Thank you for this awesome site.
I donated my usual.
Axis & Allies .org 2023 Support Drive
Welcome to the 2023 Axis & Allies .org support drive.
Several costs for running this site have gone up in 2022. For instance hosting went up and now we have to pay for our Gmail (Google for Work) account, which used to be free for over a decade. Traffic is down so ads are down; 2 sponsors stopped paying; and we collected 60% of normal from the support drive.
As a result for the first time in over a decade the price for patrons is going up and we’re no longer offering a discount for renewing. However, we also have new perks this year:
- Gold: signature, no ads (except sponsors), badge
- Silver: no ads (except sponsors), badge
- Bronze: badge
This support drive will end on December 31, 2023 and the next one will begin in 2024.
Amount raised: $1860 ($2622.50 in 2019)
Number of 2023 unique patrons: 39 (52 in 2022, 90 in 2016)
(last update January 23, 2024)Gold Silver Bronze @AndrewAAGamer (Jan. 4) @Pejon_88 (Mar. 12) @surfer (Jan. 9) @Witt (Jan. 4) @FMErwinRommel (Jul. 16) @mozkaynak (Jan. 19) @Panther (Jan. 4) @SuperbattleshipYamato (Sep. 18) @KaLeu (Mar. 18) @JIM-BELL (Jan. 4) @stucifer (Oct. 8) @Argothair (Apr. 20) @Martin (Jan. 4) @boursy (Jul. 12) @TheCaptain (Jan. 5) @AdmirlScuttlebut (Aug. 31) @gamerman01 (Jan. 5) @barnee (Oct. 7) @DoManMacgee (Jan. 5) @Draginfut (Nov. 14) @captainwalker (Jan. 6) @ArtofWar1947 (Jan. 7) @dawgoneit (Jan. 10) @FlyingBadger (Jan. 11) @Dark-Knight (Jan. 25) @666 (Jan. 27) @Myygames (Feb. 4) @vodot (Mar. 13) @Chris_Henry (Mar. 17) @crockett36 (Apr. 20) @Enno (Jun. 22) @Private-Panic (Sep. 1) @mainah (Sep. 5) @oysteilo (Oct. 31) @tomcoll67 (Nov. 6) @Midnight_Reaper (Nov. 26) unknown (Dec. 13) @farmboy (Dec. 26) unknown (Jan. 8)
These funds will go towards the following:
- Gmail (Google for Work)
- Transactional email
- Server hosting
- Server backup
- SSL certificates
- Domain registration
- DNS hosting
- Promotional material
- Running events
- Producing YouTube videos
- Akismet anti-spam subscription
- LLC (limited liability company) taxes and upkeep
- Taxes
- Tax software
- Website design (one or more of the following)
- Adobe software
To donate, just click on the “Buy Now” PayPal button on the right of your screen.
In order to get your badge, be sure to include your email when you purchase your support level. Next, send me an email with your Axis & username so that I can give you the badge. david [dot] jensen {at} axisandallies (dot) org
If you get your badge and are not listed, it likely means I forgot so just send me a friendly reminder.
D djensen pinned this topic on
Dave, there is a problem with the Paypal process right now:
Whenever I expected a “thank you”-page or the forum redirect, I am sent back to the “Please log in” page.
Meanwhile I have authorized the payment twice (2x 60 USD) but have been redirected to the paypal-login to pay again.
So it is sort of an endless loop that brings me back do the donation-paypal-login after I confirmed my payment details and after payment has been successfully authorized.
Please check this and tell me whether you have received 0, 1 or 2 payments from me.
Thank you :)
Gold Paid! Unlike Panther, I did receive an online confirmation that I had paid, however it did not send me the e-mail confirmation it said it was going to. Please confirm I paid for Gold status. Keep the site going strong!!!
EDIT - Correction, e-mail received!
I just tried it for the third time - still with the same result as described above. However I realized that it took a long time for Paypal to process the security-SMS info. It is maybe a time-out issue on the Paypal side.
However, @djensen , please take a look. “Local” Paypal-payments work without any issues today, as I am used to it.
Of course I will continue my efforts to buy this Golden Badge - as always.
I have been successful right now. Must have been a temporary issue on the Paypal side.
Thank you. -
Happy New Year Dave, I have paid the $60 to become a Gold Patron per AndrewAAGamer 's suggestion. I paid on my wifes account and it registered her email instead of mine: [redacted] my game user name is Jim Bell (creative…I know) I look forward to learning more about the game.
@AndrewAAGamer @Witt @Panther @JIM-BELL Thank you for your support on the first day! I’ll add the badges after work today.
@djensen Thanks Pal!
Gold paid - have received e-mail confirmation.
Let’s see how long before it take the wiggle reminder to drive me up a tree.
For those of you who already have contributed for 2023, you won’t know what I’m talking about. ;-) (If you want to know, open the forums logged out)
@djensen heh heh actually it does it to me and i rarely log out. Now i notice it all the time wtf lol
@djensen yea you need to disable that. It’s annoying af. Didn’t notice it till now but it does it everytime you click on something.
And I’m not gonna donate till Christmas again :)
@barnee You’re (and we’re) better off switching patronage to the beginning of the year so you can take full advantage of the amenities provided to you.
I can’t really give the benefits (except the badge) for 12 months, only the calendar year.
Also, I’ll disable the shake in 1-3 days. In the meantime, I made it more subtle.
I’ve renewed, thanks @djensen for this great website :star:
@barnee I’ve turned off the wiggle. The gradual color change is still there. I bet you didn’t even notice that. ;-)
@djensen in for :sports_medal: again in '23! Thanks Dave for everything you’ve done over the years to keep this community strong.
P Panther forked this topic on
Big Announcement
Many of you wait until December to get your badge but that only gives you 1 month of the special benefits. (It’s too difficult to add and remove benefits throughout the year). So, I’ve decided that we will end the 2023 Drive on November 30 and start 2024 on December 1. It’s also a little better timing given New Year’s and all.
Hi Dave. I have just purchased a gold badge. Cheers PP
@Private-Panic Thank you for your support! I’ll get your badge going this week.