What do you think of General George S. Patton?

  • Wait? who is he trolling? I mean really he is trolling because he does not like FDR? HUH?

    He only mentioned me and a troll must have somebody who is a target and poster on this site. Do you mean he is trolling a guy who was president 65 years ago?

    Am i missing something?

    Ok i read it again. and perhaps he did make a jab at you. I will edit.

    Wait what am i to edit. He quoted you right?


  • @Imperious:

    Wait? who is he trolling? I mean really he is trolling because he does not like FDR? HUH?

    He only mentioned me and a troll must have somebody who is a target and poster on this site. Do you mean he is trolling a guy who was president 65 years ago?

    Am i missing something?

    Ok i read it again. and perhaps he did make a jab at you. I will edit.

    Wait what am i to edit. He quoted you right?


    I think he means comparing FDR to Hitler is trolling, which, lets face it it is. I don’t think hes digging at you IL, its upside down turtle that’s being the troll. FDR wasn’t a saint by any means, but compared to Hitler he is. I think the part where he says that FDR can commit the same atrocities as Hitler is where it really becomes trolling hyberbole.

    This whole thread has me down on this community a bit, some pretty ghastly statements being made in here people. Not cool

    Also, upside down turtle, any reason you have the RNZAF kiwi as your avatar?

  • trolling?  Wow, now that’s a word I haven’t heard since those Boxxy videos on youtube.  Perhaps I don’t get around enough on blogs or something.   :|

    I have little grasp of what the word means, I must admit, and yes, it was off topic; a digression derived from IL’s statement on rolling FDR down a hill.  I only meant to express my personal feeling, that is, I would tar and feather him first, then roll him down a hill.  However, if you wish a more scholarly and reasoned opinion against FDR, then perhaps I’ll start another thread.

    No one seemed to accuse IL of “trolling” or whatever when he took a jab at the Pope for being a Hitler Youth, and I would expect the same tolerance when I call FDR a facist.

    To answer the question on my avatar: I feel no reason to justify my having it.  Again, I must ask why I’m questioned for it when others seem free to have any randome thing they desire.  However, since you name is Captain Kiwi, I suppose it would fit you more…

    Nice gun, btw…

  • …comparing FDR to Hitler is trolling

    well yea ok, but isn’t trolling got to contain an attack on another poster for the purpose of provoking them?

    Like you mention his opinion in manner where its placed in compromising light and ridicule?

    I could be wrong so don’t quote me on this.

    ON the wheelchair thing i was trying to make a joke of sorts to illustrate a point ( another point). The visualization is pretty funny actually, And after all some of us are offering opinions of Patton in much the same light as we make about FDR, but its all good because we can lighten up cant we?

  • @Imperious:

    …comparing FDR to Hitler is trolling

    well yea ok, but isn’t trolling got to contain an attack on another poster for the purpose of provoking them?

    Like you mention his opinion in manner where its placed in compromising light and ridicule?

    I could be wrong so don’t quote me on this.

    ON the wheelchair thing i was trying to make a joke of sorts to illustrate a point ( another point). The visualization is pretty funny actually, And after all some of us are offering opinions of Patton in much the same light as we make about FDR, but its all good because we can lighten up cant we?

    I took your wheelchair down the hill thing as a joke.  So I joked back (from a slight reference to The Simpsons) and never really smited you.  I can’t remember the last time I’ve smited anyone.

    I know turtle is joking, it’s too obvious, but the content of the post is a troll.  You don’t have to direct anything at anyone, just make a claim that obviously will elicit a response.  It’s not about what you are saying or what you expect to be said in response, just to get a rise out of people.

    But if turtle really believes that then…well, God have mercy on his soul.

    BTW, I never (even jokingly) posted that Patton should be greased up, gagged, and restrained and tossed in a club full of gay minorities with Queen songs blaring in the same manner that was suggested of FDR.

  • Oh thats good. Everybody is happy, and we move forward in the darkness. Excellent!!

  • Can’t we all just get along?

  • '16 '15 '10


    trolling?  Wow, now that’s a word I haven’t heard since those Boxxy videos on youtube.  Perhaps I don’t get around enough on blogs or something.   :|

    I have little grasp of what the word means, I must admit, and yes, it was off topic; a digression derived from IL’s statement on rolling FDR down a hill.  I only meant to express my personal feeling, that is, I would tar and feather him first, then roll him down a hill.  However, if you wish a more scholarly and reasoned opinion against FDR, then perhaps I’ll start another thread.

    No one seemed to accuse IL of “trolling” or whatever when he took a jab at the Pope for being a Hitler Youth, and I would expect the same tolerance when I call FDR a facist.

    To answer the question on my avatar: I feel no reason to justify my having it.  Again, I must ask why I’m questioned for it when others seem free to have any randome thing they desire.  However, since you name is Captain Kiwi, I suppose it would fit you more…

    Nice gun, btw…


    You may not like FDR, you may even feel he was a tyrant….but yeah comparisons with Hitler are the graveyard for discussions.

    For my part, from what I understand if we’d had some insular Repub like Coolidge in charge at the time of WWII then Europe might be German speaking these days…  It’s genuinely frightening to revisit how the majority of Americans were opposed to a war against Hitler

  • For my part, from what I understand if we’d had some insular Repub like Coolidge in charge at the time of WWII then Europe might be German speaking these days…

    ya ,can you imagine  “Reichsprotektoriat Waschingtonien”???  :?
    no way!!!
    you all should have seen what he did to Nuernberg…It would have been Capitol city of Das Reich and all steps would be one step of a SS-man long…all doors would be giant so it wouldn’t matter who stands in it…no kidding
    maybe size matters… :-D :-D

  • @Upside-down_Turtle:

    To answer the question on my avatar: I feel no reason to justify my having it.  Again, I must ask why I’m questioned for it when others seem free to have any randome thing they desire.  However, since you name is Captain Kiwi, I suppose it would fit you more…

    Nice gun, btw…

    Was just curious about the avatar more than anything as I work with the RNZAF as part of my role at New Zealand Defence HQ, got flown around in a 3 squadron helicopter a couple a months ago and it was awesome fun. However, I probably should have sent a pm and not put it in a post along with other things.

    And the gun is a Singaporean 155mm self propelled artillery piece. As part of my job I was invited to a VIP day at the New Zealand army firing range where the Singaporean army were test firing their artillery. Good times. (Singapore is a long time ally of NZ and they don’t have the space to test fire at home, so we hire out our training grounds to them)

    Oh and IL, trolling is not normally a personal attack on someone. Its usually saying somethign that is deliberately inflammatory to get a response. Like going on a pro choice forum and calling everyone who had an abortion a baby killer (Thats an extreme example, but you get the point). Godwinning is usually considered trolling.

  • @Captain:


    To answer the question on my avatar: I feel no reason to justify my having it.  Again, I must ask why I’m questioned for it when others seem free to have any randome thing they desire.  However, since you name is Captain Kiwi, I suppose it would fit you more…

    Nice gun, btw…

    Was just curious about the avatar more than anything as I work with the RNZAF as part of my role at New Zealand Defence HQ, got flown around in a 3 squadron helicopter a couple a months ago and it was awesome fun. However, I probably should have sent a pm and not put it in a post along with other things.

    And the gun is a Singaporean 155mm self propelled artillery piece. As part of my job I was invited to a VIP day at the New Zealand army firing range where the Singaporean army were test firing their artillery. Good times. (Singapore is a long time ally of NZ and they don’t have the space to test fire at home, so we hire out our training grounds to them)

    Oh and IL, trolling is not normally a personal attack on someone. Its usually saying somethign that is deliberately inflammatory to get a response. Like going on a pro choice forum and calling everyone who had an abortion a baby killer (Thats an extreme example, but you get the point). Godwinning is usually considered trolling.

    Do I recall correctly Anzac troops were present in the defense of Singapore from the Japanese?  I know the Brits were there and recall the Japanese wading across the swamps and waters to surprise the defenders…

  • All this talk of trolls…… where are the orces and dark elves? Lets not forget dragons.

  • @Jermofoot:

    Do I recall correctly Anzac troops were present in the defense of Singapore from the Japanese?  I know the Brits were there and recall the Japanese wading across the swamps and waters to surprise the defenders…

    I don’t know in all honesty. I believe at the time Singapore fell the vast majority of the NZ fighting force was in North Africa attached to the 8th army. We had been in charge of the defence of Crete earlier and had relocated from their to Egypt.

    The Singapore alliance with NZ goes back to the Five Power Defence Arrangement (FPDA) which allied the UK, Australia, NZ, Malaysia and Singapore in the early period of the cold war, to act as a south east asian alliance against possible communist expansion. It’s one of the reasons NZ assisted in the Malayan and Vietnam insurgencies.

  • @Captain:


    To answer the question on my avatar: I feel no reason to justify my having it.  Again, I must ask why I’m questioned for it when others seem free to have any randome thing they desire.  However, since you name is Captain Kiwi, I suppose it would fit you more…

    Nice gun, btw…

    Was just curious about the avatar more than anything as I work with the RNZAF as part of my role at New Zealand Defence HQ, got flown around in a 3 squadron helicopter a couple a months ago and it was awesome fun. However, I probably should have sent a pm and not put it in a post along with other things.

    And the gun is a Singaporean 155mm self propelled artillery piece. As part of my job I was invited to a VIP day at the New Zealand army firing range where the Singaporean army were test firing their artillery. Good times. (Singapore is a long time ally of NZ and they don’t have the space to test fire at home, so we hire out our training grounds to them)

    Awesome.  I’m also fecinated by Singapor and New Zealand being long time “Allies”.  I’ll have to put up another thread, since this one is already very off topic, no doubt thanks to me.

    On the subject of Patton, I feel he ought to have been in charge of the whole war effort.  His performance in North Africa alone should have been enough grounds to approve his plan for Sicily.

    Had Patton’s plan been used, hey may have succeded in cutting off the entire German force in Sicily.

  • Patton was a little rough, but what do you think war is?

  • War is Hell.

  • @Upside-down_Turtle:

    War is Hell.

    While I agree with the sentiment offered up By General Sherman, the annoying thing about that phrase is its often used as a counter to war crimes by people.

    “But we killed 1000 civilians in that air raid!”
    “War is Hell”

  • @Captain:


    War is Hell.

    While I agree with the sentiment offered up By General Sherman, the annoying thing about that phrase is its often used as a counter to war crimes by people.

    “But we killed 1000 civilians in that air raid!”
    “War is Hell”

    Agreed - if we are really willing to accept atrocities just for the sake of war, we have failed our species.

  • @Jermofoot:



    War is Hell.

    While I agree with the sentiment offered up By General Sherman, the annoying thing about that phrase is its often used as a counter to war crimes by people.

    “But we killed 1000 civilians in that air raid!”
    “War is Hell”

    Agreed - if we are really willing to accept atrocities just for the sake of war, we have failed our species.

    Humanity has found war as an excuse for a long list of horrible acts.

  • @ABWorsham:

    Humanity has found war as an excuse for a long list of horrible acts.

    Truer words have never been spoken.

    I don’t think any nation, culture or people has 100% clean hands.

    It’s one of the reasons I really enjoyed teaching Military Ethics at University. The conundrum of being in an environment where killing people is acceptable yet there are restrictions in fascinating.

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