Im looking for an experienced classic opponent, any variant will be fine.
IRL on triplea or pbem.
Cleaned up the board spines too. Enjoy Allies Board.jpg
That is almost a work of art. If you didn’t know where the board creases were, you almost wouldn’t be able to find them at all…
Excellent work!
That is almost a work of art. If you didn’t know where the board creases were, you almost wouldn’t be able to find them at all…
Excellent work!
Hey thanks!
I spent way more time than I want to admit working on. Much appreciated.
Great work on this.
Thanks for sharing.
Working off of this images, I’ve started on an even more cleaned-up version of this map, as well as a little more subdued color scheme. I wanted to make the colors more “vintage”.
Here’s a preview:
Done so far:
To be done:
I’m aware that some of the islands and names are gone in this version - as said: It’s work in progress.
Will share the full size file (100 cm wide, 200dpi) when I’m happy with the result.
I’m open to suggestions :)
@kongoshin one request or suggestion might be to work with colors last/layered, so that you can export multiple color schemes at the end (instead of requiring multiple color rebalances). If I print this, I would probably want something more vibrant.
Hi @vodot ! I most definitely do. I have the color mods on separate adjustment layers in Photoshop. It would be a breeze to export multiple versions.
I would like to modify the map to include the version produced by Xeno Games ( World at War). In that map they cut Ukraine and Caucasus in half among other things. This introduces alot of movement , when in Classic that are is rather stagnant during the game.
Try to get 300 DPI, not 200
@Imperious-Leader Yes, I can try to increase the size. Think it’s possible to do it with decent results in Photoshop. If not, I’m considering doing a new pro studio photo of the board.
@Imperious-Leader Is the map you’re mentioning the one called milton bradley axis and allies.pdf?
This one? bradley axis and allies.pdf.png?dl=0
Well actually the one that is being worked on to improve the scan . In addition some coast lines need to be traced again and the text like in Norway need to be redone
In addition, adding the tech chart, battleboard, and whatever in a deluxe edition would seen good. Our goal in this respect is to have larger versions of all the game boards
This is incredible Kongoshin…wow.
Why did you remove the sea zone lines in the North Atlantic/Norway/Karelia area though?
Thanks @AcesWild5049 - you did good work with the scan. I didn’t really, they’re just not been painted in yet. As mentioned: Work in progress ;-)
Here’s the progress so far.
With color adjustments:
Without color adjustments:
hey man! did you ever get this project fully completed? I was looking forward to making a new map with your art!