TripleA: Where to dl, How to Download Maps, Pictures of games TripleA supports

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Okay, so when you look at the history, the entire program stops working.  Where do you go to start it up again?  Or do you have to save it and open it again?

  • Customizer

    To look at “HISTORY” click the “GAME” menu then click “SHOW HISTORY”

    To stop looking at history, and see the “CURRENT GAME”, click the “GAME” menu, and then click “SHOW CURRENT GAME”

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    But will that restart the AI?  Was trying something out, went to look at the history during the AI’s turn because I forgot what England collected, and couldn’t get the game to start again without first saving it, then opening it again.

  • Customizer

    When you are in another player’s turn, including an AI’s turn, the history panel comes up automatically.
    When their turn is over and it becomes your turn, it will switch to the current game automatically.
    Being in either does not affect other people’s turns.

    You said your kids have installed tons of viruses on your computer.  I think 99% of your computer problems are probably related to that.  If I was you I would reformat my computer and then install a virtual machine for the kids.  Any time they screw it up (or just once a month to be sure) you could reset the virtual machine to the day you installed it with a single click.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yea they have their own computers, and have for a month or so.

    There doesn’t appear to be anything on this computer atm - malware wise, and the only issue I have is when I go to look at history in any game which seems to require me to save, and reopen the game to get things to move again.  Maybe the “automatically” isn’t working, is there a manual way to tell the game to continue?

  • Customizer

    I think maybe you are not seeing something, or are confused in some way.

    The game doesn’t stop unless it is a human person’s turn, OR human input is required (like for casualty selection, etc), OR the AI is thinking really really hard (big maps, or when the AI has too much money).

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Ah, could be too many troops, but it does seem to lock up after combat at times or whenever I pause it by going to history…but then, I did have to delete the program and all other versions and reinstall to get it to work in the first place.

  • '13

    I am currently playing a game of G40 with an opponent. Every time I try to open his map, I get a message telling me

    “Your TripleA engine is OUT OF DATE. This save was made by a newer version of TripleA….This TripleA engine is version 1_6_1_4 and you are trying to open a savegame made with version 1_6_1_5”

    I have searched for this version 5 and cannot seem to find it. I tried downloading the beta 1.7 and still get a similar message.

    The game still loads and plays. It is just a conundrum…

    Here is a link to our game

  • Customizer

    TripleA comes with triplea inside of it (for the purpose of opening up maps).

    So if you run TripleA, and then click “load game” and load your savegame with 1.7, it will then open it with a new process of, and you will not see any message about being out of date (instead you will see a message saying you are using this ‘new’ feature to run an old savegame).

    In any case, there are only a couple very small updates in, so you can ignore both messages.

    Run it with, or run it with, both are OK.

  • '13

    Thank you sir

  • Thank you both for question and answer.
    I wondered about that.

    Now I have the newer version(1.7), can I uninstall 1.4 and 1.6?
    I am guessing I can, but am not a computer person.

    Also can I delete my opponents’ old downloaded games(the ones which I use to do my next go)?
    I cannot see how to and have so many now.
    Thank you.

  • Customizer

    1.7.x.x will play game saves from 1.6.x.x and 1.5.2.x.  (but not anything older than 1.5)

    So finish up your 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 savegames, and then delete all your old versions of triplea.

    About savegames, you can find your savegames by starting triplea, then clicking “Engine Preferences”, then clicking “Open user maps and savegame folder”. 
    That button should open up the folder for you on your computer.

    Or you can browse to it manually:
    (Windows XP)  C:\Documents and Settings\userName\triplea
    (Windows 7)  C:\Users\userName\triplea
    (Mac)  /home/user/documents/triplea/
    (Linux)  /home/user/triplea/

  • Thank you Veqryn.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    But can I change the default location to find and save game files?  I don’t WANT them in some obscure directory tree out on my C: drive somewhere. :P

  • @Cmdr:

    But can I change the default location to find and save game files?  I don’t WANT them in some obscure directory tree out on my C: drive somewhere. :P

    The good thing about the obscure save file location is that whenever you download a new version of triplea, you don’t have to download all the maps again, and the save files are in the same place.  A lot of big name games do this nowadays - save files in ‘my docs’ and such.

    But I understand your frustration.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Oh, I leave all the map directories and stuff in the default location on an auxiliary drive, I just want my map files somewhere convenient.  Of course, it’s not like battlemap where you can just double click the map and get it to open, you have to open and load the map which is quite a bit more annoying to me. lol.  Still, I keep a tripleA directory on my desktop for just the maps…would rather map that for the program to use.

  • Fair enough.  I just made shortcuts to the applicable folders on my desktop for the triplea folder, maps folder, and save games folder.

  • Customizer


    it is not an “obscure” location, the location is in your USER directory

    ie, from your user directory you can see the following: my documents, my pictures, my whatever, workspace, etc, and triplea

    secondly, you CAN actually set things up so that double clicking on a savegame or a map xml will open it directly into triplea

    to do that, you just have to change the “default program to open this file” setting, which you can usually do by right clicking on the file

    and/or you can make a series of custom shortcut that auto-load different maps or w/e, just use the command “<gamelocationhere>” command line argument inside the shortcut</gamelocationhere>

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Babe, hate to break it to you, but my USER directory is an obscure directory.    I don’t use it, yes I know it’s convenient, but I don’t use it!  I have a directory called “New Desktop” and I basically recreate the whole USER directory in there.

    And I never bothered to re-associate the files to tripleA, been having bad luck with that in other games where it just opens the game and you still have to load the file manually.  Will do it later and see if it helps at all.

  • '17 '16 '15

    Does anyone know what’s going on with sourceforge ? Are they just doing maintenance ? Haven’t been able to find anything on it. This is the 2nd day it’s been down

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