OK, finally getting around to posting and getting some pictures taken and uploaded to photobucket, but I’m having trouble including them here. I keep getting this message Sorry, you are not allowed to post links.
What started as a plan to cut plywood to a proper size to put over an old table, evolved into a custom-designed, ultimate A&A gaming table. It was a great project for over the winter break. (my son is a junior in HS)
We created a list of must-haves, looked at photos of other tables, and refined our plan. We downloaded the map file from here and sent it to VistaPrint for a custom poster. It took some kind of conversion of the file thru another site to be able to send it, but it worked out well and the final product is beautiful. (~$65 shipped)
We bought some turned legs, lumber, plywood, glue, hardware, stain and paint at the local big-box lumber store. We worked out a design that has sort of a “trough” along each edge to hold the boxes for each army. They were each painted to a color to closely match the pieces. (custom-mixed samples form their paint dept.) at each end is a “dice pit” with an incline to roll them to the outside edge so they are visible from a distance.
Hopefully, I can figure out how the picture posting works. Seeing it is easier than the thousands of words to try to describe it.