Awesome news! I am already looking forward to the release!
Cards for Axis and Allies 1940
1. Yokosuka Naval Arsenal- Japan begins the game with the Improved Shipyards tech. This card must be played before the first German turn.
2. America First Committee - America may not declare war on the axis powers until it is attacked or the United Kingdom, New South Wales, or India is captured by an Axis power. This card must be played before the first German turn.
3. Sneak Attack- During the first turn that Japan attacks a Western Ally its not at war with or the Soviet Union, Japan attacks in a normal fashion, but the attacked units may defend only with a roll of 1 (units without a defensive value do not get to roll). This power may only be used once, and it can only affect forces of the Western Powers (British Pacific/India, France, ANZAC, and the USA) or the USSR. If Japan declares war on both the USSR and the Western Powers in the same turns then both factions� units defend at a 1. This card must be played before the first German turn.
4. Manchukuo- Japan begins the game with a major industrial complex, airbase, and 6 additional infantry on Manchuria. This card must be played before the first German turn.
5. Indian National Army - Whenever Japan captures one of the following British controlled territories (West India, India, Burma, Shan State, Ceylon, or Malaya) and destroys a British unit in the process, Japan may place down a free infantry unit on the territory. Place down two additional free infantry if you destroyed a British tank or fighter while capturing the territory.
6.Skilled Pilots � During the first cycle of a naval combat where Japan is attacking, the Japanese player may determine which enemy units are hit by its Fighters and Tactical aircraft. Only enemy naval vessels (besides submarines and transports) may be chosen in this manner.
7. Combined Fleet - The defense values for Japanese Aircraft carriers, Destroyers, Cruisers, and Battleships are increased by one as long as one of each of these types of vessels is present in the sea zone being attacked.
8. Island Defenders- During the first cycle of any combat where Japanese forces are defending an island (including Japan but excluding New Zealand) Japanese casualties are halved (rounded up).
9. Special Naval Landing Forces - Japanese infantry taking part in naval assaults hit at 2 or less during each round of combat (3 or less if supported by artillery).
10. Tokyo Express- Japanese destroyers may transport one infantry unit. When loading or unloading an infantry unit Japanese destroyers follow the same rules as transport ships. A Japanese destroyer that lands a unit during an Amphibious Assault may participate in a naval battle prior to the Amphibious Assault being made.
11. Co-Prosperity Sphere- Japan may build one infantry per turn on each of the following territories without the presence of an industrial complex: West India, India, Burma, Shan State, Ceylon, Malaya, Borneo, Philippines, Sumatra, Java, Celebes, Siam, French Indo China, Dutch
New Guinea, and New Guinea.
12. Isoroku Yamamoto- Japanese fighters and Tacs have a move of +1 when traveling through Pacific sea zones. This power stacks with the long range aircraft tech.
13. Tomoyuki Yamashita- Japanese infantry attack at +1 during the first cycle of combat in any territory on Mainland Asia (defined as the mainland Asian portion of the Pacific board plus West India)
14. Special Attack Units- Japan may purchase additional Kamikazi tokens at the cost of 3 ipcs per token. They may only have a max of 6 Kamikazi tokens at any given time.
15. Wang Jingwei regime- Japan may purchase up to 1 infantry in any Chinese territory that it occupies without the presence of an industrial complex. Additionally, Japan gains +5 ipcs at the end of every turn that it occupies the entirety of China.United States of America
1. Lend Lease- All other allied powers immediately gain the warbonds tech once they are at war with an axis power. This card must be played before the first German turn.
2. Arsenal of Democracy- The West Coast territory�s ipc value jumps from 10 ipcs to 50 ipcs once the US enters the war. The US may no longer benefit from its national objectives. Additionally, the 50 ipcs is considered to be physically present in the West coast, so an axis player that captured the territory would see their income increase by +50 ipcs rather than + 10. This card must be played before the first German turn.
3. Good Neighbor Policy- The US begins the game in control of all neutral South American territories and their units. Additionally, it gets free minor industrial complexes on Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, and Chile (that can only build infantry, fighters, transports, and destroyers). Furthermore, it gets a free airbase and naval base on Brazil. This card must be played before the first German turn.
4. Selective Training and Service Act of 1940- All US factories begin as majors and the US gets 8 free infantry to place on any starting US territories (including pacific Islands). This card must be played before the first German turn.
5. Ogdensburg Agreement- If the United Kingdom falls then all territories with Canadian roundels become US territories and are treated as if they were starting US territories. They remain under US control until the end of the game. This card may only be played with the consent of the British player.
6. Atomic Bomb � Once America has researched all techs it is considered to have developed the Atomic bomb. There is no longer a limit to the amount of damage that the United States may do to facilities during bombing raids.
7. Seabees - American planes may land on island territories that were captured during the American turn. Additionally, the United States may build minor industrial complexes on Islands worth at least 2 ipcs.
8. Superfortresses - US bombers are immune to anti aircraft fire.
9. Marines -American infantry attack at a 3 (4 when supported by artillery) during the first cycle of the land combat portion of an amphibious assault.
10. Liberty Ships- The US player receives one free transport to place at the end of the purchase units phase of every US turn.
11. Operation Vengeance-The United States may assassinate any Axis character card. Discard after use.
12. Mechanized Army - Your infantry and artillery have a move of 2 and may blitz when paired with a tank or mechanized infantry. Mechanized infantry may blitz without an attached tank.
13. George Patton- American tanks attack and defend at 4 during the first cycle of combat.
14. Chester Nimitz- American naval units have a move of 3 during the noncombat phase of the US turn (4 if they start at a naval base).
15. Curtis LeMay- Add 2 damage to targets of American strategic bombings. -
1. Operation Matterhorn- China or the US may build facilities in China. Any facilities built in Chinese territory by the Japanese are retained rather than destroyed if captured by the allies. China may build fighters, artillery, and armor at any industrial complex under its control. This card must be played before the first German turn.
2.Operation Zet - China may build fighters and AA guns as long as it has a land link between Szechwan and the USSR. The max number of fighters that China may field at any given time is 3. Every third Chinese infantry costs 1 less. Furthermore, Soviet and Japanese forces may clash in the Chinese interior (ie provinces that do not border the Soviet Union) without a declaration of war. This card must be played before the first German turn.
3.Untamed Wilderness: No more than one plane may land on an inland Chinese territory, tanks and mechanized infantry cannot blitz in an inland Chinese territory either. This card must be played before the first German turn.
4.Eight Route Army - If Chinese Infantry survive at least one round of combat when defending against a Japanese attack, then these units may choose to melt away into the countryside. For all intents and purposes treat this like when submarines submerge. The Japanese occupy the province and, on the next Chinese turn, the Chinese units are back in play. The Chinese player must either have these units attack the province or move on to another province. These units may chose to attack provinces behind the Japanese lines, causing Chaos in the rear.
5. “Vinegar” Joe Stilwell - Chinese infantry hit at a three or less during the first cycle of combat when defending a Burma Road territory. Additionally, Chinese forces may enter any territory on the mainland Pacific board.
6. The United Front - Once per game the Chinese player may declare that the United Front is in effect. For that turn only an influx of communist guerilla fighters reduces the cost of Chinese infantry by 1 ipc.
7. Burma Road - In addition to normal rules involving the Road, the US or the United Kingdom may purchase 1 artillery unit for China on every turn that the road remains in allied hands. This unit must be placed on Szechwan.United Kingdom
1.Cripps Mission: The UK�s Pacific and European incomes are combined. Both India and the United Kingdom count as capitols for the UK. If either falls then half the UK�s income is handed over to the Axis power that captures the territory. However the UK may continue to collect
income and purchase units as long as one of the two capitols remains under their control. However, the clamor of Indian nationalists for immediate independence results in widespread strikes. Thus, the factory in India starts with 10 levels of damage on it. This card may
only be played before the first German turn.
2.Canadian industry: Gain a free minor Industrial complex in British Columbia (even though the territory couldn’t normally support one). Gain a free major complex in Ontario. Additionally, you receive an airbase and naval base on British Columbia as well as five free infantry to place on any territory marked with a Canadian roundel. This card may only be played before the first German turn.
3.RAF Fighter Command: Start the game with the Radar tech and 2 extra Anti aircraft guns and 2 extra fighters on the United Kingdom. This card may only be played before the first German turn.
4.Combined Chiefs of Staff: The UK and the United States take their turns simultaneously. In combats where both sides attack a target, both players must agree on attacking casualties, or the opposing player gets to choose them. Antiaircraft fire is rolled separately against each nationality of air units; all anti-U.K. dice are rolled before any anti-U.S. die is rolled. This card may only be played before the first German turn.
5.Chindits: Your infantry may perform attacks for one round and immediately retreat to an adjacent allied owned territory. Japanese defenders do not fire back. This ability may only be used in mainland Asia.
6.Jewel of the Empire: India�s capitol is moved to West India. West India receives a free major industrial complex (even though it normally couldn�t build one there) plus a free airbase and naval base.
7.Night bombing: Axis aircraft may not intercept your bombers during strategic bombing raids. However, the bombers may still be shot down by anti aircraft fire. The damage done by British night bombing raids are halved. The player may decide whether they wish to engage in a
nighttime bombing raid or not.
8.Enigma Decoded: Once per game, when Germany finishes its combat move phase but before its conduct combat phase, you may make one special move. You may move any number of your units from an adjacent space into any one friendly space being attacked by Germany. Alternatively, you may move any number of your units from a space being attacked by Germany into an adjacent friendly space, but you must leave at least one unit behind.
9.Harland and Wolff: Immediately gain the improved Shipyards tech.
10. Bernard Montgomery- British tanks on the Europe board attack at a 4 during the first cycle of combat.
11. Operation Anthropoid- Assassinate one German character Card. Discard after use.
12. Special Operations Executive- Britain may finance partisan movements in Europe. Once you play this card you may purchase infantry that are placed on the card. During any subsequent UK turn you may order these infantry attack a German occupied territory of your choosing (you may not play this card in West Germany, Germany, Greater Southern Germany, Hungary Slovakia, Finland, or Romania). You may only purchase 4 infantry per ipc level of the territory. If the territory is occupied Soviet territory the units become Soviet units. If the territory is France then the Units are considered to be French. All other territories fall under UK control if captured. You may only finance one uprising per game. Discard this card after the uprising.
13. Illustrious class Aircraft Carriers- Aircraft may land on and be launched from damaged British Aircraft Carriers.
14. Arthur Travers Harris- Add an extra two levels of damage to the enemy after a successful Strategic Bombing raid.
15. Anglo-American technological cooperation: For a fee of 10 ipcs the United Kingdom may gain any tech already known by the United States. -
1.Italian Neutrality: Italy starts the game as a neutral and the allies may only declare war on Italy after the United Kingdom’s third turn, unless Italy strikes first. This card must be played before the first German turn.
2.Regina Marina: Italy starts the game with the Improved Shipyards tech. This card must be played before the first German turn.
3.Italian Social Republic: If Rome is captured then Germany immediately seizes control of all remaining Italian units, territories, and the ipcs are split between the capturing power and Germany. Italy’s starting territories are now considered part of Germany’s starting territories (ie germany could build a major on Rome). Italy and all other Italian cards are removed from the game.
Alternatively, this card may be played before the first German turn with the same effects as above.
4.Gustav Line: All German and Italian infantry in Northern and Southern Italy defend at 3 or less during the first cycle of combat.
5. Mountain Fortresses - All Axis units in Northern Italy, Albania, Greece and Yugoslavia are immune to offshore bombardment.
6. Folgore Parachute Division: Immediately gain the Paratroopers tech. Italian paratroopers attack at a 3 or less during the first cycle of combat.
7. Axis Cooperation - German and Italian units may disembark from friendly transports during either powers non-combat move phase as long as they are in the Mediterranean. Also, Germany and Italy can mobilize one unit at one of the other powers factories during the place units phase.ANZAC
1. ABDA Command: The UK Pacific begin the game in control of all Pacific territories marked with a Dutch roundel except Dutch new Guinea which goes to ANZAC . Additionally the UK receive a free minor industrial complex, naval base, and airbase on Java. ANZAC as well gets one free infantry to place on each island in the Dutch East Indies, Borneo, and Burma. This card may only be played before the first German turn.
2. Imperial War Cabinet: The Anzacs move and purchase during the British turn and their income is combined with the UK Pacific Income. Both India and New South Wales count as capitols for the UK in the Pacific. If either falls then the UK pacific income is handed over to the Axis power that captures the territory. However the UK may continue to collect income in the Pacific theater and purchase units as long as one of the two capitols remains under their control. All other Australian cards are discarded. This card may only be played before the first German turn.
3.Bushwhackers - ANZAC infantry can be mobilized in any originally controlled ANZAC territory with an IPC value. The first time Japan attacks an ANZAC territory with an IPC value, place that many ANZAC infantry there. This card must be played before the first German turn.
4.Z Special Unit - Before the combat phase of every Anzac turn, the Anzac player may attempt to sabotage a Japanese air or naval base. The targeted facility must be within 3 spaces of an allied controlled territory. Pay 3 ipcs and pick a single Japanese naval or Airbase. This works like a tac/bomber raid on the facility except without the interception phase. The facility’s garrison may fire at the commandos (in a manner similar to AA guns) and a roll of 1 or 2 stops the raid. If the commandos get through then the normal rules for bombing a facility apply but noextra levels of damage are added.
5.Brisbane Line - Whenever an Axis Power invades a province on the Australian mainland, the defending ANZAC forces may choose to retreat rather than fight. The attacker automatically seizes control of the province and the ANZAC forces may move to any allied controlled territory on the Australian mainland. If the invaders were conducting an amphibious assault then they get to bombardment the fleeing Anzac
troops with their battleships and cruisers.
6.The Australian 1st Armored Division: ANZAC Tanks hit at a 4 or less when defending the Australian mainland.
7.Cockatoo Island Shipyard: Gain the Improved Shipyards Tech.France
1. Maginot Line: Land units may not attack France from West Germany or Northern Italy This advantage is lost after France falls. German tanks and mechanized units stationed in West Germany may move through Netherlands-Belgium to attack France. This card must be played before the first German turn.
2. Free France: Once France has fallen, you may establish a new capitol in French Equatorial Africa. This happens on the next French turn after Paris has been captured by the axis. From that point on you may begin collecting income again and purchasing units. Place a free minor industrial complex and one infanrty in French Equatorial Africa. Your capitol returns to France after it has been liberated. This card must be played before the first German turn.
3. Anglo-French Union: After France falls, all French units and territories immediately become British and are treated like British starting territories (minus French units lost via the Vichy France card, though once liberated these territories go to the United Kingdom). France is completely removed from the game and all French cards are discarded. If France is liberated it goes to the United Kingdom. Frances NO’s become the UKs. This card must be played before the first German turn.
4.Philippe Leclerc- French tanks attack at 4 during the first cycle of Combat.
5.Charles De Gaulle- the British may purchase units for France in the United Kingdom and its adjacent Sea zones.
6.French Resistance- Once this card is played place 1 French infantry piece on it every French turn. Once the allies attack a territory on the French mainland these units are placed on the attacked territory and assist in the assault.
7. Le Fantasque class destroyer - French destroyers roll at the same time as submarines. Any unit that they kill is immediately removed from play and does not get an opportunity to roll their attack or defense. -
anybody there? :?
ill change the cards posted above with revisions in the next week or two when my test game is over.
I played another test game with the cards and found some more problems. i hopefully will have the time to make the changes soon and post them
Has no one looked at the cards? I feel like everyone stopped caring about the cards. :cry:
What they want is a downloadable file to make the physical cards so they can playtest with them…
ohhhhhhh, opps I guess I should have thought of that. :lol:
I’m thinking of trying to start a kickstarter to
1. Pay Hasbro for the rights to do this (maybe I’ll send a message to Larry Harris about it)
2. Hire an artist to do the art for all the cards
3. Find someone to print X number of sets
4. Work with people to playtest these ideas somewhat.
5. Make arrangements with HBG and FMG to sell it (course funders at certain levels would get a free set)Regarding the card types I was thinking of ditching the commander cards (just using a Chief of staff card as a cabinet minister who’d have an effect on the war effort in some way).
Some good revision ideas posted here.
Here are some of my ideas for Germany so far. Cards would cost around 10ipcs and the player would be able to pick which card they want to buy.
Some obvious/actual German cabinet ministers and chiefs of staff where left out on account of their wartime crimes. However, the importance of some people is so great to their side that I’ve included them (E.G. Speer, Goebbels, and Goering).Chiefs of Staff (you may only have one Chief of Staff at a time. Changing your Chief of staff will return him to your deck).
Heinz Guderian- If attacking German forces destroy all defending units in a territory in one cycle of combat; or, if no combat was necessary, any surviving tanks (and escorted mechanized infantry) may make a further move of one space AFTER all other combats have been completed. This move includes moving backwards, or attacking a new territory. The second territory being attacked may not contain a victory city.
Hermann Goering- every bomber taking part in a strategic bombing raid does 1d6 +3 damage
Karl Doenitz- When 3 or more subs attack the same seazone their attack value is increased by one. This bonus is lost if the number of subs drops below 3.
Kurt Zeitzler- The defense value of German infantry is increased by one during the first cycle of combat.
Erwin Rommel- German tanks and Mechanized Infantry units have a combat move of 3 and may blitz through 2 unoccupied territories.
Erich von Manstein- the attack value of all German land units is increased by +1 during the first cycle of combat.
Eberhard Milch- The defense value of German Fighters is increased by one whenever they scramble or defend against strategic bombing raids.
Albert Kesselring- Fighters gain the combined arms unit characteristic when paired with tanks. Additionally, if Germany has the paratroopers tech, then each airbase may send transport 3 infantry into a battle.
Gerd von Rundstedt- When a German territory is attacked, tanks and mechanized infantry from adjacent territories may move into the attacked territory. (Like scrambling, but with tanks and mechs). This ability may only be used in a single territory and only once per round.
Erich Raeder- The attack value of German Battleships and cruisers is increased by one during the first cycle of combat. This bonus also applies to offshore bombardments.
Kurt Student- The attack value of German paratroopers is increased by one during the first cycle of any combat. Additionally, Germany may use paratroopers to attack any territory within their range, even if no other land units are present in the battle.
Cabinet Ministers
Albert Speer- During Germany’s collect income phase the German player rolls two dice and collects that many additional ipcs. This bonus stacks with warbonds.
Wernher von Braun- Multiple rockets may bomb the same territory during the German turn. However, Germany is limited to one rocket attack per each individual facility. For example, Germany could hit London with 3 rockets but one these attacks would have to be split between the industrial complex, the airfield, and the naval base.
Wilhelm Canaris- Germany immediately gains every tech that has been discovered by 3 enemy powers. (I’m at a loss here, as Germany’s spy chief he should be represented. However, he was an anti-nazi and occasionally fed intelligence to the allies).
Joseph Goebbels- Newly purchased Infantry do not count towards the unit production cap of factories in West Germany, Germany, and Greater Southern Germany. For example, a major factory in Germany could produce an unlimited number of infantry in addition to the 10 units its limited to. Factories must be able to produce at least one unit to take advantage of this.
Joachim von Ribbentrop- Germany may attack neutral countries in Europe (Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey) without other neutral countries turning into pro-allied neutrals. However, this bonus does not affect Spanish and Portuguese colonies. If Germany attacks Portugal then Portuguese Guinea, Angola, and Mozambique become pro allied. Likewise, a German attack on Spain turns Rio de Oro pro-allied. Furthermore, the Soviet Union must wait one additional turn before it can declare war on Germany or Italy.
Gustav Krupp- Tanks cost 5 ipcs.
Ferdinand Porsche- Defending German tanks may not be destroyed during the first cycle of combat, nor may they be killed by offshore bombardments.
Konrad Zuse- German tech tokens cost 4 ipcs.
Otto Skorzeny- As long as Skorzeny is in the cabinet the allies cannot assassinate a German cabinet member, puppet, or chief of staff. Once per game Skorzeny may be used to assassinate an enemy cabinet member, puppet, or chief of staff. Immediately discard Skorzeny after he is used in such a fashion.
Philippe Petain- The Germany player places a free infantry on Southern France at the beginning of every turn that Germany controls France, Southern France, and Normandy-Bordeaux.
Vidkun Quisling- The costs of building Germany facilities in Norway are halved (though Norway is limited to a minor industrial complex while Quisling is active). Additionally, the income from the Scandinavian National Objective (Denmark and Norway under German control and Sweden neutral or under axis control) is doubled.
Ion Antonescu- Germany immediately receives a free minor industrial complex on Romania (or a free upgrade to a major if they’ve already constructed a minor there). Additionally, because of Berlin’s control of Romanian oil, the German player receives one free tank on Western Germany at the end of their turn (provided that Romania remains under German control).
Miklos Horthy- Germany immediately receives a free minor industrial complex on Slovakia-Hungary (or a free upgrade to a major if they’ve already constructed a minor there). Additionally, Germany gains 4 additional ipcs at the end of every turn that it controls Slovakia-Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Romania.
Andrey Vlasov- Germany gains 1 ipc at the end of its turn for every 3 Russian units destroyed during that turn. (Represents POWs who joined Vlasov’s “army”).
America First Committee- The United States may not declare war on any Axis power before turn five unless first declared war upon by an Axis power or an Axis power captures London, Moscow, Sydney, Calcutta, or any Canadian territory.
Haj Amin al-Husseini- Germany may immediately place 12 ipcs worth of units on Trans Jordan if it is under their control. Germany may build up to 3 infantry on Trans Jordan every turn. If Egypt, Trans Jordan, Iraq, and Syria are under axis control then Saudi Arabia immediately becomes a pro axis neutral.
Rashid Ali al-Gaylani- Germany immediately gains control of Iraq and its 3 infantry. Germany gains an additional 2 IPCs at the end of every turn that it controls Iraq.
These are some of what I have so far. Input is most welcome.
Advantages (These cards represent various “national advantages” or events). The following is a list of some German ideas.
Enigma code- Until the enigma code is cracked (via a card) enemy ground units’ defense values are reduced to 1 during the first cycle of every land combat where Germany is the attacker.
Flak 88s- German AA guns can fire at Tanks and Mechanized Infantry. This works the same way as with the air defense trait. Each AA gun in the territory may fire up to three times, but only once per attacking tank or mechanized unit. The AA guns fire only once, before the first cycle of combat. For each “1” rolled, the attacker must choose one Tank or Mechanized Infantry as a casualty. These casualties are removed immediately, and will not participate in the remainder of the battle. The Air Defense rolls happen before Flak 88s may target ground units, and any AA guns that shot at incoming air units may not be used against attacking ground units.
Atlantic Wall- German infantry and artillery defend at a 3 during the first cycle of combat when the allies launch an amphibious assault against any of the following territories: Western Germany, Denmark, Holland-Belgium, Normandy-Bordeaux, Spain, Portugal, or Norway. Note that the bonus only counts if the territories mentioned are German occupied and the bonus only applies to German units in those territories.
Second Hendaye Pact- If Germany controls Gibralter, Southern France, Normandy-Bordeaux, and United Kingdom and Spain is neutral then Germany takes immediate control of Spain and Rio de Oro. Germany places 2 infantry in Rio de Oro in addition to 1 minor industrial complex and 6 infantry on Spain. Furthermore, Germany gets an additional 18 ipcs worth of units to place on Spain or in a seazone bordering spain (91, 92, 93, 104, and 105).
Second Molotov Ribbentrop Pact- The Soviet Union may not declare war on any European Axis power before turn six unless first declared war upon by a European Axis power or an Axis power captures London. Additionally, Germany gains an extra 5 ipcs at the end of every turn that it remains at peace with the USSR.
Vichy France- Once Germany captures Paris, the territories and forces in Normandy Bordeaux, Southern France, and French Madagascar immediately convert to German Control. The Territories and Units in Morocco, Algeria, Syria, and Tunisia immediately convert to Italian control. French Indo China immediately converts to Japanese control without triggering a war with the allies (or Violating its peace with the allies NO). French naval units bordering these areas are unaffected. This card must be played before the first German turn.
Plan Z- Place one additional German submarine in every seazone that already has at least one German submarine. Alternatively, Germany may start the game with an aircraft carrier and two Destorreys in sea zone 114. This card must be played before the first German turn.
Volksstrum- If the Soviet Union controls Poland, Slovakia-Hungary, or Romania then Germany recieves a 1ipc refund for every infantry unit built in the following territories: Western Germany, Greater Southern Germany, and Germany. Germany recieves this refund after it places its units at the end off its turn.
Reichswerke Hermann Goering- During its collect income phase Germany collects 1 additional IPC per each industrial complex under its control. Alternatively, the German player may permanently discard this card to immediately learn the warbonds tech.
Rheinmetall- If West Germany is under German control then the cost of German AA guns is reduced to 4 IPCs.
Greater Germany- During its collect income phase Germany collects 5 additional IPCs if it controls all of the following territories: Holland-Belgium, West Germany, Greater Southern Germany, Slovakia-Hungary, Poland, and Switzerland.
Deutsche Werke- Immediately place a free naval base in Germany. Germany is considdered to have the improved shipyards tech for the purposes of building ships (other than submarines or transports) in seazone 114. This bonus is only applicable on turns where the naval base in germany is completely undamaged. If the facility had to be repaired then Germany does not get the bonus for that turn.
MAN AG- Immediately place a free minor industrial complex in Greater Southern Germany (or upgrade to a major industrial complex for free if one is present there). Germany recieves a free mechanized infantry unit in Greater Southern Germany at the end of every turn that both Romania and Greater Southern Germany remain under its control. Alternatively, the German player may permanently discard this card to immediately learn the improved mechanized infantry tech.
Blohm & Voss- German subs built in seazone 112 cost 1 IPC less than normal. Alternatively, the German player may permanently discard this card to immediately learn the super submarines tech.
Junkers- Immediately place a free airbase on Germany. Tactical bombers cost 10 ipcs if built on Germany. This bonus is only applicable on turns where the air base in Germany is completely undamaged. If the facility had to be repaired then Germany does not get the bonus for that turn. Alternatively, the German player may permanently discard this card to immediately learn the paratroopers tech.
Heinkel- Immediately place a free airbase on Greater Southern Germany. Bombers cost 11 ipcs if built on Greater Southern Germany. This bonus is only applicable on turns where the air base in Greater Southern Germany is completely undamaged. If the facility had to be repaired then Germany does not get the bonus for that turn. Alternatively, the German player may permanently discard this card to immediately learn the Heavy bombers tech.
Focke-Wulf- Fighters built on a starting German territory cost 1 ipc less than normal. Alternatively, the German player may permanently discard this card to immediately learn the Long Range Aircraft Tech
Messerschmitt AG- Fighters cost 1 IPC less than normal. Alternatively, the German player may permanently discard this card to immediately learn the Jet Fighters tech.
Italian Social Republic- If Southern Italy is captured by the allies then all remaining Italian units and territories are transfered to German control. All original Italian territories are now treated as though they were starting German territories. Thus, if Germany captured Rome, the German player could upgrade the industrial complex there to a major. Additionally, Germany now collects income from Italian national objectives except for the redundant NO regarding control of Iraq and Persia. This card may only be played with the consent of the Italian player.
Soviet Ideas
Chief of Staff
Georgy Zhukov- Artillery attacks and defends at a 3 during the first cycle of Combat. Artillery may support tanks in the same way they support infantry and mechanized infantry.Konstantin Rokossovskiy- If the Soviet Union attacks 2 or more contiguous territories and wins then all surviving tanks (and escorted mechanized infantry) in those territories may make a further move of one space AFTER all other combats have been completed. This move includes moving backwards, or attacking a new territory. The second territory being attacked may not contain a victory city or industrial complex.
Ivan Konev- Soviet tanks Attack and Defend at +1 during the first cycle of combat.
Vasily Chuikov- Soviet Land Units attack and defend at +1 during the first cycle of combat in a victory city.
Kliment Voroshilov- Soviet forces attack at +1 for all cycles of combat, but their casualties are doubled.
Boris Shaposhnikov- All Soviet land units cost 1 IPC less while at peace with the Axis powers. During wartime, Infantry cost 2 IPCs and may be deployed in any province, even ones without industrial complexes. You can only mobilize 3 infantry per territory in this manner.
SemyonTimoshenko- Defending soviet forces may retreat to an adjacent, allied controlled province after the first cycle of combat. Soviet forces cannot retreat into a province that is being attacked by axis ground forces during the same turn.
Aleksandr Vasilevsky- If the soviets attack axis controlled territories with ground units from multiple territories, or if they attack an encircled Axis held territory (EG a territory that is surrounded by allied controlled territories or seazones), then the attacked Axis land units have their defense values lowered by 1 for the battle.
Alexander Novikov- The attack value of Soviet tactical bombers is increased to 4 during the first cycle of combat.
Nikolay Kuznetsov- The defense and attack value of all Soviet naval forces (except transports) is increased by 1 for the first cycle of combat.
Cabinet Ministers
Lavrenty Beria- No Soviet ministers or Chiefs of Staff may be assassinated by Axis powers.
Lazar Kagnanovich- The Soviet Union collects 5 additional ipcs for every major industrial complex under their control at the end of their turn.
Georgy Malenkov- All aircraft cost 1 IPC less than normal.
Anastas Mikoyan- On the Soviet player’s Non-Combat Movement sequence, they check for any units belonging to the U.S. or British that are currently in the following territories: Caucasus, Amur, Archangel, Novgorod, Turkmenistan, or Northwest Persia (if controlled by the Soviets). If the Soviet player so chooses, they may take these units out of play and replace them with the Soviet equivalent. Although the Soviet player now controls these units, they may not be moved until the Soviet player’s next turn. Allied players must consent to this transfer (infantry units transferred represent the transfer of equipment to the USSR).
Vyacheslav Molotov- The Soviet Union gains an extra 5 IPCs at the end of its turn if it is at war, the convoy in sea zone 125 is free of Axis warships, Archangel is controlled by the Soviet Union, and there are no units belonging to other Allied Powers present in any territories originally controlled by the Soviet Union.
Nikita Khrushchev- The Soviet player collects 2 ipcs for each of the following territories under soviet control at the end of the turn: Ukraine, Eastern Ukraine, and Volgograd.
Nikolai Voznesensky- During the Soviet Union’s collect income phase the russian player rolls a die and collects that many additional ipcs. This bonus stacks with warbonds.
Andrei Zhdanov- The industrial complex in Novgorod is immediately upgraded to a major. The Soviet player collects 2 additional IPCs at the end of every turn that Leningrad remains under Soviet control.
Nikolay Shvernik-The Soviet player may move any factory to another space within her originally controlled territories. Only one factory per turn can be moved and it has a move of two, but each factory she controls can be moved in this manner. Units may be produced at this factory at the end of the turn but it follows the ordinary rules. If a major factory moved into a territory that could only support a minor factory then it would only be able to produce as if it were a minor factory. If the territory could not support any type of factory then no units may be built from this factory.
Filipp Golikov- The Soviet Union automatically gains a technology that is already known by two other powers. Golikov may be discarded to assassinate a German or Italian Chief of Staff or cabinet Minister.
Mao Zedong- Whenever the Soviets liberate a territory marked with a Chinese roundel, they may keep the territory rather than give it to the Chinese. Additionally, the Soviets may build major industrial complexes in Shantung, Manchuria, and Kiangsu.
Petru Groza- Place a free tank in Moscow at the end of every turn that Romania is under Soviet control.
National Committee for a Free Germany- During the Soviet Union’s collect income phase, if the USSR and Germany are at war, the Russian player rolls a die and Germany loses that many IPCs.
Bolesław Bierut- The Soviets may build a major industrial complex on Poland. Additionally, they gain 2 extra IPCs at the end of every turn that Poland is under Soviet control.
Kim Il-sung- If Korea is under Soviet control, the Soviet player places 1 free infantry in Korea at the end of their turn.
Georgi Dimitrov- Gain 2 additional IPCs at the end of every turn that Bulgaria is under Soviet control.
Khorloogiin Choibalsan- Mongolia and its units immediately join the USSR as though Japan had broken the non aggression pact. The USSR places one free infantry on Ulaanbaatar at the end of every Soviet turn.
Yakolev Design Bureau- Fighters cost 1 ipc less. Alternatively, you may immediately discard this card to learn the Jet fighters tech.
Lavochkin Design Bureau- Fighters cost 1 ipc less. Alternatively, you may immediately discard this card to learn the Long range aircraft tech.
Tupolev Design Bureau- Bombers cost 1 IPC less. Alternatively, you may immediately discard this card to learn the heavy bombers tech.
Ilyushin Design Bureau- Tactical bombers are immune to AA Gun fire. Alternatively, you may immediately discard this card to learn the paratroopers tech.
Dalzavod Naval Industries- Place a free minor industrial complex and naval base on Amur. The USSR gets the benefits of the improved shipyards tech for the purposes of building naval units in seazone 5.
Grabin Design Bureau- Place a free artillery piece on the Vologda territory at the end of every Soviet turn. Alternatively, you may immediately discard this card to learn the advanced artillery tech.
Lucy Spy Ring- As long as Switzerland is an independent neutral or pro allied, the USSR is unaffected by the German enigma code card.
Great Patriotic War- Once per game, if Germany has control over 3 or more starting Soviet territories at the beginning of the Soviet turn, then the Soviet Player may declare the start of The Great Patriotic war. For that turn only, infantry cost 1 IPC less than they normally would.
Trans Siberian Railroad- All soviet ground units have a noncombat move of 2 for the purposes of traveling along the following territories: Russia, Samara, Novosibirsk, Timguska, Yenisey, Yakut S.S.R., Buryatia, and Amur. The bonus ends when the railway does, so an AA gun starting in Samara and moving to Moscow would not then be able to move into Smolensk. This card must be played before the first German turn.
Five Year Plans- The Soviet Union may build minor factories in territories worth 1 ipc and major factories in territories worth 2 ipc. Russia gains the Improved Factory production Tech. This card must be played before the first German turn.
General Winter- Once per game, during your collect income phase, you may declare the onset of a severe winter. From now till the end of your next turn, no Axis armor, mechanized infantry, or artillery may move, and, furthermore, Axis planes are limited to noncombat moves. These modifiers only apply in starting Soviet territories.
Partisans- If Soviet Infantry survive at least one round of combat when defending against a European Axis attack, then these units may choose to melt away into the countryside. For all intents and purposes treat this like when submarines submerge. The Axis occupy the province and, on the next Soviet turn, the Russian units are back in play. The Russian player must either have these units attack the territory or move on to another territory. These units may chose to attack provinces behind enemy lines, causing chaos in the rear. Furthermore, Soviet infantry may move through the Pripyet marshes.
Sharashka- The USSR gets one free tech dice to roll each turn.
Tankograd- Place a minor industrial complex on Samara. As long as the Caucasus remain under Soviet control, the Soviet player places one free tank in Samara at the end of their turn.
Katyusha Rockets- Soviet artillery has a move of two and may blitz when paired with a tank. Additionally, Artillery attacks and defends at a 3 during the first cycle of combat.
Red Orchestra Spy Ring- Once per game, when Germany finishes its combat move phase but before its conduct combat phase, you may make one special move. You may move any number of your units from an adjacent space into any one friendly space being attacked by Germany. Alternatively, you may move any number of your units from a space being attacked by Germany into an adjacent friendly space, but you must leave at least one unit behind.
any card pics yet?
Would really like an update. Seems like a great idea.
Hey Danny.
Great job. I loved your idea.
But do you have something about espionnage.
The russian spies were realy activ during WWII. -
great project, im interested on your cards, can you post them?
Dannyboy hasn’t been active since March of 2013.
Yo, guys…
First: Dannyboy & Ghost One (and others): Great work on these cards!
Second: I see the thread stopped a few years (!) ago…anyone else picked up on the idea?
Thirdly: I have!…I’ve been reading through all the posts, and i am now trying to gather all the threads (so to speak) and make it one functional system.This is a huge project, i feel: it will take a lot of time and game-playing to get thing just right.
So far i have finished all the “Cards v.1.0” and i’m going to spend this summer correcting, polishing and fine adjusting.My problem is that i need help testing and trying out these cards; anyone?
A few words/thoughts:
- Cards cost 10 IPC.
- Before the game starts: each national rolls a die: 1-2= 1 card, 3-4=2 cards, 5-6=3 cards. Each player can choose which cards to start with. Some cards need to be played before G1. Starting cards are free.
- R&D/technology can not be ignored, they are now intertwined with the Cards System.
- To get more cards into play: some cards lower further card price.
- Cards come in 5 categories
a) Corporations (CO)
b) National Advantages (NA)
c) Puppets (PS)
d) Cabinet Ministers (CM)
e) Chief of Staff (CoS) - When you buy a card: you don’t need to show it as it is not “active”. Only when you show your card to the rest does it go into play.
- You can only have one active CoS at any moment in time, buying a new CoS-card mean you are changing CoS. This only applies CoS.
8 ) All Character Cards (Cos, PS and CM) may be assassinated (out of the game, never coming back) or wounded (put back into the deck). Some characters have the ability to this. - Some cards refer to other cards or R&D; some cards give discount on other cards, some have objectives that require other cards into play, and some cards negates other cards (example:UK Enigma Code negates/renders useless the German Enigma Machine, and as long as Sovjet Union has Lucy Spy Ring card, the Enigma does not affect them).
- There is more trading between/among allied nations and the axis (the give each other support in different ways).
- Large nations have a lot of cards (ex Germany has about 50) and small nations have fewer cards (France only has 6 or 8 ) to choose from.
- CoS-> usually advantage in field/warfare/execution, change CoS -> change tactic/area of focus
- CM & Puppets -> usually political and intelligence/spy -related.
- CO -> material/units/production
- NA -> any-/everything
- you can buy as many cards as you like
- you can not sell cards or get a refund
Comments are very welcome :)
i made some cards to ( russia , germany have around 20 ,france, italy less)
There 4 types: Generals, Admiral of fleet , Air comanders and last ones are cabinet staf.
every power can made combination: 1 gen, 1Adm, 1 air 1 cab< or 2 gen 1 adm\1 air 1 cab
generals must participate in combat if player want to use their bonus (bonus is used only in combat where is general), admirals must be placed in same teritory with naval base and air comander on same teritory with air base . Im in test phase, but for now i noticed , theres problem when you control more than one power… to much cards an i forgot to get some bonuses some turns… in my opinion max 3 card per nation will be ok