Global 1940 and 1943 Expansion for use with TripleA

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Ok looks like a minor panic on my part. Made a separate supportAttachment and it seems to be working.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Unfortunately, my earlier concern was legit. I remember having trouble with them when I first did it. Not really sure of the best solution. Thinking of making them A2 get +1 with Arty. I don’t like the edit new unit in and out. Already gotta do it with Oberst and Commiesars. PGs too.

    There’s only one of them to deal with though usually, half a dozen be a bit much.

    Maybe make em cost an extra buck ? +2 to upgrade ? Uggh Idk. That’s a big rule difference, although Basic has Waffen at +2. Usually just paired with Arty anyway. Mostly amphib attacks for the Marines.

    Well, that’s the way I’m leaning. @The-Captain what do you guys think ? Everything would work right then, as far as the artillery support with all units.

    So it’d be 5 bucks for an A2 D2 +1A with Arty . Arty A2 D2 gives support for 4 bucks. I’d think you’d still want the 3 hitter ability for amphib attacks for the extra buck though. Actually, it’s really 2 bucks.

    Hmm … Well, Idk, I think they’d still be purchased. You got any number crunchers in your group ?

    Edit 2
    Maybe leave at +1 ? Still cheaper to buy a Arty/Inf than 2 Marines for same attack power. They’re limited build wise too.

    Edit 3
    Yea I think A2 D2 A+1 with Arty for +1 PU. Tanks are 5 bucks, so, they wouldn’t get bought.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    yea so it all works fine now. I wonder if this would cause any issues in India early game ? Or Egypt with rail move ?

    Idk. Best I can think of. 6 sided die are limiting.

    Tank and Arty A3 A2 C9
    2 Commando A2 C8
    Commando and Arty A3 A2 C8

    Might just need to be a triplea exception. Guess we could limit builds early rounds if needed for India.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    DNG fix is done. Gotta do it for them all now lol

    Hopefully just some cleanup after that. We’ll see.

    Anyway, to a good weekend of Gaming Rock On !!!.png

  • @barnee


    I’ll have to get back to you on that one… if we change the cost on any unit, it might influence the choise of units in an “un-wanted” manner… in other words - that unit might not be purchased.

  • @barnee

    Tomorrow, 2 players from The Netherlands (they are from this forum) are coming to Denmark to join us for a weekend of Axis & Allies gaming including Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion.

    So I might not be online unitl Sunday…

  • @the-captain yea cost would stay the same attack factor would increase by 1. That can influence buys as well.

    Only thing to do would be to make a new unit and have it edit in when paired with arty. As i said earlier though, that could get kinda sloppy.

    Idk, I almost always have them paired on the attack anyway and always take them as casualty first, so maybe it’d be better to edit in the unit that attacks at 1 by itself as that situation wouldn’t happen as much.

  • @the-captain said in Global 1940 Expansion for use with TripleA:



    I’ll have to get back to you on that one… if we change the cost on any unit, it might influence the choise of units in an “un-wanted” manner… in other words - that unit might not be purchased.

    Ya with d6 it gets dicey with no room.

    barnee. What are u trying to do?
    Does art boost all types of inf +1 correct ?

  • @general-5-stars yea so Commandos and Marines are A1 D2 C+1 and replaces an existing Infantry. So basically C4. They get A+2 when paired with Artillery.

    Artillery also boost Infantry and Mech Infantry A+1. Triplea cant do that. They all have to be boosted the same. So i was gonna make them A2 D2 C+1 A+1 with Arty.

    Still should have incentive to buy
    Tank and Arty A3 A2 C9
    2 Commando A2 C8
    Commando and Arty A3 A2 C8

    But I think I’ll make another Commando/Marine unit that is A1 that you edit in before battle when they attack without Artillery. Should be fairly rare occurrence, as you wanna pair them up for the extra attack boost.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Inf A1+1 & Art A2 = A4 D4 C7 8.33
    Mech A1+1 & Art A2 = A4 D4 C8 6.00
    Comm A1 +1 & Art A2 = A4 D4 C8 6.00
    Tank A3 & Art A2 = A5 D5 C9 5.88
    2 Comm A2 = C8 3.00

    Commando to weak at A1 for C4.
    If you gave Comm/Marine A2 C4
    2 Com/Mar A2 = A4 C8 6.00
    Comm A2+1 & Art A2 = A5 C8 7.50

    Now by giving Com/Mar a A2 +1 with an Art to strong. But keep in mind there’s a build cap I believe.
    Why not just give the Com/Mar a A2 and Art doesn’t boost it +1. This way if attacking alone they still are worth the money on there own without off setting everything.
    You would assume these special Inf are kind a on there own and doing specific attacks ?

    Maybe by giving all these special Inf in game a flat A2 with no +1 boost. Be easier on triple A ?

    The decimal number shows cost for punch showing you best cost for pieces.

    Be cool if special Inf could be air transported but Captain I think has a clamp on that.

  • @general-5-stars said in Global 1940 Expansion for use with TripleA:

    Now by giving Com/Mar a A2 +1 with an Art to strong. But keep in mind there’s a build cap I believe.

    yea the build caps and the fact they only A1 unless paired w/Arty is where there at. To make that work with triplea is why I need to make them A2 +1

    I can’t remember on the Air Trprt but they can be built/transformed in friendly Factories as well

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Change Log:

    7.1 12/1/21
    Fix Dutch New Guinea not activating correctly on Allied counter attack after lost and reconquered. Fix Wolfpack removing Sea Zone 109 when 3 U-boats present. Fix Wolfpack not removing with less than 3 U-boats present in Sea Zone 99.

    Make Heavy Industry placement compliant. Fix extra Italian rail not showing up after German takeover of Italy. Fix Chinese rail showing up, unless 3 Territories are owned. Fix Allies activating Liberate of Pacific Territories when only having battle and not winning. Update D-Day Notes.

    Add Roundels to all Changer Landmines. Change “Commando/Marine” units to attack at 2 and get +1 when paired with Artillery. Add “CommandoA1/MarineA1”.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Knew I was spacing something lol. New Landmine notes. Here is the pertinent part:

    Use edit to place “Armed” mines. They are placed in the 2nd Place Phase.Use the Player “Changer” for these. You may place them anywhere there is an unarmed mine. When you place the armed mines, you will need to use the “Comment Log” stating which Border they are defending in the territory. To access the comment log, go to the “View” menu, and click “Show Comment Log”.
    You may also place “Colored” mines: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow and Orange. This will allow you to edit different mines designating the defense of different borders. As a guideline, you may way want to use no color for West, Blue for North, Red for South and Green for East. Orange for North and Southwest and Yellow for North and Southeast to make it easier to tell how many and where they defend are.

    It’ll be in notes for the next update.

    Hmm … I wonder maybe Green for south and red for east … doesn’t really matter. Just try to have some sort of consistency. Most LMs are west facing, USSR and the Reich. Blue seems good for North. Yea … I think I’ll change the recommendation to Green South

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Hmm … something all fckd up on git now. Was working fine, now it’s jacked. Deleted and downloaded and it’s not showing any update now.

    w/e f it no games tonight

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Some of the German Total War Builds are jacked up. Seems to be only Air builds but I’ll check them all. Happens with 43 as well. Some of them don’t show up as a purchase option.

    Everybody else seems ok. Anyway, use edit until fix is out.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Change Log:

    7.3 12/10/21
    Fix Dutch New Guinea not giving PUs to Allies without battle. Fix some Total War Units not showing up in Purchase Window.Some Notification and Game Notes cleanup.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Couple more bugs in test game. Pacific Islands are only giving the negative bonus once, if you captured a non allied TTy and then lose it. Hopefully I can figure a fix, but for now use edit to correct PU totals.

    The other is more serious. LCV and Air attack won’t allow the Air to retreat unless all the LCVs and their units are dead.
    This is basically the same as the Para bug, but more problematic as Paras are more likely to be used by themselves only for their bonus.

    I think it is because they are edit moved units, but no elegant solution at the moment. Probably triplea can’t do it right now. You’ll have to use a combination of the dice roller and edit if needed, for correct game play.

    So if you want to retreat Air and hits anyway, play out the battle then go back to the point you would have retreated and use dice roller to finish battle and edit units accordingly.

    @SGT-Pitbull can’t post a save to chat, but here’s one that shows the starting Arty in Berlin being replaced with SS units. Place in first place phase.

    EXP 7.3 Game 14 12-11-21.tsvg

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Gonna start on some fixes soon. @SGT-Pitbull can you post a saved game with Artillery not changing ? I can’t reproduce it

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @The-Captain What is the average length of your games ?

    I figured out a fix for Pacific Islands again, but i need a new trigger for every possibility. There are 32. Right now I have it for 29 rds but thinking of only 20 for this new one. That’s still 640 though.

    The problem is, that it runs slower the more there are. I may need to drop to 20 for all of them. We’ll see. Triplea may not check the new triggers as they’re activated by an existing trigger but Idk.

    Anyway, after 20 rounds, which is early 1950 if i remember right, you’d just have to keep track and use edit

  • @barnee
    Hi barnee,

    The average length is Early 1945.

    Mostly, by that time an Economic Victory is achieved - and the military situation would eventually become increasingly hopeless to either the Axis or the Allies.

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