You can play online here https://forumini.boards.net/board/8/aam-online-matches-clubs. Pm me (bartok)

Best posts made by bartok
RE: Does anyone play this still?
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Latest posts made by bartok
RE: The Higgins boat
Scenario Betio Campaign Takarongo Point
Bloody Tarawa Web Version Historicon 2010
Scenario_DD3 Regina Rifles at Nan-Green -
RE: Grizzled veteran or heroes question
very good example without answer….
A successful defensive-fire attack disrupts the target. Since disrupted units can’t move, this
normally ends that unit’s movement. Grizzled Veteran ignore face up, so it can move.
If you are playing with Lethal Defensive Fire (Expanded Rules is another history. -
RE: Does anyone play this still?
You can play online here https://forumini.boards.net/board/8/aam-online-matches-clubs. Pm me (bartok) -
RE: ferosity question
Ferocity - During your assault phase, this unit must attack if able.
(This special ability was removed from the Japanese Type 3 Chi-Nu tank. It’s listed here for reference purposes.)No, you cant attack and move with this ability. Must attack if able. Then, only attack.
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Streams are definitely not water hexes. In fact, they aren’t hexes of any sort – they’re hexsides. No unit, including a Higgins Boat, ever ‘occupies’ a hexside.
River hexes, such as those on the Pegasus maps, are full water hexes, so Higgins Boats can occupy and travel through those hexes.
Higgins Boats, Amtracks, Sherman DDs, and Type 2 Ka-Mis can enter river hexes and bridge hexes. Normal stacking limits still apply, however, so if there’s a Higgins Boat under the bridge, you can’t park another Vehicle, friendly or enemy, on the bridge. Defensive fire occurs normally, regardless of whether units are on the river or on the bridge.
(In other words, there’s no differentiation between being on the bridge and being under it. A Higgins Boat gets to treat it as water, a Tiger gets to treat it as road, and an Amtrack can treat it as road or water, at the player’s option. If that makes sense …)
RE: Jagdpanzer IV L/70, STUG III extended range?
SS-Jagpanzer Extended Range 12
Jagpanzer (1944) Ext. Range 12Jagdpanzer IV L/70 No ext. range
Jagdpanzer IV/48 (1944) No ext. range
Jagdpanzer 38 T (Hetzer) No ext. range
STUG III G No ext. range
STUG III D No ext. range