• Sponsor

    That nurse must of had issues with her life before those DJ’s did that… it was just the last straw for her. If she was happy and stable in her own life, I’m sure she would have found a way to deal with it… maybe even laugh about it.

    There is no problem with living in society other than the blurring speed in which you’re expected to live in it each day. We are not “soft”… we are “sensitive”. We don’t call people nigger, fag, or fatso anymore, although a small portion of the worlds population still do. That doesn’t that make us soft, we’re just sensitive to the differences of others.

    Regardless, I’m not sure what being soft has to do with suicide… I’ve never considered doing it, but it seems like a hard thing to do. Â

  • Here is a recording of the prank call. http://www.heavy.com/news/2012/12/jacintha-saldanha-kate-middleton-prank-call-suicide-dj/

    First off, I don’t see what is so embarrassing about it. Secondly, do we even know if Saldanha was the one answering? I think it could have been any lady with a good Indian accent. Thirdly, she left behind what looks to be a nice family. Yet I don’t hear anyone in the media suggesting the possibility that it was not a suicide. Should we really accept the official story?

  • @LHoffman:


    So you are taking my point as I mean it. It seems an extension of the lack of civility we seem to be having.

    Oh, good then. Do you also mean a general lack of civility as a society… or here specifically?

    I am not referring to a lack of civility here. Just society in general. I think here abouts we’re pretty reasonably civil. At least as civil as any group of guys ever is.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I am not referring to a lack of civility here. Just society in general. I think here abouts we’re pretty reasonably civil. At least as civil as any group of guys ever is.

    Yes… yes you are right.

  • '12

    Is teasing somebody with a mental illness cool?  I would expect most people to say no.  So we can agree on that, most people would.   Can you guarantee a stranger is 100% mentally balanced?  I would expect the answer to be no.  A logical conclusion from these two premiss should then be, it’s not cool to tease strangers because you can’t guarantee they are sane and its not cool to tease insane people.

    How about this defense.  I place a live wire with 2500 volts on the road.  I place a sign on it saying “If you touch the wire you will die”.  So somebody touches it and dies.  I do the happy dance and say “Well its not my fault that idiot couldn’t read a sign”.   Well maybe that person was an idiot for not reading or heeding the sign.  But am I innocent?

    Here is an example of how utterly soft and pathetic we have become as a society.

    ‘Bad’ Santa insults three-year-old

    Now by insult we mean Firstly, comparing the kids look to the look of Paul Bunyan.  I loved Paul Bunyan, Hamilton had a place called Paul Bunyan Burgers, loved them!  A big burly guy swinging an ax most boys would love that image.

    Secondly commenting on the kids Maple Leafs hat.  I have always been a leafs fan, the blue maple leaf is a national flag for most of my friends.  They SUCK ASS.   Half the teams make the playoffs each year, its been over 8 years for the Leafs.  With 50/50 odds even flipping a coin means its 256 to 1 odds you never make the playoffs in 8 years.  This for the most valuable hockey team in the league worth over a billion dollars.

    If the kid doesn’t know by now the Leafs suck he will believe in santa when he is 44….much like me believing the leafs will ever win the cup again…

    So the result is the kid comes home crying?  Really, reminds me of most leafs fans once the leafs are officially out of the playoff hunt…oh wait, that’s me in the mirror!

    What’s worse, is that this is making news… day after day…

    Mom of tot insulted by Santa declines Leafs’ offer

  • I’m not sure I get what is so bad about saying the kid looks like Paul Bunyon.

  • @Vance:

    Too soft.  There are people among us who have seriously bad luck and somehow they get the strength to put their boots on every morning and persevere in quiet desperation.  At the same time we also have another bunch of crybabies who whine for sympathy and demand special consideration because they are disabled, discriminated against, have low self esteem, got themselves pregnant, are ugly, or whatever.  blah blah blah blah blah.  I am sick of it.  This is the result of socialism IMHO.

    I think it’s stupidity.

    Case in point: your post.

    (If you disagree, grow a pair and quit being so soft)

  • Moderator

    I am assuming the last post was parodying his original post to prove a point Jermo…?

    I’ll just throw it out there, keep it civil guys.


  • @Guerrilla:

    I am assuming the last post was parodying his original post to prove a point Jermo…?

    I’ll just throw it out there, keep it civil guys.


    Certainly seemed to me that Jermo was making a point and rather a good one.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Yeah… but as usual he makes them in a jerk-fashion.

  • We are NOT too SOFT as a society!…
    If we would be soft as a society ,we would more care for each other and would think about our actions first before we do them.

    We are too pride as a society, and it is getting more and more stripped off of us; our pride.
    It is more like a wake up call but it clearly seems that a lot off people going to miss this wake up call.
    If people nowa these days loosing their so called status, they imediatley starting to trip over it.
    Peoples kill them selfs for less and peoples care less with their actions for others.
    If you really know who you are and are based on solid ground then nothing can disturb your peace!, If you chasing an imaginary status of society in your life, then one day you will find out that everything you are and have, is based on sand and it will be washed away.

  • '12

    Or…. you have a mental illness.  I think its a tautology to say people who commit suicide have a mental illness.  We can list all the rational ways people should cope.  But there are some people with mental illnesses that are barely keeping it together.  I would imagine that nurse was one of them.  Only a crazy person would kill themselves and leave their children motherless because of a embarrassing situation at work.

    I think making crank phone calls to hospitals is a rather poor choice of humour.  The DJs might eventually be charge with making a recording of a phone call without the permission of the other party (then broadcasting it) which is pretty standard law with most countries I would think.

    An update to that story:
    Kate hoax call: Scotland Yard contacts Australian police

  • @MrMalachiCrunch:

    Or…. you have a mental illness.  I think its a tautology to say people who commit suicide have a mental illness.  We can list all the rational ways people should cope.  But there are some people with mental illnesses that are barely keeping it together.  I would imagine that nurse was one of them.  Only a crazy person would kill themselves and leave their children motherless because of a embarrassing situation at work.

    I think making crank phone calls to hospitals is a rather poor choice of humour.  The DJs might eventually be charge with making a recording of a phone call without the permission of the other party (then broadcasting it) which is pretty standard law with most countries I would think.

    I don’t think mental illness is the only reason people kill themselves. What if someone is in intense physical or emotional pain? Just because someone has emotional pain does not mean they are mentally ill, often times people have very good reasons to feel emotional pain. Or perhaps think of Erwin Rommel, he committed suicide out of pure reason. He avoided trial, received a state funeral, and his family avoided persecution and received all his military benefits. Furthermore, I have not read any evidence saying Saldanha was mentally ill, so that is quite a judgement to make about someone without evidence. From her picture, she looks very put together though maybe a bit too serious.


    This article says she was “an excellent nurse and well-respected and popular with all of her colleagues”. That does not sound like someone who is soft or mentally ill to me.

    PS: Maybe the husband didn’t tell his sister that his wife had died from suicide because he does not believe she did.

  • http://www.mysinchew.com/node/80735

    Sister In-Law:“It is hard to believe Jacintha could commit suicide as she was not the type of woman to do it.”

    “British media have termed Saldanha’s death a suspected suicide. Police, ahead of an autopsy next week, say it remains unexplained but is not being treated as suspicious.”

    So the media says its a suicide, the police say it is unexplained but not suspicious…. now that’s suspicious.

  • Blame it on Bush as usual…

  • @Imperious:

    Blame it on Bush as usual…

    Actually IL, I was going to blame you… :lol:

    Are you trying to make this a political discussion so you can shut it down?

    regardless, I’m guessing you believe there is nothing to see here, just another senseless tragedy. Everybody should be quiet and move along.

  • '12

    Emperor_Taikim, I should have better qualified my statement that only mentally ill people commit suicide.  If we exclude suicide to relieve extreme pain at end of death, being able to die with dignity and under your terms if for instance you have ALS.  We also exclude cases like Rommel.  I’ve known a number of people who committed suicide, none of them fell under those headings.  If this nurse did commit suicide over the shame of being duped then I would characterize that as an abnormal response.  Abnormal responses to situations most people can deal with is I think nearly by definition a mental illness like depression.  Now as for how the name Bush came into this thread, I have no idea.  I read the article you cited and from what is on this thread from the point in time where I am reading and writing this only one person seems to have brought bush into this thread.  Taikim, my advice for posts from IL is to ignore the trolling.  It would be nice if you could just filter him out completely.

  • I’m guessing you believe there is nothing to see here

    NO just making the point that this tragedy is not the fault of the people who spoofed the nurse. She had other issues because the reaction is not typical to anybody normal.

    People placing fault, blaming Bush is the iconic scapegoat for anything. Not meant to be political.

    Now as for how the name Bush came into this thread, I have no idea.  I read the article you cited and from what is on this thread from the point in time where I am reading and writing this only one person seems to have brought bush into this thread.  Taikim, my advice for posts from IL is to ignore the trolling.  It would be nice if you could just filter him out completely.

    He doth protest too much. I love how you ‘ignore’ by writing 4 sentences to my 1. Also, his name is Taiki, not “Taikim”

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    The funniest thing about IL is he can’t admit when he’s wrong.

    He will defend a “Sky is Orange” statement to the death LOL, it’s hilarious, and picking at it drives him to the point of rage/quit frustration, and rule breaking.

    The “Blaming Bush” thing for example, is somehow “not” a political statement? The fact BUSH is even mentioned makes it a political - even when it’s satire. :)  You would have no other reason to mention it in this place.

    Now, just wait for IL’s retort to this post LOL.

  • The funniest thing about IL is he can’t admit when he’s wrong.

    He will defend a “Sky is Orange” statement to the death LOL, it’s hilarious, and picking at it drives him to the point of rage/quit frustration, and rule breaking.

    The “Blaming Bush” thing for example, is somehow “not” a political statement? The fact BUSH is even mentioned makes it a political - even when it’s satire. Smiley  You would have no other reason to mention it in this place.

    Now, just wait for IL’s retort to this post LOL.

    He doth protest too much

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