I just started trying to learn Global 1939 for the first time on the revised map, and to be completely honest I am confused.
On the 6.1 set up chart, it has Germany starting at 52 IPC’s, but I don’t know what this 24 production is.
Is this the maximum amount of units that can be produced by Germany in a turn?
It says in political situation that Minor Axis powers have a fixed income that they begin collecting on the turn they are activated by Germany.
Example: � Romania collects a fixed income of 6 production per turn. Germany only receives 4 production per turn for owning Romania.
Shouldn’t this say 6 IPC’s, instead of production?
It also says in the political situation that Minor Axis powers are limited to producing a maximum of 3 units per turn in their original territories. All production generated from territories captured by Minor Axis forces go to Germany.
Again, there is that word again, “production.”
Again, does this mean IPC’s or what does it mean?
I assuming that Romania can’t conquer territories for themselves, because essentially, their conquering territories for Germany.
Is this correct?
If so, they only get 6 IPC’s per turn.
How can they produce 3 units, their maximum?
The only way I see that being possible, is that they don’t spend for a turn or two and save their IPC’s.
Is this correct?
I’m assuming they can’t build industrial complexes in their own country because they are fighting for Germany, and this is why Germany can build IC in Romania because what would be the point for Romania to build one?
They can’t expand past Romania.
I’m just confused.
Can someone help me here?
I would appreciate it!