This combo is strong, not only due to colours, but because you really need to watch the whole Pacific - there is no safe place anymore for Japanese.
But, we could create a thread with “nasty but legal tactics”, as you called it, @gamerman01.
One that really made me angry was the fighter attack “over” the wall of ships. Let me explain. Germans were essentially locked in the Mediteranean, with my strong US fleet at Gibraltar. They had fighter on the carrier just inside Pillars of Heracles, launched the attack of a single sub to the whole US fleet of 20 ships, and on basis of that, were able to launch the fighter to sink 10 US transports, 3 sea zones away, at West Indies :)
Something like this:
The explanation was that the sub had tried to break through and if it would have succeeded (?!), the carrier could go through and take the fighter. I was seeing it as sending to a suicide mission - I was wrong obviously. :cry: :face_with_head_bandage: