National Advantages, in the Global game ? I thought that was something that come with the Revised 2004 edition. But as they say, every man his suit.
No, I don’t think Italians can do Defenders retreat, not if we want to keep it historical correct. A successful retreat is a half victory, because your force is not beaten, but still in being, just moved to a stronger position, and the enemies effort and preparations are wasted, but it is very difficult to pull off. It takes skilled officers and motivated men. During WWII only the German Army and the British Royal Navy were skilled enough to do successful tactical retreats. When the German Army was retreating in 1944 and 1945, they would inflict more casualties on the attacking enemy than they got themselves, and that is very rare. Usually a retreat would easy turn into panic, slaughter and surrender. That never happened to the Germans, just everybody else. The Italians was famous for surrendering, almost before the battle had started, and even if the enemy was outnumbered. But a total surrender of men and equipment is not the same as a successful retreat. Sorry, Italy.
BTW I don’t think Italians were cowards, they were just on the wrong side, and were not motivated to fight for the Nazi cause. Italy started the war in 1935 when Benito attacked Ethiopia, and in 1936 all Italian men were sent to Spain to kill and get killed, for no rational gain or reason. So I guess the Italians were pretty sick and tired of war and killing when Benito joined the nazies in 1940 and put Italy in war against the rest of the world. At some point the Italians figured they would lose no matter what. If Germany won, the Italians would be slaves. If the Allies won, they would only be slightly punished. So the Italian morale and fighting spirit was obvious not very high, and I understand them so well.
So, back to the National Advantages. The Russians did not fight very well, but they had winter to help them out, so lets say the Italian mountain ranges is their advantage, since mountain terrain favor the Defender. After all the Allies used a year to reach Rome, and they never crossed the Italian Alps into Southern Germany, and as we know, they Italians did not want to fight, so the terrain must take most of the credit for stopping the Allies. Just saying.
Italian infantry defend on 3 or less in Italian homeland