If a nation is willing to do whatever their emperor says, that is high national morale. production is already represented in the game. national morale should represent the willingness of a country to continue the fight. I think Japanese would have fought just as long and hard and probably longer and harder than any of the other powers. Sure the US is a much better system to die for, but thats all the more reason to stay home, forget Europe. It is the people of horrible countries like the Soviet Union who were willing to sacrifice everything for their nation.
The Japanese surrendered ( actually the emperor surrendered) after dropping the A-bombs
Japan surrenderd and didn’t even get invaded… thats not much for national resolve. Basically make the emperor feel bad and give him a bad hair day, and japan folds… thats not what USA would have done.
Japan would have to basically march from Los Angeles to Washington DC to force FDR to surrender.
Hitler would not surrender if he remained alive. Thats a fact., same with Churchill and Stalin
Japan had the resolve to sacrifice her soldiers to die, but when it came to the people dying… the emperor had enough.
In Hitlers and Stalin’s case they would better let everybody die fighting till the bitter end, but its less clear with Stalin because he asked for peace in Oct 41 ( secretly of course) and Hitler refused.
Any way the general pattern remains remarkably similar to the IPC levels and perhaps its a measure of assesment:
the national leader can compare his position like you may compare your position playing your nation and knowing fully well, your potential is only as good as the production of war goods to sustain the war. If its really small its easy to see your position as hopeless.
Take the poker analogy: the short stack player knows the players with more cash can bully the pots and poor players get pushed around knowing w/o the chips they have little chance to win.
This was the Italians take on the war, Duce knew he was not prepared till 43, but sided with adolf in 1940 because he figured the war was won when france fell.
Japanese strategy was nothing more than: “we are prepared to blow up the US pacific fleet and HOPE the USA will leave us Japanese alone because to fight us would not be worth it because USA has no claims in Asia. But if USA decided to try to kill us it would be unavoidable, so we are gambling on one good slug against Hawaii, so we gain a temporary advantage”
This is not the strategy of a nation with great resolve. its like a gamble in a point in time for Japan. Thus Japan didnt really believe it was better and could win, but only a chance to win. Germany believed it would win, as UK and USA