Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17


    KaLeun, you’re such a trouble maker  :wink:

    Thanks!  :-D

    The reason I’m asking, is that I noticed that TripleA won’t allow it - if I move in the planes in that situation, it will treat it as an attack and not give me the option to bomb. But in different situations, where bombing can be done with strats and tacs, TripleA will allow me to pick which of them will get shot down by the AA, if any.

  • Triple A is wrong about the AA.  It’s a known bug.  You need to scour the list in Triple A under
    Help -> Game notes

    (Most all of these were added as a result of my compilation of observations and questions from players and my own experiences)

    There are many known bugs.  Do not rely on Triple A or even use what it allows or disallows, as an indication.  Thou must know the rulebook thyself. (Or ask someone who does)

  • It’s not really a bug, there is a game option “Choose AA casualties” that you can toggle on to make it how Herr KaLeun described. It’s generally the option used for Low Luck games, although technically only the units attacking the same facility should be grouped. (i.e. A tac bombs an airbase while 2 strats bomb a Major IC: the tac should roll AA@1 and the 2 strats would roll an AA@2, instead of 1 AA@3)

  • Well, that’s interesting information, but this is listed in the Triple A game notes:

    (NA) During an SBR, AA fire and casualty selection should be done on a per-facility-being-attacked basis

    NA stands for None Available - There is no fix available for this yet.

    Regardless, the point stands.  Don’t count on Triple A to follow the rule book.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    Thanks again. I always do check the rule book when TripleA does something that I find odd, but in this case, I just misread it. It says:

    Each industrial complex, air base, and naval base has its own antiaircraft system. If there is an AAA (antiaircraft artillery) unit in the targeted territory, don’t roll for it. Those units are used to protect combat units. Each complex and base rolls one die against each bomber directly attacking it (regardless of the number of bombers). For each “1” rolled, a bomber of the attacker’s choice is immediately removed.

    While that’s clear enough, I’ve been focusing on the last sentence only. The problem doesn’t occur when rolling separately for each bomber. As I read it now, the defender can even shoot the strategic bomber when the tactical bomber does have a target and when they’re attacking the same facility.

  • I think you’re still confused, if I understand what you’re saying.

    Wait for Krieghund.  We need his answer on the bombed out base question anyway, right?

    If you have a tac and strat bomber(s) going at the same base and you take an AA hit, you can always lose the tac.  A bomber of the attacker’s choice is removed.

    It’s during the air battle that you have all the fighters, tacs, and strats together rolling 1’s to attack interceptors, and are being fired at by interceptors.  You can take off fighters, then tacs if you want for interceptor hits.  After the air battle, you divide your tacs and strats into groups.  Each facility fires at the group attacking it.  Attacker can remove tacs first in the case of attacking a base with a mixed group (otherwise, there really is no choice because it’s only tacs, or only strats).

    Your question seemed to be, can you take in tacs to shield your strats from interceptors even when there is no base (answer is “no”), or if there is a base or 2 but they are fully damaged so can’t take any more damage (not sure, need Krieghund).

    Your tacs can always shield your strats from AA fire at a base, IF you are taking in both tac(s) and strat(s).

  • Official Q&A

    There’s no rule against bombing a facility that has already taken maximum damage.  You just can’t damage it any further.

  • OK!  This time I need to pencil it in to my paper copy rulebook!

    Ah, so tacs CAN effectively act as escorts sometimes (no further damage can be done, so shielding strats from intercepting fighters)!  “Escorts” that must take AA fire.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    Alright…. I think I got it now. So the benefit of taking the tacs along would be during the air batlle, not during the actual bombing.
    But I suppose there’s a disadvantage, too. If I send in the tacs when any airfields and harbors have already taken 6 damage, with the excuse that they can still be “bombing” them anyway, then I suppose they can still get fired at by the AA at the facility. So that would discourage this tactic.

  • That’s right, that’s how it works, but there are situations where this would be an effective tactic.

  • My question is when the defender decides to intercept would he/she be intercepting all raids resulting in one large air battle of all bombers, escorts and interceptors regardless of target?

    Or, does the attacker decide which raid to escort and the defender decide which raid to intercept?

    Hope my question is clear.  Thanks

  • @IKE:

    My question is when the defender decides to intercept would he/she be intercepting all raids resulting in one large air battle of all bombers, escorts and interceptors regardless of target?

    Or, does the attacker decide which raid to escort and the defender decide which raid to intercept?

    Hope my question is clear.  Thanks

    The first.  There’s one big air battle of all fighters, tacs, and strats sent by the attacker, vs all fighter interceptors sent by the defender.  After the air battle, the attacker divides them into groups, and AA fire from each facility fires at each group, with attacker choosing casualties, tacs or strats (fighter escorts are finished after the air battle)

  • Ah, I see now how tactical’s can effectively be used to escort (even though they will have to take AA fire).

    So the attacker doesn’t have to declare raid targets until after the air battle?

  • @IKE:

    So the attacker doesn’t have to declare raid targets until after the air battle?

    That is exactly right.

  • '16 '15 '10

    Say I have a transport with 2 inf on it at the start of a turn.  In Global, can you offload 1 unit as a combat move or do I need to unload both inf at once?

    If so, does it make a difference if the infantry were already on the transport?

  • @Zhukov44:

    Say I have a transport with 2 inf on it at the start of a turn.  In Global, can you offload 1 unit as a combat move or do I need to unload both inf at once?

    Yes, if that unit was already on the transport at the beginning of your turn.

    If so, does it make a difference if the infantry were already on the transport?

    Yes.  If you had picked both of them up in the combat move, then you would have to amphibiously assault with both of them.  If you had one on at the beginning of your turn, and picked up one in the combat movement phase, you could also assault with only 1,  which would be the one you just picked up.  You could leave the one that started the turn on your transport, on your transport while amphibiously assaulting with the one you just picked up.

    Page 16, under “transports”:
    “If a transport loads land units during the Combat Move phase, it must offload those units to attack a hostile territory as part of an amphibious assault during the Conduct Combat phase, or it must retreat during the sea combat step…”

    Page 33: “During an amphibious assault, a transport must either offload all units that were loaded during the Combat Move phase or retreat during sea combat.  It can also offload any number of units owned by the transport’s power that were already on board at the start of the turn.”

  • Say one of those two units is an AA gun and the units were on the transport at the start of the turn. (Since I don’t think the AA could load during combat phase, correct?)

    Can the transport unload 1 infantry during the combat move and then unload the AA gun during non-combat into the territory just taken?

  • '12


    Say one of those two units is an AA gun and the units were on the transport at the start of the turn. (Since I don’t think the AA could load during combat phase, correct?)

    Can the transport unload 1 infantry during the combat move and then unload the AA gun during non-combat into the territory just taken?

    No only 1 unload event per transport per turn.

  • @IKE:

    Say one of those two units is an AA gun and the units were on the transport at the start of the turn. (Since I don’t think the AA could load during combat phase, correct?)

    AAA can never load during the combat movement phase, that’s correct.

    Can the transport unload 1 infantry during the combat move and then unload the AA gun during non-combat into the territory just taken?

    Bold told you right - after a transport unloads, it is done.  It can’t move, it can’t load, it can’t unload.

  • In combat order, does SBR happen before or after normal combat?

    What we’re wondering is can fighters be involved in BOTH an intercept & scramble, or do they have to pick one or the other?

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