@Panther Thank you for your response…that helps a lot!
What the deuce will AntiAircraft Artillery be?
I think the main change might be that we will get AA guns in each country’s color now, rather than in neutral grey. As for what the actual sculpt might be, whether it will be a different one for each country or the same type of unit in different colors, we won’t know until the game gets here.
May be that the German AA will be the 88, since it the word is that it is already getting a new artillery piece for 1941.
I think the main change might be that we will get AA guns in each country’s color now, rather than in neutral grey. As for what the actual sculpt might be, whether it will be a different one for each country or the same type of unit in different colors, we won’t know until the game gets here.
May be that the German AA will be the 88, since it the word is that it is already getting a new artillery piece for 1941.
Oh… that’s true! That would make a lot of sense: Germans get a “real” artillery piece, and the 88 becomes the AA Artillery. Hobbes, I think you got it.
A new unit that gives us long time AA gamers a reason to buy the game. And we will because we can’t get enough of this game. That is what the AA artillery is to me.
I think the main change might be that we will get AA guns in each country’s color now, rather than in neutral grey. As for what the actual sculpt might be, whether it will be a different one for each country or the same type of unit in different colors, we won’t know until the game gets here.
May be that the German AA will be the 88, since it the word is that it is already getting a new artillery piece for 1941.
Oh… that’s true! That would make a lot of sense: Germans get a “real” artillery piece, and the 88 becomes the AA Artillery. Hobbes, I think you got it.
And possibly it is the AA piece for Japan as well, based on what I’ve just seen from WW2 Japanese AA guns - most are similar to the 88 although they aren’t copies of that model. And probably the Allied piece will be based on the already old AA piece, since most UK/US types are similar as well.
Maybe they’re going back to having plastic sculpts instead of cardboard tokens, and they want to make it sound like the introduction of something new instead of the return of something old.
Nothing of this, I suppose.
Maybe AA Guns as introduced with G40 Alpha 3 final.
Ding ding! Yep, I think this is it.
I’m not so sure. The new 1941 games says it’s based on the 1942 2nd edition rules. If 1941 is the intro game, we can possibly deduce that the 1942 rules won’t be too complicated.
In brief it is just
- each AA Gun fires at max. three planes so you need more AA Guns to fire at more planes
and - AA Guns can be taken as casualties
that may be “new” in 42 2nd and maybe 41.
- each AA Gun fires at max. three planes so you need more AA Guns to fire at more planes
I’m thinking the old AA guns are going away and the AA Artillery is the replacement.
You mean to identify it as different from the Facility AA? Probably right.
maybe they are going to start integrating the Guadalcanal concept. That if I hit on a 2 you choose, but if I hit on a 1, I choose.
but if I hit on a 1, I choose.
You get to choose for any game that is played on earth?! jk :-)
Now that the first few pictures of the pieces in the new 1941 game have started coming out, I decided to go back to the preliminary announcement for next month’s 1942 2nd Edition game to see if there were any hints that the new pieces in the 1942 game might be some of the same sculpts being introduced this month in the 1941 game. I couldn’t really tell, but in looking again at this part of the announcement…
“There are 5 new sculpts in the game including UK artillery, submarine & destroyer units; German artillery; and a Russian submarine. There’s even an all-new combat unit: the Antiaircraft Artillery!”
…I was reminded of how bizarre it sounded when I first read it. It says there are five new sculpts, and it lists them, then it mentions that there’s also an “all-new” AA unit. It therefore seems pretty clear that the AA unit can’t be a new sculpt, because otherwise they would have said there were six new sculpts rather than the five which are already accounted for. So either it’s a re-use of the old generic AA sculpt from the first few A&A games, or it’s not a sculpt at all but rather a token or some such thing. In both cases, the “all-new” part makes no sense because the majority of past A&A games have had AA units. Are they perhaps just referring to new / different capabilities being given to an old unit (which in my opinion would, at best, make it “somewhat new” rather than all-new)? No matter which way one looks at it, something doesn’t seem to add up.
I think they are going to make artillery double as AA guns. I REALLY REALLY hope they don’t. but I could see them doing it.
i think they are the new AA gun as things are now we have alot of confussion. UK gets radar US builds an AA and ships it to france to reenforce british units who does the AA gun belong to again it’s been an hour of playing and seeing as they are all cardboard or grey i forgot who built it or where it came from… oh crap this sucks.
The rule for foreign ak-aks has always been to put a roundel under it.
yeah i know but AA guns have kind of changed there role in the game. Before global it was: station you’re AA gun where your IC are to protect them and they pretty much stayed there even after you loss the territory the guns are captured.
Now they are more of a hybrid unit. IC defend themselves and the AA guns fight and die with your over units but in combat behave by far more differently then any other unit in the game. On top of that they are still a generic piece.
I think AA Artillery will fix the hybrid part of the unit. It can attack and defend normally. Die with your infantry. Have a “limitation” like subs but it’s can’t hit land units instead of can’t hit air units. And most of all they will be color coded for each nation. I’m hoping there a scupts for each nation but sadly I think there’s a good chance that the Allies will share the same scupts and the Axis will share the same.
I just read the Gen Con. tournement rules for 1942 2nd edition and AntiAircraft Artillery are going to be run as AA guns in Glodal A+3.9 are run. I don’t know if that means that will be the rule for the game when it’s released, I think so but i’m just guessing, or are they just using familar rules to give people alittle time to get using to a new unit.
Had a chance to play the game with Greg Smorey (who runs the A&A tournaments). The new AAA piece, I think, it pretty much what an AA gun is in Global after the Alpha workup.
It is used as an AA gun to shoot at planes attacking the territory it is in. It gets up to 3 shots per gun (you can have multiple in a territory), it has no other attack or defense value - but it can be taken as a casualty. Interestingly, it costs 5 IPC. Oh - it also cannot be moved in combat, unless it is already on a transport.
One other thing brought over from Global is that industrial complexes also have built in AA guns when defending against bombers conducting SBR.
After one play, we found a number of items that both helped and hurt both sides in the game. For example, the Axis seem to start off with a TON of units (Germany has 6 fighters and a bomber to start). OTOH, armor costs 6 IPC - which probably most impacts Germany.
Japan starts with a destroyer off the coast of Kwangtung - no longer is that transport undefended. From Eastern US, you cannot get a fighter to UK, nor can you even get a transport there as well. UK has no sea zones where they can drop a fleet where it CANNOT be hit by German navy in Baltic Sea. US starts with 2 X the number of units in China overall (but, Japan has more units to hit them with).
Our game ended with a German conquest of Moscow - the product of a terrible first round for Russia which never recovered. Overall, a great experience - with the new set-up, rules and a map with enough changes to make it new as well.
If you like A&A, you will really enjoy this iteration of it. It is a step down from Anniversary - but not by much IMHO. Yes, there is no Italy in the game (or China), but that is not really something you miss. Cannot wait to crank out some more games and I look forward to helping Greg run the tournament at GenCon - should prove interesting.
Thanks for sharing your play experience and observations. I can’t wait to see some pictures of the new game board and setup.
Were there any noteworthy rule changes? Does weapons development or national advantages make a return (ex. A&A Revised) or are they still out (ex. A&A 1942 First Edition)?
From Eastern US, you cannot get a fighter to UK, nor can you even get a transport there as well.
That would be a significant change from the first edition of A&A 1942. Can an American transport move from the U.S. East Coast to North Africa in one turn?