I’m not sure yet lmao. Also I’m not sure if I want to do things like national objective which will also be a big factor. Also since the ussr was almost entirely industrialised, going through a massive famine, and a control economy, I’m thinking russia will also have to pay to keep his territories fed and maintained
Two tech rolls?
When playing by the book, nobody ever buys research rolls, but what if nations got 2 dice for $5?
I just use research tokens from AA50 rules. I see lots of research rolls now.
I just use research tokens from AA50 rules. I see lots of research rolls now.
We tried that and found that the US benefited to much from it.
Perhaps if a standard amount automatically went toward tech every turn and then you could add more if you wanted. Just pass out a “tech” chip or two and when a nation gets 6 they can roll a die? A more complicate system might produce better tech results but at the cost of more time and tracking.
One way to really spice up the game.
I think 1940 Global is already spicy, I just want to get the aspects that are never used that extra push to make them relevant, but not more powerful than the aspects of the game that do get used.
LOL Turn 1, US can buy 20 tech rolls.
Ya, but not as spicy as the 39 global games.
Ya, but not as spicy as the 39 global games.
How about… everyone gets ALL tech all the time?
OR, everyoen gets a random tech at game start?