@Matt-Hyra Alright, Thank you for letting me know!
My Axis & Allies collection
@Midnight_Reaper Hello good sir :)
I have received the dutch version today, and the missing Anniversary version has been located and are on the way :) yay…
Do you have any news regarding the french/china expansion sheets we talked about for the Nova/Jedko version? :) :D
@midnight_reaper just a little update, this version is now also in my stock :) as far as I know (with the help of your expertice), I am currently only missing the Jedko version and the french box printing version of the MB Gamemaster efition (if it excist), to complete my collection :)
@midnight_reaper More games for the collection :) the only one missing now is the MB Gamemaster version with both english & french box printing :D
Sooo if anyone out there have one or know where to find it, please let me know :)
@aadudecphdk1981 Hey, that’s a nice looking JEDKO A&A game you have there. Very snazzy, even. If you get a line on a second one, I would appreciate your assistance in helping me get one.
@midnight_reaper I will keep that in mind good sir :) do you have any leads regarding the last game missing from my collection? :D
@aadudecphdk1981 https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/20457/italy
Here something you ain’t got, nor does hardly anybody else either!!! -
@nolimit said in My Axis & Allies collection:
@aadudecphdk1981 https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/20457/italy
Here something you ain’t got, nor does hardly anybody else either!!!I have that. It’s not all that hard to get, if you ask me.
Unless @Nolimit knows something I don’t, that never came in a box. It was just a set of rules for an expansion of A&A Europe that split the Axis from just Germany into having both Germany and Italy as playable powers.
Take a copy of A&A Europe, add troops for the Italian player, add the rules from the game designers in Italy, and you have this.
It’s not commonly found because it’s not commonly known about.
@nolimit Actually I do have it, I have made my own copy for both Europe 369 and Europe 370, I printed the setup chart and the rules, then I added the Italian pieces to both issues of the game :) but thanks for the thought :)
Regarding the French/Chinese expansion for ‘Nova Games Axis and Allies’:
My Nova Games game came with this counter sheet.
No setup though…Image of FR/CH counter sheet: http://web.archive.org/web/20020906125332im_/http://wargamer.com/axisallies/images/nova_aa_counters.gif
Just adding this:
This is from my defunct Axis and Allies website (see link in this very message):
“Nova planned to release a expansion set for the game. This set would introduce France and China to the game (sounds familiar to World at War players!). The counters were produced, but the actual package was never released! This was because MB took over the game. The counter sheet as pictured on this page actually is a never released French/Chinese counter sheet (both having only halve the amount of units the original powers have).”
If anyone every finds a kind of draft (or demo, whatever) for this French/Chinese expansion… please post info here.
Wow, I did not know this French version existed:
Regarding a Dutch version.
There were Axis and Allies (Classic) games that included a Dutch version of the rule.
But as far as I know the box was the same.
A sticker? Maybe… -
@thrasher1 The dutch version came with a printout of the rules in dutch, but in the original box where they just added a sticker with dutch text.
@midnight_reaper Hello good sir :D
The collection is now complet :) pictures will come during the upcoming weekend when I have some time for it… But for now, you can see the final missing version that I just received from Canada eh, today :D Enjoy… -
@midnight_reaper Hello good sir,
As promised are here some pictures of all my (complete) collection of the Axis & Allies games/variations/versions/box printings (30 different kind):
Nova Games (plus expansion)
Jedko Games (plus expansion)
MB Gamemaster 1st. edition
MB Gamemaster 2nd. edition
MB Gamemaster Duthch edition
MB Gamemaster French/Canadian edition
Europe 1940 1st. edition
Pacific 1940 1st. edition
Europe 1940 2nd. edition
Pacific 1940 2nd. edition
Anniversary 1st. edition
Anniversary 2nd. edition
Revised 366 edition
Revised 370 edition
Revised Tilsit (French) edition
Europe 369 edition (incl. Italy expansion)
Europe 370 edition (incl. Italy expansion)
1942 2nd. edition
D-Day 1st. edition
D-Day 2nd. edition
D-Day 3rd. edition
Battle of the Bulge
Pacific 330 edition
Pacific 335 edition
Pacific 345 edition
WWI 1914Plus a homebuild version of both the Global 1940 House Rules and the Zombies 1939 Intro Scenario/1942 Expansion edition…
This is, as far as I know, all the different editions available, but if anyone out there know of any kind of other edition/box printing not shown here, please let me know :)
PS: I have all the different PC game versions, but not the Axis & Allies Miniatures (since I do not count them as being part of this universe)… :D
Where there any other ‘foreign language’ versions of Axis and Allies?
@thrasher1 Not to my knowledge, as far as I know there is ‘only’ the english 1st. and 2nd. edition, the dutch edition and the french/canadian edition of the classic version of A&A :)
Maybe @Midnight_Reaper knows more and can answer that question for you…
I think I can vaguely remember there was a rules translation in German.
But I am not sure. -
@thrasher1 Sure it was not a dutch version you remember? Either way, as long as the boxprinting was not in german I have no need for it in my collection :D but thanks for the info…
I am from Netherlands. And yes I can remember the Dutch translation being included in the box.
I have a separate ‘Rules Clarifications’ leaflet that was issued some time after the Milton Bradley version itself. It is signed “General M. Bradley, Supeme GameMaster”. I’m not sure how rare it is.
@kaleu Could you post a picture of it? :)
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