@djensen Okay, so I’m only three years late here, but wondering if you have any leftovers?
I’ve been trying to build up my collection slowly, and your post came up in my search.
Thank you,
@djensen Okay, so I’m only three years late here, but wondering if you have any leftovers?
I’ve been trying to build up my collection slowly, and your post came up in my search.
Thank you,
@djensen Never hurts to ask, right?
Thanks for the response, and have a great day!
@djensen Never hurts to ask, right?
Thanks for the response, and have a great day!
@djensen Okay, so I’m only three years late here, but wondering if you have any leftovers?
I’ve been trying to build up my collection slowly, and your post came up in my search.
Thank you,
Hey folks,
I saw an old post (2014) by Soup76 about his 1914 reference cards, and I am wondering if they are still available, or anything similar?
Oooops. Yep, I did! Old habits die hard… :-)
It’s Historical Board Gaming’s game. 1936 is coming next, apparently…
Take a look at “The Hilltop Pillbox” on Youtube. A newer channel dedicated to all forms of A&A. Very good run-through of A&A 1939, but some other nice vids about G40 and some optional rules, facilities, and units. Check it out!