarify.
There were NO TREATIES in British Columbia, until the Nisga treaty in the mid 1990’s. Which was imposed on the citizens of British Columbia without their input.
The Treaty Referendum I mentioned, was to allow “British Columbians” to have a say in the treaty process. Of course the CBC link I’ve cited suggests it’s “racist”.
I don’t see how letting people have a -say- in a treaty process is -racist-. But that’s the world we live in today.
For those of you who don’t know, CBC is also known as the “Communist Broadcasting Centre”.
The Indians don’t get to retroactively change treaties in their favour
Actually, that’s exactly what they are trying to do. I seem to recall hearing Theresa Spence say that first nations legislation was “out of date”. Yet at the same time, cling to a 300 year old treaty.
It’s time to phase out the special race based privledges, and release the citizens of canada from the second class citizenship slavery they live in.
And don’t get me started on the language police…
Native bands in B.C. say their land was taken from them without treaty, negotiation or payment. Native groups have therefore claimed most of the province as their ancestral home.
For the record, 107% of British Columbia is claimed as native land.
107%, how is that possible you ask? Because the different tribes have overage claims on each other, because for this 10 year period, or that 20 year period, they “felt”, their “oral history” implied they owned larger areas.
Theresa Spence is a crook from what I see.
Theresa Spence is a crook from what I see.
Exactly! And we’re her victims.
That’s what I’m talking about!
Once and awhile sanity prevails, mark this on your calendar!
Quebec language minister calls for moderation
De Beers blockade ends at Attawapiskat
Thanks Malachi.
Probably too late by the Minister, but some action was necessary as her staff have obviously been too zealous in their job description.
You think it’s getting better? PFFTP
These first nations are complaining that they don’t get as much funding, because some first nations fall under federal benefits, whereas othersfall under provincial, but the cash $ amounts aren’t the same.
That’s what this is about. Money. Make no mistake. Your kids don’t get any of those benefits, and are enslaved to pay out to someone elses kids for the entirety of their canadian lives. Remember that.
Wow… 50 First Nations leaders earn more than the Prime Minister every year…
Wow… 50 First Nations leaders earn more than the Prime Minister every year…
That is more of the problem, and since the ‘band’ actually owns and controls the land not private individuals it concentrates the power into the hands of the few, the dirty….
for those of you who called me out on my native funding comments, I’ve been doing my best to put all the research together, and am still -successfully- working on a model I can present.
But basically, last year we spent $9 billion on first nations funding, which grows at 2% per annum. (a complain from F.N.'s is that their population rises much faster).
The year before was $8, and the years before average from $5 billion to $8 billion as well. I don’t have much data pre-1990 at the moment, but I’ve filed a Freedom of Information request.
Basically… my theory is this:
100 years, x $5billion a year-ish (inflation etc obviously has it’s effect) = $500 billion dollars.
Our nation debt is $606 Billion
Calculat negative interest from debts we could have paid, alongside interest from outstanding debts we’ve incurred, and the years etc involved, and that $500 billion is probably going to wash or better that $606 billion.
Subtract from that what the natives could have earned on their land had it not been taken.
Again, no doubt lots of room for improvement. But if we want people to fend for themselves, we cannot allow them to be held hostage to tyrants that government policies have empowered.
Hey Garg, remember that genocide thingee that was mentioned?
I had to google “International Common Law Court of Justice” to make sure it wasn’t some tambourine banging pot smoking fringe group of hippies. Seems it carries a bit more weight then some hippies, not by much…we are talking about the UN…
Just had another update and link sent to me…
Subtract from that what the natives could have earned on their land had it not been taken.
Well what would the Christians have earned if they still had Turkey?
or the British if they still had America?
Is the Canadian public going to pay those bills -for the rest of time- too?
And for the record - Reservations of which there are many are thier native land. Including Casino’s, bridge tariff’s, diamond mines oh my…
If it was their land they could go to a bank and get loans against it in order to develop it, but they cannot, so it is not really their land the same way the land is owned by non-nativeland holders. My buddy cannot get a mortgage on his house on native land in order to expand his business as he really does not own the land, the band does. There is no way for him to get a mortgage.
The money that is being paid goes to corrupt band leaders while kids live in third world conditions. It is only the fault of non-natives in that we don’t have performance metrics published for all to see. Its hard enough to reveal financial dealings of the band leaders personal finances and many and varied connections to band business.
Whilst I feel deeply for your friend that he “can’t get a mortgage” from his land on native property…
What he does get from the band - is a monthly paycheque if I’m not mistaken, and many other benefits. So long as he actively campaigns for uncorrupt leadership.
And your friend could always go and get a mortgage/line-of-credit for his business on it’s own right (So long as the business plan is legit), or a mortgage on a regular property -not on reserve-.
So your friend really faces no discrimination - only advantage.
Furthermore, #1- your friend was given his home for -free-, and doesn’t pay rent.
Furthermore, #2- by not buying a regular house, your friend is using the reservation as a business tax haven (his right to do!) hence why he can’t get a mortgage.
Furthermore, #3- many canadians can’t afford to buy $500,000+ homes, (the average price of a house in BC.) and in effect are -rent- paying homeless.
Furthermore, #4- the government feels the need to tax canadians who don’t have homes, to pay for your friends home, subsidize him, and give him a tax haven for his business, because he has a better skin color.
Furthermore, #5- Are you not insulted that your friend thinks he should be able to mortgage/levy against something the canadian people gave him.
Be it resolved then - that your friend has no complaint or line of argument because any canadian would choose to trade places with your friend.
Be it also resolved - that if your friend wants to get a mortgage he can -BUY- his OWN property with his OWN money, like everyone else, and mortgage it if he so chooses!
Just saying if we expect natives on reserves to generate wealth, we ought to encourage changes in laws to give them the tools to do so whilst putting an end to the cronyism that occurs now.
give them the tools to do so whilst putting an end to the cronyism
No Casino’s without cronyism ….on Indian lands. We got a number of these “operations” and needless to say they are entirely run by the tribes down to the dishwasher.
Major banks don’t really do business on Indian reservations due to laws that do not apply that protect these institutions. Of course, the tribes could form their own bank or lending institution but it won’t make more money than those casinos…
banks are casinos
Hear, hear!
Thanks for being the voice of reason in my absence Malachi, some very good points brought up.
My two cents:
Never-mind, the residential schools and avoid any debates about “cultural genocide” Garg.
Instead, do all of your calculations, then decide how much the government has paid on average every year. Then divide that number by the total Canadian population in that year (exclude Status Indians if you wish). By this you will obtain the imputed “rent” that immigrants pay to the original occupants of “Canada” each year.
Lets do 2011 just for fun (its the last year for which we have population statistics and the last fiscal year 2011/2012 to be officially “in the books”)
Budget for Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, 2011/2012: $7.4 Billion
Canadian population, 2011: 34,484,000
Divide $7.4 Billion by 34 484 000 = $214.59
Divide $214.59 by 12 = $17.88
Thus in 2011 you, me all of us descendant-of-immigrant" folks. Effectively paid $17.88 a month for the right to live, work, and own property anywhere in the second largest country in the world. This amount was then transferred to the indigenous people who originally inhabited this land and willingly surrendered its use and ownership to immigrants in exchange for, effectively, a rent of $17.88 a month each.
Doesn’t sound like such a bad deal to me.