event card’s
severe winter ( russia, x 3, europe, x 1, china, x 1, canada, x 2, u.s. x 1, )
armor and artillery unit’s that attack a territory -1, infantry attack at half, 2 hit’s = 1 hit, fighter’s and bomber’s - 1, for one full round of play,
oil supply shortage ( x 5 )
unit’s move at -1, infantry and artillery, not affected, long range aircraft -2
spy card ( x 9 )
you may hold this card for one full round, after an opponent makes their combat move you may move any number of your unit’s from one territory to any other within range
at a cost of 1 i.p.c for every 5 unit’s
steel shortage ( x 5 )
you may spend no more than half of your i.p.c. on armor, sea unit’s, air unit’s, for this round,
national uncertainty ( x 10 )
roll 1 dice, spend that number of i.p.c.
blitz attack ( x 4 )
play this card on any round, you may conduct one round of un-contested combat in one territory that you attack
recruiting exceed’s quota ( x 10 )
you may place up to 3 infantry at a cost of 1 i.p.c.
neutral diplomacy ( x 15 )
choose a neutral nation, roll 1 dice, 4-6 the neutral nation agree’s to give you half their i.p.c. value, rounded up, every round
high sea’s ( x 15 )
place a token on the stated s.z. movement cost’s double into, out of, or through that s.z.
technological breakthrough ( x 4 )
roll 2 free tech dice
non event card’s ( x 60 )
thats just 10 ideas… way too many copies of the same idea… dont you think people will get bored of the same idea coming up again and again???
Id have at least 40 unique ideas, before repeats.