@imperious-leader Sure I could give it a go.
Here is a variant I created using the Xeno Games World at War map, I changed the colors to match the original A&A map. But, I kept the Xeno Games zone layouts and values.

I’m waiting for the A&A 1942 second edition to arrive, I want to use some ships and the artillery components to create my own custom variant called “the last World War”, I’ll start fiddling around with initial unit placements and such.
Also tinkering with the idea of creating a new class of ships called “Freighters”. They would carry 3 units and defend at 1, cost 10 IPC’s.
The old transports would still carry 2 units, cost only 7 IPC’s but, no defense capability.
Back to the parts subject, anyone know where I could get some components to represent mechanized infantry? Something like a half track or a deuce and a half?
Doesn’t have to be 3D printed customs, could be from other games, just as long as the scale is roughly the same. I checked out historicalboardgaming.com, components look good, but some of the needed colors aren’t available. Please let me know if you know some alternatives.
Thank you,