• Here is my individual chart (German language). After a breakthrough another dice is being rolled and each nation has an individual portfolio. Sometimes nations can choose between two or three options. E.g. Germany can choose between paratroopers, mechanized infantry and radar with a 1-3 dice result, choose between jet fighters and V2 rockets with a result of 4-5. And “6” means Spain can be convinced to join the Axis. The latter will be postponed until Italy and Germany have reached an IPC value of 45 or more though.
    Other countries that may be activated with a breakthrough include Turkey (possible for Axis and Allies both), Argentina (Axis) and Saudi Arabia (Allies). But all of these happen to be rare events.
    1941 - Tabelle 2 - Forschung und Entwicklung.png

  • I love it! But can you make an English version? Also, can you explain how and What happens when or If Spain or Turkey enter? What are their starting forces? play alot of 1942.2 and i want to use this for house rules… Latter i will tell you what i got for house rules as they are still under development

  • Looks fantastic! I would like to try this in one of our games as well (but adapted to Anniversary).

    Most of the breakthroughs you show speak for themselves, but there are a few that I don’t understand yet. Could you elaborate on the rules you use for ‘Kamikaze’, ‘Operation Gomorrha’, ‘Atombombe’, ‘Partisanen’, ‘Lend Lease Abkommen’?

  • @Imperious-Leader said in Individual Development Chart:

    I love it! But can you make an English version? Also, can you explain how and What happens when or If Spain or Turkey enter? What are their starting forces? play alot of 1942.2 and i want to use this for house rules… Latter i will tell you what i got for house rules as they are still under development

    Here it comes (forgot to change the headline though).

    1941 - Tabelle 2 - Forschung und Entwicklung Englisch.png

    First I have to point out that the chart was made for the 1941 scenario of the anniversary edition and thus we throw it in instead of the tech trees of the official rulebook.

    Reg. Spain: The idea behind it was that Spain in reality couldn´t be convinced to join the Axis because Franco feared to lose the Canary Islands to Great Britain. As a compensation he demanded to receive Gibraltar and colonies in North Africa (the latter Hitler denied because it interfered with Vichy France). In my house rules when the “tech” breakthrough is successful, a dice result of “6” is acchieved with another roll and Italy plus Germany have reached a total of 45 IPC value Spain enters the war. This has happened only once. As I wrote, some of the breakthroughs are rare events.
    The Spanish mainland territory receives an IPC value of 3 and Morocco / Algeria becomes a home territory of Spain. Money and troops (I use light yellow models) are seperated from the German player (similar to USA / China). Spain enters the game with 1 industrial complex, 2 infantry, 1 fighter, 1 bomber and 1 destroyer.

    Reg. Turkey: The idea behind this was that Turkey had sympathies for the Axis, but at the same time it was opportunistic to British influence. The rest is similar to Spain. When it enters, it does so with 3 infantry, 1 biplane fighter (our house rules include weaker fighters), 1 destroyer and 1 industrial complex. The Dardanelles open up and the IPC value is 3.

  • @Ozymandiac said in Individual Development Chart:

    Looks fantastic! I would like to try this in one of our games as well (but adapted to Anniversary).

    Most of the breakthroughs you show speak for themselves, but there are a few that I don’t understand yet. Could you elaborate on the rules you use for ‘Kamikaze’, ‘Operation Gomorrha’, ‘Atombombe’, ‘Partisanen’, ‘Lend Lease Abkommen’?

    Actually it was made for 1941 anniversary.

    To explain everything might be too long, but I´ll give you the general idea:

    • Kamikaze: allows the Japanese player to neglect the return rule for planes whichs gives them an anormous range, but means they will be destroyed at the end of the fight anyway
    • Gomorrha: is a variaton to the “Heavy Bombers” tech development in the form of one single very heavy strategic bombing raid
    • Atombombe: To get the technology of a nuclear bomb, the USA would have to accomplish both slots on the chart. After doing so the US player may buy one bomb for 25 IPCs and put it on a bomber that is located in the Western or Eastern US. This bomber can make a special attack and choose between a tactical strike against units and a strategical strike (against a territory) with devastating effects.
      Partisans: Whenever a Soviet home territory that has been conquered by the Axis is being left empty, a partisan marker will be put there lowering the IPC value for the Axis power by “1”.
      Lend Lease: The Western Allies can transfer money to the SU with a small risk that the money is lost.
  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    What is that Operation Gomorrha ?

    This mean heavy Bombers ? US and UK can do Same bombing run like a combined SBR attack ? Bombers attack increases ?

  • Thanks Marcsson, appreciate the extra info!

  • @GEN-MANSTEIN said in Individual Development Chart:

    What is that Operation Gomorrha ?

    This mean heavy Bombers ? US and UK can do Same bombing run like a combined SBR attack ? Bombers attack increases ?


    A breakthrough means in your next strategic bombing raid all your bombers will throw three dice and you choose the best result. In the official rulebook heavy bombers do the same with two dice I think, but a breakthrough in that case means that this technology applies for every future raid while in my house rule it is valid for only one raid (but the breakthrough can be acchieved several times).

    I have to add that the price system in my house rules is slightly different as well.

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