We had 9 players and ran three games. It was good to feel that the event was getting back to normal after Covid. :grin:
It’s hard to play in a game yourself and also follow what is happening in the others, so I can only hope that this battle report is accurate. If not, perhaps we shall see some corrections from maligned players!
CPs - Andrew
Entente - Ste & Rob
The CPs followed a Moscow first strategy, with G and AH combining to push R back. T also advanced on India. The Entente surrendered when Moscow and India both fell.
Two games were played on the day as the first was over so quickly.
Game 1
Axis - Mark (J) & Lee (G and I)
Allies - Darren
This game was declared an Axis victory when Moscow fell.
Game 2
Axis - Lee
Allies - Darren (R and USA) & Mark (GB)
In the last round of play J launched a powerful attack on India, but lost 5 of 8 planes to AA fire. Disaster! Although India was taken J was no longer able to compete against the USA in the Pacific. But the clincher for the allies was GB’s capture of Berlin.
Axis - Adam
Allies - Dave (GB) & Colin (R and USA)
Following an absolutely awful run of luck in the first turn J was in a mess and G already facing a North Atlantic Allied fleet. G did manage to grab and hold Leningrad but began to struggle to reinforce the eastern front as it fought off ever more powerful allied landings in the west. Meanwhile J lost the money islands and felt sorry for itself.
However, G then managed to pull off an opportunistic raid into Moscow and pinched R’s treasury, which at least shut up the Axis player’s complaints for a while!
Then J unexpectedly found itself with even odds on the Combined GB/USA Pacific fleet and decided to risk it. Superior J tactics and fighting spirit delivered a glorious J victory.
G also gained an even odds attack on Moscow and, inspired by J’s example, launched an all-out assault. Again the Axis won with significant forces surviving.
The Allies surrendered. The Axis decided that the dice were not so bad after all!