@SuperbattleshipYamato agreed
Oztea's global41 setup pictures
Actually, this setup has gotten a little dated.
When I get my 2nd edition in the mail (friday hopefully) I will set this back up and re-tweak it a little.
Did some research and there are some minor inconsistencies.BIG question though.
Should I just remove all free french units, and put them down as Vichy units, and treat them as an Axis version of China? -
Updated setup to account for new AA gun rules and other minor changes.
This should be the last incarnation for a while, playtest reports are welcome.
Now all we need us a 1939 setup.
I made this a while ago
If you dont want Axis minors or Dutch just replace Axis minors with Germany and dutch with brits, but the pacific dutch pieces will be removed then
Global 1939:
Nations: (in turn order)
Germany, 14 IPCs (starts with 20), Axis minors 8 IPCs
Russia 35 IPCs
Japan 24 IPCs
UK 35 IPCs, Dutch 14 IPCs
Italy 10 IPCs
China 12 IPCs
France 17 IPCsRelations:
Germany, Axis minor, and Italy VS. UK, France, Dutch, and ANZAC
Japan VS. China
Russia can go to war on turn 4
USA can go to war on turn 4
Japan can declare anytime
Russia Can Attack East Poland
If Germany takes East Poland on G1, It goes to war with RussiaDutch Capital is Holland Benulux (no VC)
Axis minor Capital is Romania (no VC)Setup:
Japan: 6 Infantry, 2 Artillery, 1 Tank, 3 Fighters, 2 Tac Bombers, 2 Bombers, Major IC, 4 AA guns, Navy base, Air base
Korea: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mech
Manchuria: 6 Infantry, 2 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 Tac Bomber, 1 Tank, 1 Mech, 1 AA gun
Jehol: 2 Infantry, 1 Mech, 1 Fighter
Shantung: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Kiangsu: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Okinowa: 2 Infantry
Farmosa: 1 Infantry, 1 Tac Bomber
Marinas: 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, Air base
Carolinas: 2 Infantry, 1 AA gun, Navy Base
Marshall IS: 1 Infantry
Iwo Jima: 1 Infantry
Kaingsi: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mech
6: 2 Battleships, 2 Carriers, (2F 2TB), 2 Cruisers, 3 Destroyers, 2 Subs, 3 Transports
22:1 Battleship, 2 Destroyers, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
32: 1 Carrier (2F), 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport, 1 Sub
36: 1 Sub
31: 1 SubUK:
UK: 3 Infantry, 1 Mech, 1 Tank, 1 Artillery, 4 AA guns, Major IC, Navy Base, Air Base, 2 Fighters, 1 Tac Bomber, 1 Bomber
Scotland: 2 Infantry, 1 Fighter, Airbase
Alexandria: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank
Egypt: 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, Navy Base
Union of South Africa: 1 Infantry, Minor IC
Sudan: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Rodesia: 1 Infantry
West India: 1 Infantry
India: 6 Infantry, 1 Mech, 3 AA guns, Navy base, Air base, Major IC
Burma: 1 Infantry, 1 Mech
Boreo: 1 Infantry
Kwatung: 3 Infantry, Navy Base
Malaya: 2 Infantry, Navy Base
France: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank
Malta: 1 Fighter, Airbase
110: 1 Battleship, 1 Destroyer, 1 Sub, 2 Transports
111: 1 Battleship, Carrier (1F), 1 Cruiser, 1 sub, 1 Transport
92: 1 Cruiser
70: Destroyer, Transport
79: 1 Carrier (2F), 1 Cruiser, 1 Sub, 1 Transport
37: 1 Battleship, 1 Transport
98: 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, 2 SubsDoes collect Income for these Territories:
Poland: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
East Poland: 2 Infantry
Norway: 1 InfantryUSA:
East USA: 1 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Mech, 1 Artillery, 3 AA guns, Navy Base, Minor IC, Air Base
Central USA: 1 Infantry, 3 Mech, Minor IC
West USA: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 2 Bombers, Navy Base, Air Base, 3 AA guns, Major IC
Alaska: 2 Infantry
Hawaii: 2 Infantry, 2 Fighters, Air base, Navy Base, 1 AA gun
Wake: Air Base
Guam: Air Base
Midway: Air Base
101: 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
10: 1 Carrier (2F), 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, 1 Sub, 2 Transports
26: 1 Carrier (1F), 1 Battleship, 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
35: 2 Transports
89: 1 DestroyerFrance:
France: 5 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Mech, 1 Fighter, 1 Major IC, 2 AA guns
Normandy: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, Minor IC, Navy Base
South France: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, Minor IC, Navy Base
Tunsia: 1 Infantry
Morraco: 1 Infantry
French West Africa: 1 Infantry
Syria: 1 Infantry
Indochina: 1 Infantry
105: Cruiser, Transport
82: Destroyer
93: Destroyer, CruiserRussia:
Belreus: 3 Infantry, 1 Mech, 1 Artillery
West Ukraine: 2 Infantry
Ukraine: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Bryansk: 2 Infantry
Volgograd: 1 Tank, 1 Mech, Minor IC
Russia: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mech, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 1 Tac Bomber, Major IC, Air Base, 2 AA guns
Novogrod: 6 Infantry, 1 Fighter, Minor IC, Navy Base
Karalia: 3 Infantry, 2 Artillery
Sakka: 1 Infantry
Novobrisk: 1 Infantry
Caucusus: 1 Infantry
Tambov: 2 Infantry
Amur: 9 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Buyratia: 7 Infantry, 1 Mech, 2 AA guns
115: 1 Battleship, 1 Transport
127: 1 SubANZAC:
Queensland: 2 Infantry, 1 Mech, Airbase
New South Wales: 2 Infantry, 1 Mech, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, Navy Base, Minor IC
New Zealand: 1 Infantry, 2 Fighters, Air base
62: 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, 2 Transports
Egypt: 1 InfantryChina:
Yunnan: 4 Infantry
Szechwan: 5 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter
Sikang: 2 Infantry
Anweh: 2 Infantry
Hunnan: 1 Infantry
Charchar: 2 InfantryItaly:
North Italy: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Mech, 2 Fighters, Major IC, 3 AA guns
South Italy: 6 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Tac Bomber, Navy Base, Air Base, 2 AA guns, Minor IC
Tobruk: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mech, 1 Tank
Libya: 2 Infantry
95: 1 Battleship, 2 Destroyer, 1 Sub, 1 Transport
97: 1 Cruiser, 1 Sub, 1 Transport
96: 1 Destroyer, 1 Sub, 1 TransportAxis Minor:
Romania: 2 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, Minor IC, 1 AA gun
Bulgaria: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Slovakia/Hungary: 2 Infantry
Finland: 2 Infantry, 1 Mech
Vyborg: 1 Infantry
Bessabaria: 1 Infantry
Germany: 1 InfantryDutch:
Holland/Benulux: 2 Infantry
Sumatra: 1 Infantry
Java: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, Minor IC, Navy Base
Celebs: 1 Infantry, Air base
42: 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
45: 1 TransportGermany:
Germany: 11 Infantry, 3 Mech, 2 Artillery, 4 Tanks, 2 Fighters, 2 Tac Bombers, Navy Base, Air Base, Major IC, 4 AA guns
West Germany: 8 Infantry, 3 Artillery, 5 Mech, 4 Tank, 2 Fighters, 3 Tac Bombers, Major IC, Navy Base, Air base, 3 AA guns
Greater South Germany: 4 Infantry, 2 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Mech
113: 2 Transports (with 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery), 1 Destroyer, 2 Subs
112: 1 Battleship
103: 1 Sub
86: 1 Sub
117: 1 Sub
108: 1 Sub
79: 1 SubNew Neutrals:
Denmark: 1 Infantry
Baltic States: 1 InfantryPro-Axis:
Albania: 1 Infantry -
Thanks for the setup OZTEA! I`m going to try it out soon!
The Euro-Axis have been getting the short end of the stick. Expect some changes soon.
One of which will be added damage to London
10 Damage on the Industrial complex instead of just 5.Germany runs out of subs too fast.
Im also STRONGLY considering removing all French units, and treating them as Canadian, and making that a separate economy.
Im going to release an updated version of the setup hopefully by the end of the day.
Germany and Italy will get a slight rearrangement and boost (germanys airforce is dramatically under represented)I still don’t know what to do about the French (should they be vichy?) or what about canada (could they be blue or become ANZAC)
How about Germany only get the revenue for European France and leave African French possessions as French, or “Vichy”, so neither side collects the revenue?
Canada could be Blue. -
On second thought, adding Canada as blue would be more problematic than I am ready to deal with.
The Vichy stuff remains German so they start with more cash on hand on G1, and so the other allies get distracted by having to reassert allied dominance over those territories.What I was very close to dabbling in was putting down more French units, and adding a special rule for French units:
- French units can’t move unless Paris is liberated.
- French units defends for whoever controls the territory (in the case of naval units, whoever controls the adjacent port)
- French units only defend at 1 when attacked by allied units and only defend on the first round.
This would let me add French units to Syria, Morocco, Southern France and French naval assets to the Mediterranean, that all basically just sit there.
But adding more rules isn’t in the spirit of this project.
[Germany] - 48 IPCs
Germany - 6 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 2 Fighters, 2 Tactical Bombers, Major IC, 4 AA guns
West Germany - 6 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, 2 Bombers, Major IC, 4 AA guns, Port, Airbase
Greater Southern Germany - 6 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry
Holland Belgium - 2 Infantry, AA Gun
Normandy/Bordeux - 2 Infantry, AA Gun, Minor IC, Port, Control Marker
France - 2 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, Minor IC, Airbase, Control Marker
Southern France - 1 Infantry, 1 Tank, Minor IC, Port, Control Marker
Morocco - 1 Infantry, Control Marker
Algeria - 1 Infantry, Control Marker
French West Africa - Control Marker
French Central Africa - Control Marker
French Madagascar - Control Marker
Tunisia - 1 Infantry
Libya - 2 Infantry, 2 Mech Infantry, 1 Tank
Syria - Control Marker
Southern Italy - 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter
Greece - 1 Infantry, 2 Mech Infantry, 1 Tank
Bulgaria - 4 Infantry, Control Marker
Yugoslavia - 2 Infantry, 2 Artillery
Romania - 6 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 2 Artillery, 2 Tanks
Slovakia Hungary - 8 Infantry, 3 Mech Infantry, 2 Artillery, 3 Tanks
Poland - 8 Infantry, 3 Mech Infantry, 2 Artillery, 3 Tanks
Finland - 6 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank
Norway - 2 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Fighter, AA Gun
Denmark - 2 Infantry
SZ 112 - 1 Sub
SZ 113 - 1 Sub, 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
SZ 114 - 1 Sub, ,1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
SZ 118 - 1 Battleship (Damaged)
SZ 106 - 1 Sub
SZ 105 - 1 Sub
SZ 93 - 1 Sub, 1 Transport
SZ 96 - 1 Destroyer[Soviet Union] - 37 IPCs
Russia - 6 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 2 Artillery, 2 Tanks, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 Bomber, Major IC, 3 AA guns, Airbase
Vologda - 1 Infantry
Archangel - 1 Infantry
Novgorod - 8 Infantry, 2 Mech Infantry, 1 Fighter, Minor IC, 4 AA guns, Port, Airbase
Karelia - 2 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry
Vyborg - 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Baltic States - 2 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tactical Bomber
Belarus - 1 Infantry
Eastern Poland - 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter
Western Ukraine - 1 Infantry
Bessarabia - 3 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry
Ukraine - 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, Minor IC, AA gun
Rostov - 2 Infantry
Caucasus - 1 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry
Volgograd - 2 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 2 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, Minor IC, AA gun
Tambov - 1 Infantry
Bryansk - 2 Infantry
Smolensk - 2 Infantry
Turkmenistan- 1 Infantry
Kazakhstan - 1 Infantry
Samara - 1 Infantry
Novosibirsk - 1 Infantry
Timguska - 1 Infantry
Nenetsia - 1 Infantry
Urals - 1 Infantry
Evenkiyskiy - 1 Infantry
Yenisey - 1 Infantry
Yakut SSR - 3 Infantry, 2 Mech Infantry, 1 Tank
Buryatia - 3 Infantry
Sakha - 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Amur - 6 Infantry, 2 AA guns
Siberia - 1 Infantry
Soviet Far East - 1 Infantry
SZ 100 - 1 Sub, 1 Destroyer
SZ 127 - 1 Sub
SZ 115 - 1 Sub, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
SZ 5 - Destroyer[Japan] - 31 IPCs
Japan - 6 Infantry, 1 Artilley, 1 Tank, 2 Fighters, 2 Tactical Bombers, 1 Bomber, Major IC, 2 AA guns, Port, Airbase
Korea - 4 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 2 AA guns
Manchuria - 6 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Artillery, 2 Fighters, 2 Tactical Bombers, 2 AA guns
Jehol - 2 Infantry
Chahar - 2 Infantry, Control Marker
Shantung - 2 Infantry
Anhwe - 4 Infantry, 1 Artillery, Control Marker
Kiangsu - 3 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 1 Bomber, Port
Kiangsi - 1 Infantry
Kwangsi - 1 Infantry
Yunnan - 1 Infantry, Control Marker
French Indochina - 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, Control Marker
Siam - 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Formosa - 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter
Okinawa - 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 Airbase
Iwo Jima - 1 Infantry
Marianas - 1 Infantry
Caroline Islands - 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, AA gun, Port, Airbase
Paulau Island - 1 Infantry
SZ 6 - 1 Sub, 2 Destroyers, 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship, 1 Carrier w/ 1 Fighter & 1 Tactical Bomber, 3 Transports
SZ 19 - 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
SZ 36 - 1 Sub, 2 Destroyers, 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship, 1 Carrier w/ 1 Fighter & 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 Transport, 2 Infantry.
SZ 25 - 1 Sub, 1 Destroyer, 2 Carriers w/ 2 Fighters & 2 Tactical Bombers
SZ 33 - 1 Sub, 1 Destroyer, 2 Transports
SZ 37 - 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport, 2 Infantry[United States] - 52 IPCs
Eastern United States - 4 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 Bomber, Minor IC, 2 AA guns, Port, Airbase
Central United States - 4 Infantry, 3 Mech Infantry, 2 Tanks, 1 Fighter, Minor IC
Western United States - 4 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, Minor IC, 2 AA guns, Port, Airbase
Alaska - 1 Infantry
Hawaiian Islands - 2 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 Bomber, AA gun, Port, Airbase
Midway - 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 Airbase
Wake Island - 1 Infantry, Airbase
Guam - Airbase
Philippines - 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter
SZ 101 - 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Sub, 1 Transport
SZ 106 - 1 Destroyer
SZ 64 - 1 Destroyer, 1 Battleship
SZ 10 - 1 Sub, 2 Destroyers, 2 Cruisers, 2 Transports
SZ 26 - 2 Battleships, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
SZ 28 - 1 Destroyer, 1 Sub, 2 Carriers w/ 2 Fighters & 2 Tactical Bombers
SZ 35 - 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport[China] - 9 IPCs
Szechwan - 6 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, AA gun
Hunan - 1 Infantry
Kweichow - 1 Infantry
Hopei - 1 Infantry
Shensi - 2 Infantry
Suiyuyan - 2 Infantry
Kansu - 1 Infantry
Sikang - 1 Infantry
Tsinghai - 1 Infantry[United Kingdom Europe] - 29 IPCs
United Kingdom - 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, Major IC (With 10 Points of Damage), 4 AA Guns, Port (With 3 Points of Damage), Airbase (With 3 Points of Damage)
Scotland - 1 Infantry, 1Mech Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 Bomber, Airbase
Iceland - 1 Infantry, Airbase
Gibraltar - 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 AA gun, Port
Malta - 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, AA gun, Airbase (With 5 Points of Damage)
Crete - 1 Infantry, Control Marker
Tobruk - 1 Tank, Control Marker
Alexandria - 1 Infantry
Egypt - 1 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, AA gun, Port
Trans-Jordan - 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Anglo Egyptian Sudan - 1 Infantry
Kenya - 1 Infantry
Ethiopia - 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, Control Marker
French Equatorial Africa - Control Marker
Union of South Africa - 1 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, AA gun, Minor IC, Port
Southwest Africa - 1 Infantry
New Brunswick/Nova Scotia - Port
Quebec - 1 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, Minor IC
Ontario - 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba - 1 Infantry
British Colombia [Western Canada] - 1 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry
SZ 106 - 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
SZ 117 - 1 Cruiser
SZ 109 - 1 Transport
SZ 119 - 2 Cruisers, 1 Battleship
SZ 110 - 1 Destroyer
SZ 92 - 1 Carrier, 1 Tactical Bomber
SZ 99 - 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
SZ 98 - 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Sub
SZ 71 - 1 Sub, 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport[United Kingdom Pacific] - 24 IPCs
India - 6 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, Major IC, 3 AA guns, Port, Airbase
West India - 1 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry
Burma - 2 Infantry
Malaya - 3 Infantry
Kwangtung - 2 Infantry
Sumatra - Control Marker
Celebes - Control Marker
SZ 39 - 1 Sub, 1 Destroyer, 1 Carrier w/ 1 Fighter, 1 Transport
SZ 37 - 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship[Italy] - 15 IPCs
Southern Italy - 4 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, Minor IC, 2 AA guns, Port (6 Points of Damage), Airbase
Northern Italy - 2 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 1 Bomber, Major IC, 2 AA guns
Sicily - 1 Infantry, 1 Tactical Bomber, Airbase
Southern France - 1 Infantry
Yugoslavia - 2 Infantry, Control Marker
Albania - 1 Infantry
Greece - 1 Infantry, 1 Tank, Control Marker
Romania - 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Tunisia - 1 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Tank, Control Marker
Libya - 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, AA Gun
Italian Somaliland - 1 Infantry
British Somaliland - 1 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, Control Marker
SZ 95 - 1 Sub, 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
SZ 97 - 1 Battleship (Damaged)
SZ 93 - 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
SZ 96 - 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport[ANZAC] - 14 IPCs
New South Wales - 1 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, AA Gun, Minor IC, Port
Queensland - 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, Port, AA Gun, Airbase
Western Australia - 1 Infantry
New Zealand - 1 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, Minor IC, AA Gun, Port, Airbase
New Hebrides - Control Marker
New Guinea - 1 Infantry
Dutch New Guinea - Control Marker
Java - Control Marker
Malaya - 1 Infantry
Shan State - 1 Infantry
India - 1 Infantry
Egypt - 1 Infantry
Tobruk - 1 Infantry
SZ 54 - 1 Destroyer, 1 Sub
SZ 62 - 1 Transport
SZ 63 - 1 Cruiser
SZ 39 - 1 Cruiser
SZ 98 - 1 Destroyer[France] - 0 IPCs
United Kingdom - 2 Infantry, 1 Fighter
Egypt - 1 Infantry -
Tanks a bunch for the updated version, when I go to F.M.G.'s convention in Toronto in April, I’ll set this one up if its anything like the one we were playing a year a go or so its a lot of fun again TANKS a bunch
Suprise Attack -
Beware, the allies seem to have the advantage here. Germany’s table is too full of options, and they can’t ever seem to get a raid in somewhere. The UK gets too beefy.
You pretty much MUST kill the UK carrier on G1, its a real annoying piece because if it lives the UK can dump a lot of planes into the med and liquefy the Italians.
Turns out I was wrong.
USSR got steamrolled, as Italy snuck Egypt.The pacific is balanced.
The USSR Far Eastern forces have been moved westward by a hair, and bolstered slightly. And a fighter was added to there.
I warn everyone….you NEED to move these units westward. Moscow will not survive without them. -
I think I’m going to add Gargantua’s “battle of the River platte”.
Use a German Crusier as the Graf Spee, a British Crusier for the Exiter, the other two boats Ajax and Achilles were both light Crusiers so go with Destroyers.
The Exiter had 8’ guns the Graf Spee 11’ guns the other light Crusiers would have smaller guns than the Exiter, so balance wise maybe a German BB, and a British CA and DD.
Interesting……very interesting
I’m not gaming this weekend so I wont be able to post the results for a week or so -
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Nov 14, 2012, 3:26 AM Nov 14, 2012, 3:15 AM
Graf Spee sunk in 1939 so i don’t see need to add ships that aren’t available. Of course for fun factor, it can work.
In that case, the UK CA and DD’s should be farther away about SZ90 and German CA is a 3 space mover ( just that one ship) and starts off in Madagascar sea zone next to one UK transport at Cape Horn. A second one should be also in range, but If Graf Spee bites the second one the UK task force should be able to intercept. That gives some decisions similar to what happened. Graf Spee can take her chances with UK force or turn back to Indian Ocean or dash under Argentina.
IL reminds us that Graf Spee was sunk in 1939.
This is a 1941 setup.I have considered penning a 39 setup myself, but I don’t like that time frame. The farther I get away from 1941, the more fine tuning I need to make to achieve balance.
With all those turns leading up to the big clashes, so much can go wrong that by the time you get deep into the war, its already over for one side or another.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Nov 14, 2012, 4:34 AM
1939 does have merits for a setup.
Iceland and Greenland would have to be attacked to be occupied by the allies.
Some neutrals can be either strict ( Dutch), or pro axis ( Yugoslavia)
The compensation for the axis starting so economically weak, is either give them a reserve IPC fund at start that kicks in incrementally for the first 1-3 turns
Give Axis a double turn at start ( some aspects might not be possible such as two build periods)
I got a map for 39 with changes based on this for the Europe 40 map.
Yes it would be just for the fun factor, and with the need to have the move be a 3 spacer then you would need to add a Naval base, and that starts adding too much.
I think it would be interesting with the 3 outcomes of the battle
mutual destruction
Axis advantage
Allied advantage
I’m taking this weekend off from the big board, wifes B.day, hunting season opens, and some small side jobs to finish.
I enjoyed the map of the Graf Spee travels
Tanks S.A. -
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Nov 15, 2012, 6:19 AM
Well i was just saying that one cruiser moves 3 spaces.
Yea looking at my WWII maps the one move was huge, that or the lines were drawn wrong on the Global map.
On my personal 39 war the boats are where they were before the war started.
I use the naval mini’s and the map is 6’ by 9’, movement for the fast boats is 4 spaces, 1 is convoy speed, 2 is sub and slower moving ships 3 is for the faster but not the fastest
4 = 30+ knots
3 = 25-30 knots
2 = anything faster than a convoy
1 = convoy
lots of pieces and labor intensive set up, rolled on a 12 sided.
we dont play it often -
Playing myself in a game now and it went great.
Russia gets really strong, but has to stay locked in Moscow.The UK is just a hair too weak now that I started their factory with 10 damage….it REALLY makes economic attacks worth it.
(its almost like old fashioned direct IPC damage)
So a few of their units will move around, and they might get +1 or +2 units in Egypt, which continues to fall consistently and spectacularly in all play tests
Perhaps I don’t harass Italy enough, and they get big enough to take it, but I feel it may be something else.Expect a few moves on the setup, which I may post in a new thread with new pictures.
I may move on to a 1943 setup next.