The issue here is that:
The chimps at Wotc won’t help any hypothetical upcoming official software game release with that letter to shutdown TripleA, b/c TripleA will be changed in some small details, so it will still live on and evolve, if the coders want to work on it. The only way Hasbro/Wotc can out-compete or get rid of TripleA is by making a better product.
But the chimps at Wotc can’t read, so they have not read the Origin of the Species. They don’t know what evolution is. The way the laws of the nature works is that you don’t get rid of competition by man made law, but to evolve better than the competitors, adapt or die. The laws of nature are much more relevant than judicial laws.
That’s why there’s a great chance that any official software version from Hasbro/Wotc will not be better than TripleA.
What to expect from chimps, I mean, we departed from the chimps 5.000.000 years ago, but there are some leftovers, like Hasbro/Wotc employees.