For those interested my play group plays for 6 full rounds instead of the time limit to allow for flexibility.
Below is a helpful quick reference for the tournament movement rules:
Land units leaving a friendly territory, may:
Move 2 into another friendly territory
Move 2 into a contested territory.
Move 1 into a hostile territory.
Move 1 into a neutral territory when moving into that neutral territory for the first time.
Land Units leaving a contested territory, may:
Move 1 into another contested territory which has units belonging to your power.
Move 1 into a friendly territory.
Land Units must end their movement when:
Entering a contested territory.
Entering a hostile territory.
Entering a friendly minor aligned power’s territory for the first time.
Naval units can:
Move into a hostile sea zone and NOT conduct combat.
Move out of a hostile sea zone.
Move 3 sea zones (Cruisers can move 4) if they begin their turn in a sea zone that has a friendly Naval base.
Naval units must:
Stop in a hostile sea zone.
Stop when entering a sea zone mined by the enemy.