Casualties on malta please
@leemorrison said in Post League Game Results Here:
@VictoryFirst Hi gamerman1.
did I read correctly that all formats can be League now?
If so, I am open for AAR, aka 4th Edit.
No, that is not correct, sorry.
Classic has been added because it’s Classic, and I found out several players are playing it on A&
There is a separate ELO leaderboard for each version, and it is unprecedented that we added a version that is not the latest version of a global A&A version that is out, but this is classic, made an exception.
You may play to your heart’s content in the play boardgames section.
However, if you have enough players who will play a version, like revised, regularly and longer term, let me know and I will reconsider
Happy gaming!
And then no heavies, which he needed for 80% on Moscow.
Any A&A player’s gotta be interested in this.
@gamerman01 Yeah, egghead brain me allowed the Allies to move to Eastern Europe. That was a fatal blunder. Good that Lee spotted that
HB would be the only way to win as Berlin was about to fall, and with HB I would have an 80% chance of capturing Moscow (not that it would guarentee a win for me but at least the game would not be immediately over).
@AndrewAAGamer doing a one-tail or two-tail test for probability? In the military we usually prefer more tail.
L25 BM4 zarhunter (Allis +19) vs Lebowsky (Axis) - Rematch
Lebowsky Victorious as Axis
@Arthur-Bomber-Harris what does that mean, friend?
Do you mean the first part, the question of his post, or the tail? Hopefully not the tail.
@crockett36 probabilities can assume only positive outcomes (high number of tech roles) which is a one-tail test. Or they can look for the chance of EITHER a good or bad outcome which is a two-tail test.
For example, you might have a 3% chance to have the Germans get diced in Paris, but a 6% chance for either a good Axis OR a good allied outcome.
@Arthur-Bomber-Harris hmm. Were you in the military?
@crockett36 rocket scientist. Better than brain surgeon…
@Arthur-Bomber-Harris Well, say hey to Elon when you get a chance. Give him an attaboy from me! I forget if I asked you, have you ever adopted any house rules or modifications to G40 in private play?
@crockett36 been to the SpaceX facility in LA. Quite interesting, they hire kids straight from college with zero experience, work them at low wages for 80 hours per week until they quit after a few years, and somehow succeed getting to space. Not recommended for either a place to work or as a customer. They keep messing up converting pounds to kilograms so I can’t figure out their actual requirements. Also the Nazi issue…
I have played some house rules but never enjoyed them as much as OOB with bid.
@Arthur-Bomber-Harris good info. As I understand it, that is the Silicon Valley way. I’ve heard that Amazon does that as well. As to the Nazi thing, I think a chuckle is the best medicine. Try the Wright report for another perspective on the news.
L25 Classic VictoryFirst (Axis) vs. Ragnell804 (Allies)
@Ragnell804 wins against @VictoryFirst. The Axis was lost before the game even started 😀
zarhunter (Allies+19) vs Simon33 (Axis) BM:
Simon33 victorious
I’m posting it now,
and Please also copy the game link here, @zarhunter
leemorrison Axis +9 -VS- dawgoneit Allies Classic.
leemorrison Axis +9 Wins
Howdja like classic, @dawgoneit ?
Played it much lately, or did its appearance in the league get you to play it?
@gamerman01 I like it. I started playing A&A in 1986. (not that I’m very good at it) Lol. but A&A is very fun no matter what version.
I haven’t found a game i don’t like. And I’ve played a lot of different