Would the Allies lost if the USSR joined the Axis

  • In your opinion would the allies have lost if the USSR been on the Axis side?

  • I would say yes the Allies would most likely have lost. The reasoning is that if Germany’s back was protected by Russia and then Russia could concentrate on the middle east, India and assist Italy with Africa, all of Asia, Africa and Europe would be under Axis control quite quickly ajnd easily. Russia could then help Germany in the defense of Western Europe and Scandinavia and then it could start building its own fleet and airforce to assist Germany against the UK in the Atlantic and could help Japan against US in the Pacific. A game of Axis and Allies played that way would be over quickly and I think it would have been the same in real life. It would be fun to try as the Allies to see just how overwhelming it would really be and how long you could hold out. Me thinks not to long. :-)

  • For me, this is a no brainer, even if I disagree with Cheney et.al in many issues, the heartland theory is a strong argument, and if Russia with axis, the US would meet strong resistance during the cold war. Seriously, how could any power(s) compete against this force in the long run? WW2 would be a walk in the park for axis. Normandy vs hypothetical invasions in Cornwall, lol….

  • '16 '15 '10

    There’s no way the Allies could have invaded Europe if Germany wasn’t committed to invading the Soviets.  The only prayer for the Allies would have been technology and air power.  But if the Soviets were actually assisting the Axis, then combined German/Soviet industrial capacity would have been at least equal to, if not greater than than the Allies.

    Fortunately for the Allies, the Axis alliance originated as an anti-Soviet alliance–communism was the enemy.  The Japs actually wanted to attack the Soviets in 1938, but then decided on a new war on China.  If the Allies had trusted the Soviets and struck up an alliance with them in 1939, then the Wehrmacht would have never stood for Hitler’s aggressions as they remembered what a two front war was like.

  • As long as the US has Enlgand atom boms start dropping on Germany in summer 1945

  • If Germany not spend resource on Eastern Front, German Navy exceed United Kingdom Navy.  United Kingdom starve long before 1945.

  • If Germany had been allied with russia the axis would have kicked butt.

  • thank you every1 for your opinion i have 2 say the axis would have won but my friend disagrees. He thinks that they would lose because in usa there was around 1 billion people an the average family has at the least 2 fire arms. So therefore allies would have won ,but I clearly stated that the axis would win but thank you for helping me in this discussion. If you would still like to put more opinions im all open ears. thankyou  :-D


  • You friend wrong about people in United States.  Around 200,000,000 during World War 2.  United States reach 300,000,000 last year.  Only China and India have 1,000,000,000 people and it not happen until way after World War 2.

  • '16 '15 '10


    thank you every1 for your opinion i have 2 say the axis would have won but my friend disagrees. He thinks that they would lose because in usa there was around 1 billion people an the average family has at the least 2 fire arms. So therefore allies would have won ,but I clearly stated that the axis would win but thank you for helping me in this discussion. If you would still like to put more opinions im all open ears. thankyou  :-D

    The thing to remember is the United States was very much anti-war at the start of World War II, which is why we needed the Japs to attack us in order to get into the fight.  Germany on the other hand was completely under the boot of a militaristic ideology…and they proved their toughness by taking on a coalition of powers that were 10 times stronger economically.

    So basically the only hope for the Allies was getting the bomb, or some other decisive technology.  Without the war on Russia, the Germans could have devoted more resources to air power, rockets, and atomic technology.

    This sort war would have never happened as Roosevelt would have never engaged in such a risky conflict.  With the USSR in, as long as the Soviets could hold on the odds were very high the Allies would prevail.

  • About the poll, the U.S. would have entered the war regardless of whether or not Pearl Habor happend.  It would have taken longer though.

  • I totally agree w. Historybuff…

  • yes i agree, with history buff on that matter. Because if America never joined Europe and the Pacific would have fallen.

  • The bed was too small for Hitler and Stalin both.

  • IN the event that the Soviets and Germany and Japan and Italy teamed up to carve the world…. and Japan never attacks the Pacific ( stays out of indo-china and holds china and does not commit atrocities–e.g. Nanking), then UK would fall before USA comes in the picture and fights a losing battle alone and eventually the American public grows tired of FDR and sends him and his chair packing. The American people respond only to direct threats/attacks made upon its property. You have to rub our noses and get us dirty before we do something. IN that time America wanted no part of another European war. Lend lease aid to UK would not have helped them against a 20 million man army. The remaining nations would have just accepted the new order in Europe. Eventually after decades Russians and Germans would be fighting over something and perhaps then a realistic effort against Germany might have made sence.

    But Hitler and Stalin were incompatible, after Stalin dies in 1956, Hitler would have tested the new Soviet regime with some provocation, as the Soviets tested Kennedy in 1962. Germany would have entered the space race long before anybody and the occupation of most of talented Europe would have given them enough skills to lead us in overall technological advancement.

  • I honestly don’t believe we would have entered the war if it weren’t for pearl harbor.The majority of American citzens were against being pulled into another war in Europe, and alot still held pro-german or anti-UK sentiments.


    The American people respond only to direct threats/attacks made upon its property. You have to rub our noses and get us dirty before we do something. IN that time America wanted no part of another European war.

    I agree with IL, America needed to be pushed before we push back.

  • yah, if pearl harobr had not been attacked FDR would have had to do some serious politic’n to get the US off it’s ass.

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDRa9I-NwDY

    this illustrates the point better.

  • lols

  • haha…what happened to the polish boy…he left his kilbasa?

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