What are the differences between 3rd and 2nd Editions?
If you are familiar with the 1998 CD version, that is the start of 3rd edition (or had 3rd edition options).
Some changes are, submerging retreating subs, air units can retreat from amphib assualts, Wcan no longer boarders the Atlantic.
2 hit BBs were introduced, although I think that was just and extra option.
Always active AA’s, I think just another option.
what happened to 1st edition?
I’m not too familiar with 1st edition, it was before my time. I started playing in the mid 80’s and it was already 2nd edition.
From my understanding 1st edition had some different multinational rules (possibly attacking) and new IC’s had no production cap. So a common strat would be UK build and IC on Per and just strat pumping out units.