@Panther Following your advice I logged out from Google and reset my Eqqman (on that forum) password and was then able to log in with posting privileges. Thanks!
TripleA: Major Industrial Complex Rule Question
Hi all,
Sorry if this has been asked before. I am playing Global 1940 on Triple A against the AI (I am the allies). The AI Japan built a major industrial complex in Kwangtung. I thought that this was an illegal move since Japan does not start the game with Kwangtung. Is this true? I know Triple A isn’t perfect for rules, but it seems to be generally correct. Also, is there any way to fix this, or just let it happen.
Hi trent
I tried to reproduce it but was unable. Idk why the AI would be able to do that. You might want to post a save game showing this at the triplea site so redrum can take a look at it.
Anyway, the only place Japan can build a major is Korea. You can only build majors on Originally owned TTys worth at least 3 bucks.So even though Japan starts with Manchuria and Kiangsu they can’t build there because China is the Original owner.
@barnee thanks for the reply! I will look into the triple a forum. I mainly wanted to make sure I understood the rule correctly!
Right on. A saved game would be very helpful though. That way the AI can be even better than it is : )