Bombay Strategy - that leads to victory for the CPs

  • @King_Of_Tanks It is a strategy that I don’t necessarily plan on, but if a good opportunity presents itself, I will take it. I have never had a CP win that came quickly. “Quick” wins are won by the Entente because the CP concedes after realizing that the economy isn’t in their favor and the fronts are all stalemates in turn 8/9 or so. If you want a quick win, don’t play the CP. :)

  • @Tamer-of-Beasts I have found that as long as the Central Powers reach Bombay by rounds 5 to 8 then they have a good chance of succeeding. The total troops the CPs can reach Bombay by with by that time is well over 100, against a British force of 60 to 90 troops. While the CPs are at a disadvantage because they are attacking as three armies individually and will suffer more casualties, they should have an overwhelming ratio of troops compared to the British.

    (Note: the CPs could hypothetically reach Bombay by round 8 with over 150 units, this comes at the cost of losing many of the territories in the west.)

    In the game that I won using this strategy, the British had produced and stationed in Bombay an army of about 85 units with air-superiority. Meanwhile, the CPs had a combined force of about 120 units (including reinforcements that arrived in subsequent rounds of the battle in Bombay). While I might have had a little bit of luck on the dice rolls it certainly was evened out by the lack of air-superiority. The Russians are the only roadblock for the CPs, but they are forced to abandon defending Moscow if they are to have a significant effect. If they send half of their army to Moscow and to block the CPs, then the CPs will destroy both armies individually or destroy the blocking army and trigger the Russian Revolution. If the Russians send their entire army to block the CPs, then the CPs will simply defeat Russia and move back to the western front with practically no casualties. Most players who control Russia will never even consider abandoning Moscow, and the defence of their country, just to block a “possible” attack against Bombay. Therefore, while the strategy is not perfect due to the Russians ability to block the CPs, the British can do little to defend Bombay by themselves.

  • @King_Of_Tanks I am wholly confused as to how the Entente is letting the CP march into Persia with 100+ units. While Russia does have limited options, they will surely so something to whittle those numbers down, and if you get 150 there even by turn 8, that sounds to me like Berlin and Vienna are practically lost. I’m not saying it didn’t happen; it obviously did, but that sounds to me like mishandled Entente play, with all respect.

  • @Tamer-of-Beasts If Russians try to play aggressively by, for example, placing their army in Poland, then the CPs can simply coordinate attacks against it or bypass it. If the Russians play poorly then the CPs may have a chance to destroy the force before it grows. If the Russians play well and unite their force, then the CPs can take their time to travel around the army, with the Austrians, forcing the Russians to either go crazy and attack deep into Germany/Austria, or pull back to Moscow/Ukraine. If they pull back to Moscow then the CPs can simply continue to Bombay after triggering the Russian Revolution. If the Russians pull back to Ukraine, then either the Plan will be canceled in favour of triggering the Russian Revolution and returning to the west having suffered few casualties, or triggering the Russian Revolution and capturing Sevastopol to open the route to Bombay. They may decide to do something else but these are the main options that I have found work.

  • @King_Of_Tanks Interesting. I admit that I am still skeptical, but intrigued. If school weren’t starting up Monday, I’d offer you a game on TripleA. Maybe some other time!

  • @Tamer-of-Beasts I certainly don’t think that it is a perfect strategy, largely due to the Russians ability to prevent a clean sweep to Bombay, but I think that it might be good start the game. If the plan fails then it is as if the CPs just did a classic invade-Russia strategy and then can return to the west. If the plan succeeds, which I find to be very possible in many cases, then they have a shot at a quick and easy victory that no other strategy seems to achieve (at least against skilled or experienced players).

    I would enjoy a game on tripleA with anyone who would like to, I just need to figure out how to play online as I have had some problems with it.

  • Interesting strategy. Is this for the OOB rules or the tournament rules?

  • @King_Of_Tanks

    Let’s see you face off against @The_Good_Captain ! Last I heard he hasn’t lost a single game as the Allies. If you can beat him, then this strategy would definitely work.

  • @SuperbattleshipYamato

    Thanks for the @ but my axis and Allies time is about 1/5th what it used to be for at least the next month. Maybe you or @Ragnell804 should give it a try?

    I can. But need about another month.

  • @King_Of_Tanks

    I will take you up on your offer for a game. I will PM you with my email.

  • @King_Of_Tanks I will also offer to throw my hat in the ring on TripleA if you’ll have me. I may be slow to move on some days but am eager to see what this plan can do.

  • @DoManMacgee Yes, only the Out Of Box rules, including the Russian Revolution.

  • @Ragnell804 @DoManMacgee, Sounds good. I will try to work out multiplayer then I will contact you guys.

  • @King_Of_Tanks

    How exciting!! If these games are on the forum I’ll keep a close eye on them.

  • 2025 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @King_Of_Tanks Would rather do 2 1v1 games than multiplayer just so I can get through it faster. If you don’t want to juggle games I can wait until after you’ve played against @Ragnell804

    EDIT: Goofed on tagging the other guy you’re playing against. Still prefer 1v1 over multiplayer though, sorry.

  • @DoManMacgee

    I would prefer a 1v1 vice multiplayer.

  • @King_Of_Tanks

    I was going to DM you but figure I would make this public.

    Everyone in this thread has played many, many games of 1914 as have I. I personally can say I have seen and implemented a version of what you’re talking about as the CP and fought against a version of this strategy as the Entente - but it was not and won’t be your version of it.

    For what it’s worth, I applaud your intestinal fortitude for coming here and positing your strategy. I’m happy to see that the reactions from the 1914 crew has been so supportive. This is not so for other corners of this forum for other versions of axis and allies - and that is to their loss.

    Whatever happens in your game(s) - weather you crush the Entente or are crushed by them - I strongly recommend playing at least three or four games against whoever will take you on. Fine tune and adjust your strategy between games. I’ve learned far more in games where I lost than those where I win. Make an adjustment here or there and go again. What I’m saying (hoping) is that you don’t pack it up after an initial loss or declare the strategy a game winner on the first win. The only way this game stays fresh and interesting is for those who think differently to play out ideas in the spirit you’ve shown here. Best of luck in your games! I may be available in about a month if you’d like to play.

  • @The_Good_Captain @King_Of_Tanks Well said, TGC. I am always glad to discuss the game with people who are willing to openly and amicably do so, and I appreciate everyone here who is both friendly and experienced. And I’ll echo the last post and say that I am glad this thread was brought up as well (I hope my initial skepticism wasn’t taken as cavalier dismissal; I am genuinely intrigued). I also will be open to a game later on, starting in mid-November.

  • @The_Good_Captain Thank you for your reply! I understand what you are saying and it can sometimes be very difficult to stick to a strategy after being crushed by the enemy (haha). I expect that other people have tried this strategy before, it’s just fun trying it myself with hope of finally winning as the Central Powers without having to play for days, or even weeks, just to achieve the edge over the opponent.

  • 2025

    @King_Of_Tanks Hi, still looking for opponents? I’d happy to challenge your CP strategy as the Entente. I’d love to see some new strategies in this game.

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