• Hi, this is my first post on the site. Looking forward to contributing going forward.
    I don’t understand the rule for placing infantry with China.
    1 new infantry for every 2 territories (rounded down).
    New infantry can’t be placed on territories with 3 or more Chinese infantry.

    Now to the part I don’t understand.

    Assume Japan controls Ningxia and China has 3 units on Chinghai, Sikang, Hupeh, and Suiyuan - meaning 12 units all attacking Ningxia. China wins leaving Chinghai, Sikang, Hupeh, and Suiyuan unoccipied. According to the rule China can now place new units on these territories because they have 0 units.

    This means China is able to get a huge amount of units.
    Is there something I’m missing?


  • @tvarberg

    Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:

    @tvarberg said in China - placing new infantry:

    This means China is able to get a huge amount of units.

    How do you come to this conclusion?

    This is the rule (rulebook page 10):

    “The Chinese army represented in the game does not receive IPCs for income or use IPCs to generate new units. Instead, during the Purchase Units phase at the beginning of the U.S. turn, set aside one new Chinese infantry unit for every two Chinese territories that are not under Axis control (rounded down.)”

    It can never be more than this (max. 4). Also the amount of new units is determined at the beginning of the turn (during the US purchase units phase), placement occurs during the US placement phase.

  • @panther Thanks a lot :)

    Assume China is not attacked and hold all possible territories. Then its 4 units per turn. That quickly adds up.

    As I see it the max 3 and more rule when units are being placed does not make sense (according to my example above)

  • @tvarberg

    In your example China has been attacked, otherwise Japan could not control Ningxia.

    However, in the unlikely event that China will not be attacked, the US player (running China) will at one point of the game not be able to place further new Chinese units. And China cannot do anything outside Chinese territories (except Kwangtung).

    That rule was introduced to represent China’s limited options.

  • @panther said in China - placing new infantry:

    at one point of the game not be able to place further new Chinese units.

    How so?
    In the Noncombat Move phrase China can just move around units and leave territories empty. Then in the Mobilize New Units phrase the territories left empty can be deployed at.

    If this is possible it gives an infinite number of units to China.

  • @tvarberg

    In theory you are right of course, I was a bit unclear with my statement.

    Maybe I still don’t understand your point. Every power that will not be attacked and that maximizes (or at least tries to maximize) their IPC gains and unit builds will be able to achieve huge amounts of units, mostly way more than China. But China is limited - other than USA, Germany, Japan, Italy, Russia.

    Other powers can expand, China cannot.

  • @panther said in China - placing new infantry:

    Every power that will not be attacked and that maximizes (or at least tries to maximize) their IPC gains and unit builts will be able to achieve huge amounts of units

    Yes, you are very right.
    My point is just that the China rules to me are very unclear (in terms of Mobilize New Units)
    And that you can just over come the “max three or more rule” by moving China’s units and make space for the new units.

    Thought I misunderstood the rules, but seems like it’s not the case because basically we are on the same page in terms of the rules I can see.

  • @tvarberg

    I see. You can move as many units into a territory as you want. So a territory can contain as many units as you bring there. But concerning placement you are limited as China to the specific China placement rules. So this is about placing units, not about moving units.

  • @tvarberg said in China - placing new infantry:

    @panther said in China - placing new infantry:

    Every power that will not be attacked and that maximizes (or at least tries to maximize) their IPC gains and unit builts will be able to achieve huge amounts of units

    Yes, you are very right.
    My point is just that the China rules to me are very unclear (in terms of Mobilize New Units)
    And that you can just over come the “max three or more rule” by moving China’s units and make space for the new units.

    Thought I misunderstood the rules, but seems like it’s not the case because basically we are on the same page in terms of the rules I can see.

    You are correct. As long as there are no units in a Chinese territory, they can place up to 3 units there during mobilization. So if you move all units out of a territory, you can then place your new units there, and repeat this ad-nauseum.

    It’s not overpowered though as Chinese units can not leave China, so if this is happening chances are Japan is ignoring China anyway (as they can easily go around and ignore it). So go ahead a load up those infantry in China. If they are being completely ignored by Japan (I frequently ignore China as Japan), they’ll sit there, completely useless.

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