Europe 1940 shows up on Wizards site…with screenshot
West India is 2 ipc’s, so you can build a minor to defend India
Russia could most likely help too, but who knows…
stupid tank, I want to see the Greece logo.
And wassup with Brazil? -
I don’t think neutrals have logos. Brazil is green because it will join the US
The text on the WotC page describes the combined Pacific 1940 / Europe 1940 as “the most outrageous global World War II game ever published.” Outrageous?
The text on the WotC page describes the combined Pacific 1940 / Europe 1940 as “the most outrageous global World War II game ever published.” Outrageous?
out·ra·geous [out-rey-juhs] Show IPA
of the nature of or involving gross injury or wrong: an outrageous slander.
grossly offensive to the sense of right or decency: outrageous behavior; an outrageous remark.
passing reasonable bounds; intolerable or shocking: an outrageous price.
violent in action or temper.
highly unusual or unconventional; extravagant; remarkable: a child of the most outrageous precocity; a fancy dive performed with outrageous ease. -
The new tactical aircraft, dive bombers and torpedo planes are just as exciting and fun to play in Europe ‘40 as they are in Pacific ‘40.
So i guess this means the tactical bomber has different roles depending on what nation builds them: for Germany, Russia and Italy this is land based bonus, for UK, USA, Japan this is naval based bonus?
Either that or the guy who wrote this has no idea what hes writing?
The text on the WotC page describes the combined Pacific 1940 / Europe 1940 as “the most outrageous global World War II game ever published.” Outrageous?
out·ra·geous [out-rey-juhs] Show IPA
of the nature of or involving gross injury or wrong: an outrageous slander.
grossly offensive to the sense of right or decency: outrageous behavior; an outrageous remark.
passing reasonable bounds; intolerable or shocking: an outrageous price.
violent in action or temper.
highly unusual or unconventional; extravagant; remarkable: a child of the most outrageous precocity; a fancy dive performed with outrageous ease.Or outrages since so many people will die, and it’s outrages, and it’s so big and scary.
Finally some meat….
Let the data-mining begin, gentlemen…
- West India looks like it starts with a minor IC.
[Possible counter to Italian navy running wild in Indian Ocean?] - The French start with navy and substantial presence in Africa.
[This could be misleading though, as the WOTC promo shots very often make no sense at all. For example, check out the US… it’s completely empty, but it seems that the Americans have taken over some German and some USSR territories for themselves!] - Italian units will remain virtually indistinguishable from USSR units in colour.
[No suprise there… Bah!] - Unless I’m mistaken, there is a USSR battleship in the Baltic Sea!!!
[ :-D]
- West India looks like it starts with a minor IC.
Let the data-mining begin, gentlemen…
- West India looks like it starts with a minor IC.
[Possible counter to Italian navy running wild in Indian Ocean?] - The French start with navy and substantial presence in Africa.
[This could be misleading though, as the WOTC promo shots very often make no sense at all. For example, check out the US… it’s completely empty, but it seems that the Americans have taken over some German and some USSR territories for themselves!] - Italian units will remain virtually indistinguishable from USSR units in colour.
[No suprise there… Bah!] - Unless I’m mistaken, there is a USSR battleship in the Baltic Sea!!!
[ :-D]
1. I think that’s an AA gun, but even if it’s a Minor IC, it doesn’t mean anything, since EUS has no factory on it
2. Not necessarily, as you said
3. True
4. That or an AC, but the BB is more likely since the thing that looks like a plane is upright. - West India looks like it starts with a minor IC.
Let the data-mining begin, gentlemen…
- West India looks like it starts with a minor IC.
[Possible counter to Italian navy running wild in Indian Ocean?] - The French start with navy and substantial presence in Africa.
[This could be misleading though, as the WOTC promo shots very often make no sense at all. For example, check out the US… it’s completely empty, but it seems that the Americans have taken over some German and some USSR territories for themselves!] - Italian units will remain virtually indistinguishable from USSR units in colour.
[No suprise there… Bah!] - Unless I’m mistaken, there is a USSR battleship in the Baltic Sea!!!
[ :-D]
I believe I see Americans in the Poland area, so this may not be the initial setup. But if it is, then Germany starts with a Mediterranean transport despite no IC there to make further ships.
- West India looks like it starts with a minor IC.
I think its very unlikely that this is the actual setup. Look at the box of the Pacific 1940 box. That board state is ridiculous. This is a WOTC employee monkeying around with the board to make a nice picture, just like the back of the AAP40 box. However, we do get a lot of information about the board, and this is very good news.
Plus! We get an actual income board, not the cheap little income strip that came with P40. That’s an income board that is well suited to be used for global, with tech and all.
- South America has many territories -> good
- I cannot see if Spain and Turkey are 1 or 2 territories. My guess is 2 to Turkey, 1 to Spain … probably I’m too optimist with Turkey -> bad
- Africa, Mediterranean and Middle East have many divisions -> very good
- I really love that blue of French units -> really good, thumbs up
- If West India’s value is really 2, maybe India is not a lost cause and that strange split income could have some sense -> let’s pray for it, I have more than enough UK markers to cover those useless leafs
- Soviet Union is huge -> great!
- Canadian splits mean that die-hard KGF fans will have things more difficult -> finally!
- Guayanas have simbols? -> intriguing
- I cannot see Switzerland -> we’ll have to wait
- I see a Italian simbol on Balkans (Albania?) -> good
- Still facilities cardboard crap -> crap
Overall: good impression
The map looks excellent. It’s gonna feel a little weird for a while having so many neutrals that get regularly captured, but I’m sure I can learn to deal ;-).
One big caveat. We may be able to glean some starting setup information from the setup pictured here, but bear the following things in mind which cast doubt on the veracity of the setup (as a starting setup).
- Germany has no white chips under any of their units. Seems unlikely, as without them I would expect the territories to be overflowing. I suspect that this is a photographer’s decision (too many whit chips clutter the board), as the only ones visible are the UK infantry in Africa and the US!?!? infantry in Eastern Europe.
- US infantry in Eastern Europe (with US control marker). Seems more like a creative setup decision (“Hey, let’s get some good ole USA units on the board”). It could be a neutral unit from a just attacked neutral territory, but I would expect those to become Germany or USSR.
- Game progression. We know that Germany has the first turn, but France appears to not have been invaded, indicating that Germany has not moved, but there are a number of Soviet control markers in territories bordering the USSR
So, my guess is that for the photo shoot, they set up the game at or close to the starting setup, then removed almost all the white and red chips, then had someone who didn’t know too much about how the game plays make a few “moves” to give it a more “action” feel, then plopped down some US units somewhere.
That being said, here are some thoughts on the mapboard that are interesting/awesome/disappointing to me
- Mediterranean sea appears to be two SZ high and four wide. Lots of room for maneuver
- It looks like four moves from EUSA to either France or UK. EUSA will almost certainly have a naval base but still take two turns to get across.
- USSR is BIG!!
- Lots of convoy zones in the Med and Atlantic. Hope we FINALLY have a War of the Atlantic
- Somebody said that Iceland would be important, but it seems to be way to far out of the way to be relevant.
- Staring at pixelated JPEGs for too long gives you a headache
- As spoiled/requested, that impassable marsh in the middle of western Russia is represented
- Africa looks to be even more valuable/less ignorable. By my count, there are 23 territories including neutrals. Given that there are several 2 and 3 value territories to offset any zero value territories, I expect the value of Africa to be at least 25 IPCs.
- Building a complex in West India could turn the tide on the AAP India Crush strategy
- Between the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea, Europe appears to be only two territories wide. I would have hoped for three to promote maneuver.
- (Setup, so who really knows) I was hoping that there would be more of a UK Indian Ocean fleet on this map to help out in Africa and against the Japanese.
Can’t wait to see what other people turn up.
- South America has many territories -> good
- I cannot see if Spain and Turkey are 1 or 2 territories. My guess is 2 to Turkey, 1 to Spain … probably I’m too optimist with Turkey -> bad
- Africa, Mediterranean and Middle East have many divisions -> very good
- I really love that blue of French units -> really good, thumbs up
- If West India’s value is really 2, maybe India is not a lost cause and that strange split income could have some sense -> let’s pray for it, I have more than enough UK markers to cover those useless leafs
- Soviet Union is huge -> great!
- Canadian splits mean that die-hard KGF fans will have things more difficult -> finally!
- Guayanas have simbols? -> intriguing
- I cannot see Switzerland -> we’ll have to wait
- I see a Italian simbol on Balkans (Albania?) -> good
- Still facilities cardboard crap -> crap
Overall: good impression
The gray between Italy and France is Switzerland
The new tactical aircraft, dive bombers and torpedo planes are just as exciting and fun to play in Europe ‘40 as they are in Pacific ‘40.
So i guess this means the tactical bomber has different roles depending on what nation builds them: for Germany, Russia and Italy this is land based bonus, for UK, USA, Japan this is naval based bonus?
Either that or the guy who wrote this has no idea what hes writing?
Nothing has changed. From the AAP40 Rulebook (page 27):
Tactical bombers represent dive bombers in land operations and torpedo or dive bombers in naval operations.
Mother Russia is a beast!!! :mrgreen:
The new tactical aircraft, dive bombers and torpedo planes are just as exciting and fun to play in Europe ‘40 as they are in Pacific ‘40.
So i guess this means the tactical bomber has different roles depending on what nation builds them: for Germany, Russia and Italy this is land based bonus, for UK, USA, Japan this is naval based bonus?
Either that or the guy who wrote this has no idea what hes writing?
Nothing has changed. From the AAP40 Rulebook (page 27):
Tactical bombers represent dive bombers in land operations and torpedo or dive bombers in naval operations.
Krieg, the description seems to imply that France will be its own, seperate power, as in it will not be like China. Could they have changed the rules
Anyone notice that they reworked the battlestrip a bit to make it slightly more battleboardish?
How about the AA50 style dice in the photo? (not that it matters since i will be purchasing another set of FMG dice for this game.)
I am also not convinced that this is the starting setup. This will probably be the image on the back side of the box, which has NEVER been the starting setup. -
Anyone notice that they reworked the battlestrip a bit to make it slightly more battleboardish?
Maybe I don’t play the game right…. but who really uses the battleboard? I mean, to me and my cousins, it is quite a waste of time. It is much simpler to count up your unit types and keep track of hits as you go.